Non Sequitur said:
>after repealing Obamacare first
You were born with a silver spoon in your mouth. How good for you. It's easy to talk if you only have to worry about "the economical state of the USA". You have obviously no idea that everyone else is not born under the same circumstances, and I'm talking about US residents here. Stop being a greedy jerk and look up from your own navel - there are other people in this world too. "No I'm not greedy, xyz." Stop lying to yourself.
"Oooh ooh shut up you democrat!"
lolno, you don't know who I vote for.
Every single party in Finland approves of free public healthcare, free public geriatric care, etc.
The USA has been stuck in the past.
CSJ:s "sosialism rumour": welcome to Finland. We have the best schools in the world, we are one of the most educated nations and we have a comprehensive "social aid network". Lost your job? Come get money and look for a new one or educate yourself. Broke your leg? Welcome to our hospital. Got no car? Use these cheap busses (trains, tram, subway)! etc. etc.
I'm not saying that Finland is the best and you guys suck (I hate Finland and I want to move away. Mainly because of the climate, though). I say that socialism works, as you can see (if you open your eyes and start caring about others too). Is Finland in debt? Heck yes it is. Much? "Much". But guess what! Finland is actually one of the only EU countries that isn't breaking the EU rules of the debt limit. What is Finland doing? Loaning money to Greece. Does Finland have any problems? Of course it does (fex. urbanization, baby boomers).
But, Non Sequitur, with such opinions, do you consider yourself civilized? Currently, you shouldn't. You can't. That is not what a cilivlized person would say.