EricDent said:
Sounds interesting, hopefully some cool cards to add to my decks.
So did they immediately switch from Diamond & Pearl/Platinum to HeartGold/SoulSilver?
I don't think they are going to rush Ruby & Saphire into the TCG.
I mean by then we will only have 4 X & Y sets?
When HeartGold/SoulSiver came out, there was a bunch of sets.
In third gen, FRLG came out pretty much a year and a bit after RS. There were 5 ex series sets before ex FireRed Leafgreen. 3rd gen is different because every single set had this ex attached to it, like ex emerald, ex unseen forces etc.
In 4th, 5th, and 6th generation, it is different. The name of the video games are attached to every set name. Diamond and Pearl Great Encounters, HS Undaunted, Black and White Next Destinies, XY Furious Fists etc. In all of these situations, the name of the game was attached to the set so long as that game was the newest game, or close to being the newest game. Platinum came out after 7 DP series sets because Platinum the video game came out pretty much 2 years after Diamond and Pearl. A year after that HGSS the video games came out, which is why we have 4 Platinum series sets.
I think the February set next year will be the first ORAS set. If the XY series was instead called the Mega series, where they call it MEGA XY, MEGA Flashfire, MEGA Furious fists, MEGA Phantom Forces, MEGA ORAS etc, then it would make sense just like ex Ruby Sapphire, ex Firered Leafgreen, and ex Emerald, but so far, it is XY Flashfire, XY Furious fists,so it would suggest the name change to ORAS something. I predict the ORAS series would last 4 sets, and the February 2016 set would be the first Z set, assuming the 3rd game is called "Z".
Look at it this way, if ORAS was the February set, and we only have 4 XY sets, think about the video games. XY lasted for 1 year before ORAS came out, kind of like generation 3, where there were 5 ex sets before ex Firered Leafgreen.