• Please read THIS THREAD if you are a new trader/seller.

    Thank you!

NZ - Wanted to Buy : Keldeo EX / Full Art N, Skyla, Cheren, Bianca


Hurl into darkness
Hello all, just updating my wants thread again :)

As stated lastime I am in New Zealand, so its awhile away but I am obviously covering all shipping cost's living that far away :)

Currently am looking for

Keldeo EX
Full Art Cheren / Bianca / Skyla / N
Blastoise line (R/H)

Thanks all
RE: Wanted to Buy : Primes, SP Pokemon, and T/S/S Staples

1 Blaziken FB
3x Power Spray
1 Energy Gain
$16.50 Shipped. Sorry for high shipping. New Zeland is expensive to ship to.
RE: Wanted to Buy : Primes, SP Pokemon, and T/S/S Staples

No need to apologise, expected high shipping cost because of this, I'll have a look through your selling thread to see if there is anything else you have that I want / need and then we can sort out a deal :) sounds good so far though!
RE: Wanted to Buy : Primes, SP Pokemon, and T/S/S Staples

Hey there, I have these:

Kingdra Prime x2 - $10.00 each

SP Pokemon
Blaziken FB x1 - $5.00
Crobat G (x2 or 3) - $3.00 each

Cyrus's Conspiracy x4 - $4.00 each
TGI:poke Turn x2 (1 RH) $4.00;$8.00 for RH
TGI: E-Gain x2 - $2.50 each
TGI: Power Spray x2 - $2.00 each
Poke comm x2 - $2.50 each
Poke Collect x2 - $4.50 each
Cynthia's feekubds x1
Expret Belt (as many as possible) - $3.00 for League Promo
VS Seeker x2 - $0.75

Let me know. (Shipping not included BTW)

RE: Wanted to Buy : Primes, SP Pokemon, and T/S/S Staples

Between Glaceon and AnthonyG thats nearly all my "wants" list covered

I wish I lived in america!

Right, let me sort out what I can afford from both your list's this week and send you both some PM's. Whatever I can't afford this payday I will definitly grab off you next payday if you still have the cards :)

Thanks for the responses!
RE: Wanted to Buy : Primes, SP Pokemon, and T/S/S Staples

Primes -
Kingdra Prime x2 $6 each
Donphan Prime x1 $8

SP Pokemon
Eletivire FB x2 $2 each
Infernape LVL X1 (Assuming you mean Infernape e4 x) $16
Toxicroak G (DP41) X1 $10
Drifblim FB x1 $2
Crobat G (x3) $7

TGI:poke Turn x4 $5.50 each
TGI: E-Gain x2 $2 each
TGI: Power Spray x2 $1 each
Poke comm x2 $2 each
Poke Collect x2 $5 each
Cynthia's feelings x1 Throw in
Expert Belt (as many as possible) $2 each
VS Seeker x2 $1 each

And around $6 shipping MAY cover it.
RE: Wanted to Buy : Primes, SP Pokemon, and T/S/S Staples

i have:
Primes -
Kingdra Prime x2 10usd each
Donphan Prime x1 10 usd
Gengar Prime (open to offers not high priority) 40usd

SP Pokemon
Eletivire FB x2 2 usd
Infernape LVL X1 15usd
Drifblim FB x1 1usd
Crobat G (x2 or 3) 5 usd for 3of them

Cyrus's Conspiracy x4 3usd each
TGI:poke Turn x4 4 usd each
TGI: E-Gain x2 2 usd each
Poke comm x2 5 usd each
TGI: Power Spray x2 $1 each

Expret Belt (as many as possible) 1usd each for the league promo
VS Seeker x2 $1 each
i dunno abt the shipping yet depends on how many cards u wanna buy from me
RE: Wanted to Buy : Primes, SP Pokemon, and T/S/S Staples

To the owner of this thread:
You must read the rules and request a rep thread based on the requirements. Once you have done so, PM me and I will reopen this thread.


Requested one. Reopened.
RE: Wanted to Buy : T/S/S Staples, Sableye, Big Daddy Krow

1 - 1 line of Honchkrow SV - $1.50
2 - TGI- Power Spray - $1.50 each

$6.50 shipped?

From Canada.
RE: Wanted to Buy : T/S/S Staples, Sableye, Big Daddy Krow

2x Power Spray
1x Sableye
1x Pachirisu

$19 shipped??
RE: Wanted to Buy : T/S/S Staples, Sableye, Big Daddy Krow

4x Sableye (NOT FOR SABLEDONK!!!)
1 - 1 line of Honchkrow SV
2 - Broken Time Space
3 - Pokemon Collector
2 - TGI- Power Spray

Total, with shipping, of $65 w/certificate of mailing.
RE: Wanted to Buy : T/S/S Staples, Sableye, Big Daddy Krow

Thanks everyone, am sorting a trade with someone who PM'd me which would cover all my wants in one trade, thanks for the reply's but I should have everything I need from the one trade.
RE: Wanted to Buy : Playmat / Gengar Prime / Magnezone Prime / RH TSS


Updated my wants list
RE: Wanted to Buy : Playmat / Gengar Prime / Magnezone Prime / RH TSS

Gengar Primes x1 - $18 (retails for $25 on TNT & ~$18 on Ebay)
Magnezone Prime x1 - $18 (retails for $25 on TNT & ~$19-20 on Ebay)
x4 R/H Seeker - $8 each = $32 (retails for $12 each on TNT & $8 shipped on Ebay)
x1 HGSS Playmat - $25

-- $93 --

Add $10 for shipping because of the Playmat and it's to New Zealand...

$103 w/o tracking & insurance, $118 with tracking.

Without the mat, I can do...
$72 shipped to New Zealand w/o tracking, $84 with tracking.

LMK, thanks.
RE: Wanted to Buy : Playmat / Gengar Prime / Magnezone Prime / RH TSS

2X Gengar and 2X Magnezone primes for 75 shipped
RE: Wanted to Buy : Playmat / Gengar Prime / Magnezone Prime / RH TSS

Sorry to both of you, don't have the money currently, have had some unexpected cost's come up with my car and I won't be able to buy anything this week sorry =/

I will update this thread once I am in a better money situation, will also start a trade thread as I have plenty to trade for the cards that I need, so keep an eye out. I will link the thread in here once I have one setup