NV Leavanny & Mewtwo EX


Aspiring Trainer

I don't have enough Mewtwos to test this out, but could this help you if your meta is a bunch of mewtwo decks? Since Mewtwo vs Mewtwo pretty much depends on who goes first..what if you had this Leavanny on your bench? So that way you can't be knocked out in one turn.

With out Leavanny:
Opponent has 2 energies on Mewtwo EX (active)
You have 2 energies on Mewtwo EX (active)

Opponent goes before you do, does the first attack. 4x2=8 x2 because of weakness = 160 (+ plays a Plus Power) = 170dmg KO

With Leavanny:
Same every thing except it eliminates weakness, so only doing 80 dmg(90 at most w/Plus Power) that turn. Gives you the chance on your turn to KO them, or at least survive some hits from Mewtwo or Chandelure.
Sadly, the problem with this is that your opponent will Catcher it before you get it set up. It would be nice because it will draw one hit away from your Mewtwo, but don't plan on it staying alive for long.
And if you didn't want catcher, then it'd take a while to set up the item blocker. xP I knew it seemed a bit too good to be true..unless you can get them paralyzed/sleep to stall for a little bit..though the odds of that are slim. Poop. /:
The only problem is the fact that it will take a while to get Leavanny at least two turns to set up. Our Weedle look-alike Sewaddle becomes toast when the opponent sees this coming. You're forced to attach an Energy to Leavanny for a turn so you don't get burned through against a Reshiram as well, making Leavanny a sub-par choice.
I this is a decent strategy, but you can't just play Mewtwo EX/Leavanny. If you made it kind of like MTC, they'd go after Tornadus first. The best line would probably be 3-1-2 or 3-0-2.
Like venusour x said, Leavanny is just Catcher bait. It doesn't help one bit that this card has such low HP. The largest problem with this card, though, is the fact that it is Stage 2. With the BW Rare Candy errata, that makes Stage 2 cards that much worse. If it gets knocked out, good luck on setting up another one before your opponent wins the game.
Tbh I'm glad it preferably doesn't work. Now I don't have to worry about Mewtwo EX decks being way to OP. x)

Thanks! c:
The real problem with this strategy is that decks based around Mewtwo don't run Rare Candy. So it's an 8 to 10-card investment just to win the mirror match. It doesn't seem worth it, even though it's possible it could be effective.

Also, in your first post, you said the Mewtwo mirror came down to who went first. Really, it comes down to who attacks with Mewtwo second 70% of the time, and 30% of the time it comes down to who can keep the consistent Mewtwo revenges going longer.
It´s not winner who goes first, that who goes second will OHKO Mewtwo first
How you will attach 5 energies on your Mewtwo EX? that goes first attach DCE, does 80, then who goes second, attach DCE and PlusPower and does 180 dmg with Weakness

Remember PlusPower does 10 more damage before Weakness and Resistance
Then it´s 20 with weakness not just 10

But Eviolited Mewtwo isn´t OHKOed that easy, you need 3 energies or DCE and 2 PlusPowers