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Now updated with (Luxray GL Lv.X & Uxie Lv.X) bring me new primes and (JPN) mer

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RE: Team Wolfpack from (Texas)

80baby said:
None extra besides 1x Cyrus (JPN) and plus the ones inside my SP deck

Javier8100 said:
IDK about this deal because not all of your cards are worth anything close to mine for example:

1x Crobat (PRIME)($8-10)
1x Jumpluff (HGSS)($5-7)
1x E-Gain(.50/each)
2x Poke Drawer +(.50/each=$1)
1x Mesprit (LA)($3-4)

1x Giratina X($14-17)
1x Ho-oh (top)($7-10)

Javier8100 said:
garchomp md x is played. but i was also intrested in ur raichu x

Well as far as my stuff goes heres the down-low

1x Azelf (LA)(Traded)
1x Darkrai/Cresellia Deckbox (Some of the pic on the back is strached off but still good condition box box wise)

1x Raichu X (Is still for trade)

So would u wanna do.

sorry for the late reply. but can i have pics of the deckbox?

I don't have a camera sorry bro but I tried to tell u about it in the last post.
its no prob but can you check google to see if they got any images of the box
RE: Team Wolfpack from (Texas)

Azelf Master said:
•1x Flygon Lv.X
1x sp radar
•1x Energy Gains
•2x Power Spray
•1x Fighting Holo (HP)
•3x Fighting Holo League
•4x Call Energy
•Regiggias/Heatran Deckbox (USED)
•Darkrai/Cresselia Deckbox (USED)

Sorry cant do that trade because clearly Flygon Lv.X is still at ($25-30), and Uxie Lv.X is valued at around ($25-$35) and plus u want everything else and that would be way too lop-sided for your end sir.

Ryu Hayabusa said:
My Charizard AR x3 and Jumpluff RH

Your Flygon X

LMK sir.

I'll pass
RE: Team Wolfpack from (Texas)

Alright sir. What about your Poke turns and cyrus's conspiracy? Can we make a trade for a couple of those?
RE: Team Wolfpack from (Texas)

Javier8100 said:
Well as far as my stuff goes heres the down-low

1x Azelf (LA)(Traded)
1x Darkrai/Cresellia Deckbox (Some of the pic on the back is strached off but still good condition box box wise)

1x Raichu X (Is still for trade)

So would u wanna do.
sorry for the late reply. but can i have pics of the deckbox?

I don't have a camera sorry bro but I tried to tell u about it in the last post.
its no prob but can you check google to see if they got any images of the box

Here you go bro tell me what u think


Ryu Hayabusa said:
Alright sir. What about your Poke turns and cyrus's conspiracy? Can we make a trade for a couple of those?

There inside my deck so what can u offer.
RE: Team Wolfpack from (Texas)

Well first off, I have a jumpluff RH for you, and also an Azelf LA. Check my lvl X's, and my primes.
RE: Team Wolfpack from (Texas)

Javier8100 said:
now that is a nice deck box!!! what do you want for it

Well just to remind u once again the deck box isn't perfect because some of the pic on the back is gone due to me having it inside my backpack along my trips to pokemon tcg event all over north texas, but its still a decent deckbox to have because everything is still in tack the only the only downfall is the back pic, but heres what all I like from u and just to let u know the raichu X is still for trade if u want it still.

1x Leafeon X
1x Absol G X
1x Machamp X
1x Garchomp X (Whats the condition and whats the set its from)
1x Kingdra (PRIME)
1x (SHINY) Vulpix
1x Alph Lithograph (HGSS)
XXxx Spiritomb (AR)(How many u got since u have the whole (AR) set)
1x Sataraptor FB X

Ryu Hayabusa said:
Well first off, I have a jumpluff RH for you, and also an Azelf LA. Check my lvl X's, and my primes.

Well honestly I dont think that I'm gonna be taking those outta my deck for some time now because I'm actually using that deck along with my jumpluff deck so is there anything else that u might need.
RE: Team Wolfpack from (Texas)

Ok, so why did you tell me you would trade them to me? Just curious... I do notice that you have extra in your haves list, which is why I asked.
RE: Team Wolfpack from (Texas)

Ryu Hayabusa said:
Ok, so why did you tell me you would trade them to me? Just curious... I do notice that you have extra in your haves list, which is why I asked.

Well at first when we offered it out, we did have an extra poke turn but it was traded off in pervious trade because I took the best offer on what we needed at this present time lending to 2010 worlds, so that person offered good and got my extra poke turn and the only extra of cyrus was the 1x (JPN) one and as well as u and we both know that no one wants (JPN) cards that u cant use, so I'm sorry for the big confusion because we will have to get a pretty good offer in order for me to dismember my SP deck just because everyone wants (SP engine stuff), but we might have some more after this weekend so be on the lookout for more updates because we update almost every weekend or make me a good offer that I wont be able to refuse, so I really hope we could make a trade now or in the near feature my fellow trainer.
RE: Team Wolfpack from (Texas)

how about
kindra prime
and something else

raichu x
and the deck box.
and ill only trade for the deck box if its still in good condition. i dont want a bad deck box
RE: Team Wolfpack from (Texas)

I've got both halves of Entei and Raikou Legend. I'll trade for Lanturn Prime and Ampharos Prime.
RE: Team Wolfpack from (Texas)

Javier8100 said:
how about
kindra prime
and something else

raichu x
and the deck box.
and ill only trade for the deck box if its still in good condition. i don't want a bad deck box

How about this:

1x Machamp X
1x Garchomp X (Whats the condition and whats the set its from)
1x Kingdra (PRIME)

1x Regigigas/Heatran Deckbox
1x Raichu Lv.X

The"Desert Kid" said:
I've got both halves of Entei and Raikou Legend. I'll trade for Lanturn Prime and Ampharos Prime.

DEAL PMing you now.
RE: Team Wolfpack from (Texas)

4x Poke Turn(Decked atm & VHTG)
4x Call Energy(VERY HARD TO GET)(1xRH)[/quote[

Take these off your list if they're decked or very hard to get.

dmaster out.

4x Poke Turn(Decked atm & VHTG)
4x Call Energy(VERY HARD TO GET)(1xRH)

Take these off your list if they're decked or very hard to get.

dmaster out.
RE: Team Wolfpack from (Texas)

Javier8100 said:
i don't want the regigigas one...

Well I dont really want to send the deckbox all the way to u and then u say that u dont want then have to send it all the way back and then that would be a waste of postege don't u agree my friend so what deal can we do for the raichu Lv.X

AznPikaChu77 said:
do u have a charizard base set

Yes I have

2x Charizard (BASE)
1x Blastoise (BASE)
1x Venasaur (BASE)

What else are u looking for my friend because I really wanna make a deal.
RE: Team Wolfpack from (Texas)

Hi there. Could you check my list for any of the following:

2x Crobat Prime
3x Jumpluff HGSS

I have to offer an Arceus LV.X (Psychic Bolt) and you can also check my list further.
RE: Team Wolfpack from (Texas)

The_Joker said:
Hi there. Could you check my list for any of the following:

2x Crobat Prime
3x Jumpluff HGSS

I have to offer an Arceus LV.X (Psychic Bolt) and you can also check my list further.

Sorry I cant send outside the US, as u can see inside my rules on page 1.
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