Oboy170's first sprite contest. Round Two Started!

RE: Oboy170's first sprite contest. Round one up!

I can see the great amount of work put in. It came out very nice.
RE: Oboy170's first sprite contest. Round one up!

CrackTheSkye said:
My entry; I named it after the Norse goddess of the underworld. :) Comprised of Cubone, Pinsir, Gardevoir, Koffing, Weezing, Rapidash, Sudowoodo, and Kabutops, with Gastly and Gengar coloring. Hope you like it, I worked hard on it! :D
Wow, that's amazing. : D
RE: Oboy170's first sprite contest. Round one up!

They are due on monday. Also, for people that are inactive and do not hand one in. Will all of them be eliminated or will you choose one of them to be eliminated randomly?
RE: Oboy170's first sprite contest. Round one up!

Just PM'ed them. If they still don't post something I will need 4 more people to join and start from the beginning.
RE: Oboy170's first sprite contest. Round one up!

If they don't respond randomly choose one and eliminate that one person. No need to restart. >.>
RE: Oboy170's first sprite contest. Round one up!

I made a nice one of clefable and pikachu together, now I know how you think. It's just let every other one that ain't that bad but it's whatever, well mine is good. JOO DON'T DESERVE EET! ^_^
RE: Oboy170's first sprite contest. Round one up!

Sorry, I was at my friend's lake house (with no computer) all weekend. >.<
I won't have time to enter one, sorry.
RE: Oboy170's first sprite contest. Round one up!

Charizard, did you get one in. Also, may I suggest, people like squirtli, posted saying they had a good excuse, so take them out of the drawing for who's eliminated rather than those who just forgot about the thread entirely.
RE: Oboy170's first sprite contest. Round one up!

I'm opening entry again. Squirtli, do you think you can still be in?
Anyone who knows someone who likes spriting, tell them about this I want this started soon.
RE: Oboy170's first sprite contest. Need 4 people to join.

Sorry, I was busy with stuff over the weekend and couldn't do it, I'll re-enter.
RE: Oboy170's first sprite contest. Need 4 people to join.

Ok. Please try to be more active this time.