• When creating a thread in the Deck Garage, make sure that you post one deck per thread, you use the correct prefix, you have the set name/card number next to each card, you give a strategy for non-metagame decks, and give translations for all cards not available in English.

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(-o-)*~*VILEGAR (Seniors, Cities)*~*(-o-)


Aspiring Trainer
Hi, this is my deck for City Championships. Please give me feedback to help me make the deck the best it can be.

Pokemon: 25
1x Gengar Lv. X (97/99 AR)
2x Gengar (1x 16/99 AR, 1x 18/100 SF, 94/102 TR)
3x Haunter (3x 35/102 TR)
4x Gastly (62/100 SF)
2x Vileplume (24/90 UD)
2x Gloom (97/146 LA)
2x Oddish (112/146 LA)
4x Spiritomb (32/99 AR)
2x Uxie (43/146 LA)
1x Azelf (19/146 LA)
1x Unown Q (49/100 MD)

Trainers, Supporters & Stadiums: 21
4x Bebe's Search (89/111 RR)
4x Pokemon Collector (97/123 HS)
4x Broken Time-Space (104/127 PL)
3x Looker's Investigation (109/127 PL)
2x Copycat (90/123 HS)
2x Seeker (88/102 TR)
1x Twins (89/102 TR)
1x Palmer's Contribution (139/147 SV)

Energy: 14
2x Rescue Energy (90/102 TR)
2x Call Energy (92/100 MD)
3x Warp Energy (95/99 SF)
7x {P} Energy

Just the same as any other Vilegar Deck, just with additions from Triumphant (Techs n' stuff).

LMK on what I need to fix.

I also want to add a Blaziken FB Lv. X 1-1 line in this (Dialga G counter) so could somebody PM me or post on the thread my decklist with the changes I would need to make. This would also include like fire energy etc.
Thanks in advance.
RE: VILEGAR (Seniors, Cities)

In the open slots, add
1x Spiritomb AR (to start with)
2x Warp Energy
1-1 Blaz FB (to counter Dialga)
1x Rainbow Energy (for blaz)
-1 Unown Q (you don't need it without uxie x)
+ 2x Lookers/PONT/Judge/Copycat
RE: VILEGAR (Seniors, Cities)

Well, the first thing I see is all the trainers that you are using (6) that you should never actually be able to use without allowing your opponent to burn all of their trainer cards thus ruining your chances of winning. Also, Looker's Investigation is much better than judge so i suggest using 4 lookers and 0 judge and Unown Q is useful to free retreat a Spiritomb even if you don't use Uxie Lv. X. Another thing I see is that running a single Rainbow Energy does you little favors, considering that statistically your chances of drawing it for much of the game will be less than 5%. So, I would suggest removing all of your trainers to strengthen some of your current lines.

-2x Rare Candy
-2x Pokemon Communication (98/123 HS)
-1x Luxury Ball (86/100 SF)
-1x Expert Belt (87/99 AR)
-2 Judge
-1 Rainbow Energy

+1 Spiritomb
+1 Warp Energy
+2 Looker's Investigation
+2 Psychic Energy
+2 Fire Energy
+1 Unown Q

There may be other suggestions that could be made, but this is what I saw so far. Also, I find that running a Dialga counter can cause more problems than what it solves, granted it is completely up to you.
RE: VILEGAR (Seniors, Cities)

i would take out blaziken fb, because you can lv. down dialga G with your gengar lv.X
RE: VILEGAR (Seniors, Cities)

I took out the Blaze FB Line and I'll add it in whenever I feel like battling with it.

Took out some trainers but kept in Rare Candy to level up to a Gengar or Vileplume fast and Expert Belt to equip to Gengar before Vileplume comes.

Added 1 Psychic NRG & Unown Q.

Thanks for the advice, keep giving more.
RE: VILEGAR (Seniors, Cities)

You're better off with 3 SF Gengar and the level x, than 2 SF and 1 AR.

The only trainers you should be running are 1 Luxury ball and 2-3 Rare Candy. Not expert belt.

If you can get them, try 4 call, 5-6 Psychic and 3 Warp for your energy line up.
RE: VILEGAR (Seniors, Cities)

trade out your oddish and gloom with LA ones
RE: VILEGAR (Seniors, Cities)

I don't have 1 more Gengar SF or the psychic oddish or gloom.
Updated a bunch.
RE: VILEGAR (Seniors, Cities)

take out
-2 Rare Candy
-1 Luxury Ball
-1 Expert Belt
-1 Pokemon Collector
add in
+1 Unown Q
+4 Call Energy
you dont need trainers but call Energy help with bad start
RE: VILEGAR (Seniors, Cities)

Only 2-3 call energys are needed. Unown Q is useful if you run Uxie X but you don't so I'd say you only need 1.
I'd say:
-1 expert belt
-1 rare candy
-1 collector
+3 call