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    Thank you!

Now updated with (Luxray GL Lv.X & Uxie Lv.X) bring me new primes and (JPN) mer

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RE: Updated New List/ Bring me your spiritombs (AR)


I like the following

Lv. X's
Palkia G - Pack
Garchomp C - Pack
Dusknoir - Pack
Gengar - Pack
Gallade 4 - Pack
Infernape 4 - Pack
Absol G - Pack
Salamance - Pack
Cresselia - Pack
Drapion - Pack
Electivire - Pack

Flea- No thanks sir

Garchomp- Well you could counter!!!!!!!

Azelf- No thanks sir.
RE: Updated New List/ Bring me your spiritombs (AR)

Would you do this...

Lv. X's
Palkia G - Pack
Absol G - Pack
Salamance - Pack
Cresselia - Pack
Drapion - Pack
Electivire - Pack

1x Pokeball Sleeves (Blueish/Green)(SEALED)
1x JPN Charizard Sleeves (SEALED)
1x Kyogre Groudon Legend (TOP)
1x Kyogre Groudon Legend (BOTTOM)

Let Me Know or Counter Offer Plz.
RE: Updated New List/ Bring me your spiritombs (AR)


Would you do this...

Lv. X's
Palkia G - Pack
Absol G - Pack
Salamance - Pack
Cresselia - Pack
Gebgar- Pack

1x Pokeball Sleeves (Blueish/Green)(SEALED)
1x Kyogre Groudon Legend (TOP)
1x Kyogre Groudon Legend (BOTTOM)

Let Me Know or Counter Offer please.
RE: Updated New List/ Bring me your spiritombs (AR)

How about...

Lv. X's
Absol G - Pack
Salamance - Pack
Drapion - Pack
Electivire - Pack

1x Pokeball Sleeves (Blueish/Green)(SEALED)
1x Kyogre Groudon Legend (TOP)
1x Kyogre Groudon Legend (BOTTOM)
RE: Updated New List/ Bring me your spiritombs (AR)

Define Yugioh stuff. I have a huge binder of secrets/ultra rares, supers, etc. and HUNDREDS of commons pm me with specific list/idea of what you want?
I also have:

XX Spiritomb (AR)
Pokemon Game (Heart Gold or Soul Silver) I have heartgold. but honestly would prefer to offload yugioh or 2 spiritomb unless absolutely nessicary
Promocroak G

My want list (I saw some specific stuff but you mix in rares with commons/uncommos so i figured this might be easier)

Major wants:

Infernape lv X (Pack NOT tin)
Regiice LA
Gengar SF
Manetric PT
torterra pl
Articuno SV
ttar prof binder (Preferably Sealed)
Vileplume EX (with trainer lock body)

Medium wants:
x1 Kingdra Prime
2 Machamp SF
Machamp lv X
Girantina PL 9
4 Unown R
X Pokemon Collector
Uxie X LA (I already have 3, so I won't give a Ton for them)
2 Call Energy

Low Wants:
2 X Garchomp C Lv.X Promo
2 RH Haunter SF
3 RH Gastly SF
3 RH Horsea LA
3 RH Seadra LA
3 RH Hoppip HGSS
3 RH Skiploom HG SS
1 RH Ambipom G
2 RH Charmander AR
2 RH Charmeleon AR
Uxie X WC
5 HG SS Fire energies
4 RH Phanphy HG SS
RH Staple Trainers/Supporters/Stadium
RE: Updated New List/ Bring me your spiritombs (AR)

mlouden03- PM sent

Crippler- Do u see anything wrong with this sir

Lv. X's
Absol G - Pack($10)
Salamance - Pack($5)
Drapion - Pack($7)
Electivire - Pack($5)

1x Pokeball Sleeves (Blueish/Green)(SEALED)($17)
1x Kyogre Groudon Legend (TOP)($12)
1x Kyogre Groudon Legend (BOTTOM) ($12)

Can u add the Gengar X
RE: Updated New List/ Bring me your spiritombs (AR)

salamence x, kingdra prime, and charizard g lv. x for them?

plz pm me regarding this
RE: Updated New List/ Bring me your spiritombs (AR)

Flea- How about

2x TOP Lugia legend
2x Bottom Lugia Legend
2x TOP ho-oh legend
2x bottome ho-oh legend
1x Kingdra Prime
Salamence lv. X (set)
RE: Updated New List/ Bring me your spiritombs (AR)

Azelf- Imma just hold on to the Luxray X til next set so as of now its off the trade list thanks anyway sir.
RE: Updated New List/ Bring me your spiritombs (AR)

magmortar lv x for 3 momo milk and pokemon communication
RE: Updated New List/ Bring me your spiritombs (AR)

Hey, interested in:

Raichu Lv X
Raichu Prime
Ninetales HGSS

Please check my list and CML Thanks![/align]
RE: Updated New List/ Bring me your spiritombs (AR)

bulb- I like these

1x Garchomp C (HOLO)
1x Spiritomb (AR)
1x Vileplume (UD)
RE: Updated New List/ Bring me your spiritombs (AR)

cml for
•1x Blaziken FB (SV)
•1x Palkia G (PL)
•3x Energy Exchange(3xRH)
•3x Call Energy
•1x JPN Charizard Sleeves (SEALED)
RE: Updated New List/ Bring me your spiritombs (AR)


cml for
•1x Blaziken FB (SV)(Traded)
•1x Palkia G (PL)(Traded)
•3x Energy Exchange(3xRH)(Have)
•3x Call Energy(Have)
•1x JPN Charizard Sleeves (SEALED) (Traded)

But I'm very interested in your Uxie X
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