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Now updated with (Luxray GL Lv.X & Uxie Lv.X) bring me new primes and (JPN) mer

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RE: Updated New List/ Bring me your spiritombs (AR)

DGX ($20)


Kingdra prime ($10)
Jumpluff HGSS ($8)
1 Holo energy from HP
RE: Updated New List/ Bring me your spiritombs (AR)

Would you by any chance have an unlisted Gengar X?
RE: Updated New List/ Bring me your spiritombs (AR)

Sorry didn't see anything but do u have any of the following unlisted

XXxx Garchomp C's
XXxx Luxray GL's
XXxx Pokemon Collector's
XXxx Pokemon Communication's
XXxx Playmats
XXxx Sleeves

Yes I have one for trade

Bump #1
RE: Updated New List/ Bring me your spiritombs (AR)

I have from your wants:
1x RH Cyrus's Conspiracy
1x RH PokeTurn
1x Garchomp C NH
1x Luxray GL

I'm interested in your:
5x Gengar SF (1x RH)
1x Gengar LV.X
xX Uxie LA (heck why not)

You can also CML if there's anything else you'd like to add (SP Engine update)
LMK, thanks!

EDIT: Oh yes, we haven't concluded our previous trade yet. Well, LMK if you're interested in any of this anyway.
RE: Updated New List/ Bring me your spiritombs (AR)

I'm not really seeing anything else besides the SP engine stuff so I guess u can make the first offer thanks bro.
RE: Updated New List/ Bring me your spiritombs (AR)

1x RH Cyrus's Conspiracy
2x EnergyGain NH or Cyrus's Conspiracy NH (or any combination of the 2)
1x RH Cyrus's Conspiracy
1x PokeTurn

1x Gengar SF RH
1x Uxie LP

Counter or not, LMK thanks!
RE: Updated New List/ Bring me your spiritombs (AR)

How about this then sir

1x RH Cyrus's Conspiracy
1x Poke Turn (NH)
1x Garchomp C

1x Gengar SF RH
1x Uxie LP

Counter or not, LMK thanks!
RE: Updated New List/ Bring me your spiritombs (AR)

Well IDK about that deal, but since I seen that u up-dated your list I'm interested in these far most

2x Garchomp C X (PACK Only)
1x Uxie X
1x Luxray GL Lv.X
4x Donphan PRIME
1x ERL (FULL)(Main Want)
3x BTS
4x Poke Turn(Main Want)
4x E-Gain(Main Want)
4x Power Spray(Main Want)
2x Garchomp C
1x Promocroak (DP41)(Main Want)
4x Cyrus Consipracy(Main Want)
4x Call (Main Want)
5x E-Belts
4x Collector
RE: Updated New List/ Bring me your spiritombs (AR)

I didn't see enough to cover for any of those but is this offer good?

1-1 Mewtwo X (promo)
2x Uxie LA (pack)
1x Aaron's Collection 1x RH
RE: Updated New List/ Bring me your spiritombs (AR)

I dont need the Mewtwo stuff because I already have it.
RE: Updated New List/ Bring me your spiritombs (AR)

Then I can do:
4x Call
2x Uxie LA (pack)
1x Unown Q
1x RH Aaron's Collection
2x Dialga G (pack)
1x Dragonite FB
RE: Updated New List/ Bring me your spiritombs (AR)

OK deal but I only have 1x Dailga G left for trade because the others got traded and plus some got put into a deck for battle roads so what else could I throw in.
RE: Updated New List/ Bring me your spiritombs (AR)

yes because it just happened today because I traded 3 away already, then I put 3 inside my dialga/chomp SP deck so thats only leaves one for trade sir I just did'nt update yet.
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