DPPt/HGSS Now with Pokerus, Phione and Enigma Berry!  graznador's My Player Thread

RE: graznador's My Player Thread

graznador, if you would like, you can ask for a different nature Ditto if you want. I now have nearly all natures except: Naughty, Jolly, and Mild.
RE: graznador's My Player Thread

Updated with more items and Pokemon. I should be able to be on wifi after 8:30 Pacific this Wed, May30.
RE: Now with Pokerus!  graznador's My Player Thread

Updated! I now have the Pokerus! I can infect any Pokemon you'd like with it!
RE: Now with Pokerus!  graznador's My Player Thread

i forgot i can give you the Toxic Tm
RE: Now with Pokerus!  graznador's My Player Thread

i give you dawn stone
RE: Now with Pokerus!  graznador's My Player Thread

Updated! Now with Phione and Enigma Berry!
I can get:
Is that Shinx a male?
If it is I'd like to trade it for the Togepi.
RE: Now with Pokerus, Phione and Enigma Berry! graznador's My Player Thread

Hi, i have an swinub i can breed for ya? I want the Squirtle or charmander or bulbasaur or totodile. I can look if i have a berrie that you do not have so we both can trade the pokemon while holding a berrie. If you think we have a deal just pm me!
Yeah I have a meganium that ya might want. I'm interested in your Gible. Also if ya want I can see if I can breed it with my Ditto to get a Chickorita for your Spiritomb. So let me know if your interested or if you have any of the ones I wanted still in stock.
could i get a rhyhorn lv 1 with crunch and earthquake and POKERUS for a female elekid or a chickorita, or bayleaf
pokefan96: I checked out your thread, but you don't have anything listed. Do you have a list of wants/haves?

PM sent ssb4ever.
graznador said:
pokefan96:  I checked out your thread, but you don't have anything listed.  Do you have a list of wants/haves?

PM sent ssb4ever.
Well that's the thing. over the weeks that I made that thread I completely forgot about it. So that I should have mentioned earlier. But I'll see if I can recreate a new one.