Wi-Fi Trades Oddsok's My Player Thread- Now with TRU Regigigas!

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Aspiring Trainer
Welcome to Oddsok's player thread!

Please only legit pokemon, not hacks. Thanks.


My Friend Code: Diamond FC: 0044 5506 9401, Platinum FC: 1161 4427 4885
MSN: [email protected]
Contact Time: I can be contacted from about 10am to 10pm most days, but of course I won't be here all the time, so be patient please.
Please note: I live in Melbourne, Australia so I am GMT+10. Please take this into account.


POKEMON FOR TRADE====================

Chained shinies
· 7x Abra (Hasty, Serious, 3xMild, Timid, Lax)
· Absol (Adamant)
· 4x Ariados (Adamant, Rash, Modest, Bashful)
· Aron (Adamant)
· 6x Baltoy (3xBold, Timid, Naughty, Rash)
· 6xBeldum (5xAdamant, Gentle)
· 2x Bibarel (Gentle, Bold)
· 3x Bronzor (Relaxed, Careful, Sassy)
· 3x Budew (Timid, Sassy, Modest)
· 4xBuneary (4xTimid)
· 8x Chansey (3xCalm, 2xModest, Hasty, Mild, Timid)
· 4x Chatot (2xTimid, Bold, Modest)
· Clefairy (Bold)
· 6x Croagunk (3xJolly, Brave, Adamant, Rash)
· Ditto (Rash)
· 3x Duskull (2xImpish, Serious)
· 17x Eevee (2xSassy, 2xQuiet, 2xLonely, 2xRelaxed, 2xNaughty, Gentle, 2xMild, Hardy, Impish, Rash, Serious)
· Farfetch’d (Quiet)
· 12x Gastly (Naughty, 8xTimid, Serious, Mild, Quirky)
· 3x Geodude (Adamant, Docile, Mild)
· Hoothoot (Relaxed, 2xCalm, Serious)
· 6x Igglybuff (5xImpish, Modest)
· 4x Larvitar (2xAdamant, Brave, Quirky)
· 3x Ledian (2xTimid, Serious)
· 3x Lickitung (Impish, Adamant, Brave)
· 4xMachop (3xAdamant, Sassy)
· 5x Magnemite (5xModest)
· 5x Makuhita (4xAdamant, Sassy)
· 4x Mightyena (Bashful, 2xAdamant, Jolly)
· Miltank (Rash)
· 2x Nidoran♀ (Timid, Quirky)
· Nincada (Adamant)
· 5x Nosepass (4xCalm, Sassy)
· 4x Oddish (Modest, Calm, Sassy, Impish)
· 3x Phanpy (Impish, Adamant, Bashful)
· 4x Pineco (2xRelaxed, Modest, Lonely)
· 2x Pidgey (Timid, Adamant)
· 4x Pikachu (Modest, Adamant, Timid, Hardy)
· 4x Ponyta (Jolly, Mild, Timid, Bold)
· 9x Porygon (2xModest, Hasty, Gentle, 3xTimid, 2xNaughty)
· Psyduck (Timid)
· 8x Ralts (Calm, Adamant, Relaxed, Hardy, Jolly, Gentle, Lonely, Modest)
· 5x Rhyhorn (Adamant, Serious, Brave, Calm, Naïve)
· 3x Scyther (Jolly, Bashful, Impish)
· Shinx (Adamant)
· 3x Shuckle (Impish, Careful, Timid)
· 4x Skarmory (Impish, Jolly, Docile, Mild)
· 3x Skitty (Mild, Careful, Jolly)
· Smoochum (Modest)
· 4x Sneasel (2xJolly, Quirky, Bold)
· 2x Surskit (Bashful, Impish)
· 5x Swablu (2xAdamant, Modest, Relaxed, Careful)
· 4x Teddiursa (Adamant, Lax, Lonely, Naïve)
· 15x Togepi (3xCalm, 3xModest, 3xNaughty, Hardy, 2xQuirky, Brave, Quiet, Lax)
· 4x Torkoal (2xRelaxed, Hardy, Sassy)
· 2x Trapinch (Adamant, Timid)
· 7x Tyrogue (Relaxed, Modest, Lax, 2xGentle, 2xAdamant)
· Voltorb (Hasty)
· Wurmple (Lax)
· 5x Weedle (5xJolly)
· 5x Weezing (2xBold, Relaxed, Docile, Bashful)
· 4x Zigzagoon (3xAdamant, Impish)

SR, Random Encounter shinies(Highly doubtful that I will trade these, unless offer is worthwhile)
· 2x Azelf (Modest[Touched], Naïve[Japanese, Platinum])
· Giratina (Brave[Japanese, Platinum])
· Rotom (Timid[Japanese, Platinum])
· Sableye (Mild)
· Uxie (Calm[Japanese, Platinum])
· Tangela (Mild)
· Darkrai (Rash[Japanese, Platinum])


10 ANIV Journey Across America(00010):
-Bulbasaur Lv.70
-Charizard Lv.70
-Blastoise Lv.70
-Articuno Lv.70
-Zapdos Lv.70
-Moltres Lv.70
-Espeon Lv.70
-Umbreon Lv.70
-Alakazam Lv.70
-Latias Lv.70
-Latios Lv.70
-Pikachu Lv.70
-Blaziken Lv.70
-Absol Lv.70
-Tyranitar Lv.70
-Typhlosion Lv.70

10 ANIV Bryant Park (06808):
-Suicune Lv.70
-Raikou Lv.70
-Entei Lv.70

10ANNIV (UK + France) (06227):
-Lugia Lv.70

10JAHRE (Germany) (06227):
-Latias Lv.70 PKRS

10ANNI (06227):

PokeFesta 06 Events:

Pokemon Center New York:
-Crawdaunt Lv.50 PCNYc ID: 00602
-Seadra Lv.45 PCNYd ID: 00069
-Altaria Lv.45 PCNYd ID: 00071
-Flygon Lv.45 PCNYd ID: 00077
-Exploud Lv.50 PCNYc ID: 00605
-Seviper Lv.18 PCNYd ID: 00200
-Kingdra Lv.35 PCNYd ID: 00087
-Zangoose Lv.18 PCNYd ID: 00089
-Milotic Lv.35 PCNYd ID: 00676

Saikyou (Strongest): ~COMPLETE~
-Bold Milotic Lv.50 (09/01/08) Thoroughly cunning
-Serious Electivire Lv.50 (23/11/07) Highly persistent
-Naughty Salamence Lv.50 (19/02/08) Capable of taking hits
-Mild Dragonite Lv.50 (31/01/08) Quick to flee
-Hardy Magmortar Lv.50 (11/12/07) Quick tempered

Pokemon Ranch US, JP and other regions:
-Red Metagross Lv.62 (13/02/09) ID: 02109 Often dozes off
-Baba Flygon Lv.50 (01/06/08) ID: 07018 Often lost in thought
-Akiyama Slaking Lv.50 (9/01/09) ID: 01069 Likes to thrash about
-Akiyama Slaking Lv.50 (6/01/09) ID: 01069 A little quick tempered
-Golgo Octillery Lv.50 (16/10/07) ID: 10147
-Yukari Mew Lv.50

Pokepark (Japan and Taiwan):
-Modest Lv.30 Celebi ID: 60623

JEREMY Events:
-Growlithe lv.32
-Tauros lv.25

Pokemon 12th Anniversary Events:

Wish Events:

Hadou (Wave): ~COMPLETE~
-Mew Lv.10 (15/12/08) ID: 50716
-Regirock Lv.40 (6/6/07) ID: 50901
-Regice Lv.40 (6/6/07) ID: 50901
-Registeel Lv.40 (6/6/07) ID: 50901

Gotta Catch 'Em All Events:

Pokemon Center Events (Japan):
-Birthday Charmander Lv.40 (6/7/07) ID: 07207
-Shokotan Tropius Lv.53 (10/02/07) ID: 02027
-Buikore Eevee Lv.10 (6/12/08) ID: 12068

Eigakan Movie Events:
-Regigigas Lv.100 (20/07/08) ID: 07198
-Shaymin Lv.50 (06/06/08) ID: 07198

US TRU Events:
-Modest Shaymin Lv.50 (08/02/09) ID: 02089 Scatters things often
-Modest Shaymin Lv.50 (14/02/09) ID: 02089 Somewhat vain
-Timid Shaymin Lv.50 (08/02/09) ID: 02089 Thoroughly cunning
-Timid Shaymin Lv.50 (09/02/09) ID: 02089 Likes to run
-Mild Shaymin Lv.50 (08/02/09) ID: 02089 Often scatters things
-Naive Shaymin Lv.50 (14/02/09) ID: 02089 Scatters things often
-Naughty Shaymin Lv.50 (08/02/09) ID: 02089 Hates to lose
-Relaxed Regigigas Lv.100 (08/03/09) ID: 03089 Mischievous
-Gentle Regigigas Lv.100 (08/03/09) ID: 03089 Loves to eat
-Docile Regigigas Lv.100 (09/03/09) ID: 03089 Highly curious
-Mild Dragonite Lv.50 (08/11/08) ID: 11088 Strongly defiant
-Hardy Manaphy Lv.50 (29/09/07) ID: 09297 Quick to flee

-Modest Lucario Lv.50 (15/07/07) ID: 07157

Gamestop Events:
-Impish Deoxys Lv.50 (25/06/08) ID: 06218
-Naive Deoxys Lv.50 (22/06/08) ID: 06218

JP E-Card Events:

STAMP Events:
-UT Pichu lv.5 (07/10/07) w/teeter dance
-UT Absol lv.5 (23/10/07) w/wish

Pokemon Box:

Daisuki Club Events (Japan):

Miscellaneous Pikachu:
-Onemuri Pikachu Lv.50 (07/02/09) ID:02079 Alert to sounds
-Onemuri Pikachu Lv.50 (18/02/09) ID:02079 Highly persistent
-Birthday Pikachu Lv.40 Modest (26/12/08) ID: 12268 Sturdy body

Miscellaneous Mew:
-Sassy Aura Mew Lv.10 ID: 20078

Miscellaneous Celebi:
-Ageto Celebi lv.10 ID: 31121

Miscellaneous Jirachi:
-Sassy Wishmaker Jirachi Lv.5 ID: 20043
-Lax Negai Boshi Jirachi Lv.5 ID: 30719
-Timid Tanabata Jirachi Lv.5 ID: 08188

Miscellaneous Deoxys:
-10th Movie Deoxys Lv.50 (23/06/07) ID: 07147

Miscellaneous Manaphy:
-Calm E4ALL Manaphy Lv.50 (19/08/07) ID: 10187
-Modest NWS Manaphy Lv.50 (01/10/07) ID: 10017
-Naughty JBHF Manaphy Lv.50 (07/11/07) ID: 11077
-Modest Shiny Ranger Manaphy Lv.1

Miscellaneous Darkrai:
-Bold Alamos Darkrai (25/10/08) ID: 10308
-Modest Alamos Darkrai (31/06/08) ID: 05318

Other Miscellaneous:
-Concert Chatot lv.25 (10/12/06) ID: 10286
-WORLD08 Lucario lv.30 (17/08/08) ID: 08178
-WCS Milotic lv.50 (12/10/08) OT: WCS ID: 10128 w/Flame Orb Capable of taking hits
-Rocks Metang lv.30 ID: 02005
-PKTOPIA Magmortar Lv.50
-PKTOPIA Electivire Lv.50
-PKTOPIA Pikachu Lv.10
POKEMON I WANT=======================
·Entei, UT Timid or Naive nature.
·Raikou, UT Timid nature.
·Suicune, UT Bold nature.
·Any events that I don't have, preferably UT. Nature is unimportant.
·TRU Regigigas.
·Ditto with good IVs and relative natures (Two 31s) For example- Timid/Modest IVs- x/x/x/31/x/31

Currently Breeding

HP Fighting 70
Best so far: Modest, 31/31/12/30/30/30​

Other services
·EV training.
·Cloning (On occasions, but not making a habit of being a cloner. I would prefer it if you don't ask me to clone your pokemon and then want to trade with me. Most of the time I will be trading you non-cloned pokemon. I will state if a pokemon is cloned.) ·Platinum move tutors
·I will consider taking on breeding projects.

I'm not looking for shinies. Do not offer me items or EVd pokemon, I'm not interested. All my pokemon are legit and UT unless stated otherwise. I may take requests for chained pokemon. I have Platinum and Diamond, so if a pokemon can be chained and you want it, ask me to chain it for you so we can make a trade.
RE: Oddsok's My Player Thread- An abundance of shinies

Would you trade your shiny Vulpix, Chatot and Skitty any nature for my shiny Charmander, Turtwig and Mudkip?
RE: Oddsok's My Player Thread- An abundance of shinies

Echosong said:
Would you trade your shiny Vulpix, Chatot and Skitty any nature for my shiny Charmander, Turtwig and Mudkip?

Sorry I'm not that interested in shinies, because if I really want thme I can get them myself. Sorry. I looked at your thread and was wondering if you would trade those three for your 10th Aniv Celebi, Surfing Pikachu and Ranger Mananphy?
RE: Oddsok's My Player Thread- An abundance of shinies

Naughty shiny trapinch EV/IV's please?
RE: Oddsok's My Player Thread- An abundance of shinies

Anything in particular you want? And is there another Naughty with more speed?
RE: Oddsok's My Player Thread- An abundance of shinies

Renzo said:
Anything in particular you want? And is there another Naughty with more speed?

I have one more naughty one that is 4/28/5/27/5/20.

What events do you have?
RE: Oddsok's My Player Thread- An abundance of shinies

I have legit and legal Gamestp Deoxys as well as legit and legal Toys R Us Manaphy with an abundance of Phiones. I will clone most all (if Echosong will). I like the second Naughty one better with 4/28/5/27/5/20.
RE: Oddsok's My Player Thread- An abundance of shinies

I am interested in your shiny Eevee's. What events are you looking for?
RE: Oddsok's My Player Thread- An abundance of shinies

Renzo said:
I have legit and legal Gamestp Deoxys as well as legit and legal Toys R Us Manaphy with an abundance of Phiones. I will clone most all (if Echosong will). I like the second Naughty one better with 4/28/5/27/5/20.
OK, I'll trade for the Deoxys. If you give me your FC we can do it now.
Yakkov said:
I am interested in your shiny Eevee's. What events are you looking for?

Do you only have the Celebi...? If you have any more let me know.
RE: Oddsok's My Player Thread- An abundance of shinies

oddsok said:
Renzo said:
I have legit and legal Gamestp Deoxys as well as legit and legal Toys R Us Manaphy with an abundance of Phiones. I will clone most all (if Echosong will). I like the second Naughty one better with 4/28/5/27/5/20.
OK, I'll trade for the Deoxys. If you give me your FC we can do it now.
Yakkov said:
I am interested in your shiny Eevee's. What events are you looking for?

Do you only have the Celebi...? If you have any more let me know.

I have a Movie Shaymin as well, but that is on my Platinum. I have two of those, but I will only trade one of those. They're kinda rare.
RE: Oddsok's My Player Thread- An abundance of shinies

My FC is in my sig, but I need to get Echosong to clone it (when she responds). Legit or Legal?
RE: Oddsok's My Player Thread- An abundance of shinies

Yakkov said:
I have a Movie Shaymin as well, but that is on my Platinum. I have two of those, but I will only trade one of those. They're kinda rare.
Ok. Is it possible if i trade you the Eevee from my Diamond and then I switch games and you trade me a Shaymin to my Platinum? And do you have a preference on nature?
Renzo said:
My FC is in my sig, but I need to get Echosong to clone it (when she responds). Legit or Legal?

Is there a difference? I think I'd like the legit one. Let me know when you're ready.
RE: Oddsok's My Player Thread- An abundance of shinies

oddsok said:
Yakkov said:
I have a Movie Shaymin as well, but that is on my Platinum. I have two of those, but I will only trade one of those. They're kinda rare.
Ok. Is it possible if I trade you the Eevee from my Diamond and then I switch games and you trade me a Shaymin to my Platinum? And do you have a preference on nature?
Renzo said:
My FC is in my sig, but I need to get Echosong to clone it (when she responds). Legit or Legal?

Is there a difference? I think I'd like the legit one. Let me know when you're ready.

Sure, not a problem. But I need two Eevee's. Let me list what I need:

Timid Nature Eevee, and a Sassy Nature Eevee. If the Sassy Nature Eevee can have Curse on it, that would be great.

Name: <Eevee>
Japanese or English Name: <Mental Cat>
Japanese Characters:
Japanese Characters: 精神的猫
Egg Move: None
Other: Timid Nature
Item: Lefties
Hidden Power: 70 (Fighting)
IVs: 31/x/x/31/x/31
Gender: Female

Name: <Eevee>
Japanese or English Name: <Satin>
Japanese Characters: 悪魔
Egg Move: Wish, and Curse
Other: Sassy Nature
Item: Lefties
Hidden Power: 70 (Fighting)
IVs: 31/31/31/x/31/x
Gender: Male
RE: Oddsok's My Player Thread- An abundance of shinies

I still gotta get it cloned... unless you want to do that for me.
RE: Oddsok's My Player Thread- An abundance of shinies

Yakkov said:
Sure, not a problem. But I need two Eevee's. Let me list what I need:

Timid Nature Eevee, and a Sassy Nature Eevee. If the Sassy Nature Eevee can have Curse on it, that would be great.

Name: <Eevee>
Japanese or English Name: <Mental Cat>
Japanese Characters:
Japanese Characters: 精神的猫
Egg Move: None
Other: Timid Nature
Item: Lefties
Hidden Power: 70 (Fighting)
IVs: 31/x/x/31/x/31
Gender: Female

Name: <Eevee>
Japanese or English Name: <Satin>
Japanese Characters: 悪魔
Egg Move: Wish, and Curse
Other: Sassy Nature
Item: Lefties
Hidden Power: 70 (Fighting)
IVs: 31/31/31/x/31/x
Gender: Male
Ok, none have egg moves, I'll have to check the IVs and I'm not sure if I can nickname them in Jap. I can give you lefties. I do have the Sassy male and Timid Female, but are they still good enough if the IVs don't fit? They are chained not bred, so I highly doubt they will have those IVs. Sorry.
Renzo said:
I still gotta get it cloned... unless you want to do that for me.
I can't clone so I guess we wait.
RE: Oddsok's My Player Thread- An abundance of shinies

oddsok said:
Yakkov said:
Sure, not a problem. But I need two Eevee's. Let me list what I need:

Timid Nature Eevee, and a Sassy Nature Eevee. If the Sassy Nature Eevee can have Curse on it, that would be great.

Name: <Eevee>
Japanese or English Name: <Mental Cat>
Japanese Characters:
Japanese Characters: 精神的猫
Egg Move: None
Other: Timid Nature
Item: Lefties
Hidden Power: 70 (Fighting)
IVs: 31/x/x/31/x/31
Gender: Female

Name: <Eevee>
Japanese or English Name: <Satin>
Japanese Characters: 悪魔
Egg Move: Wish, and Curse
Other: Sassy Nature
Item: Lefties
Hidden Power: 70 (Fighting)
IVs: 31/31/31/x/31/x
Gender: Male
Ok, none have egg moves, I'll have to check the IVs and I'm not sure if I can nickname them in Japanese. I can give you lefties. I do have the Sassy male and Timid Female, but are they still good enough if the IVs don't fit? They are chained not bred, so I highly doubt they will have those IVs. Sorry.
Renzo said:
I still gotta get it cloned... unless you want to do that for me.
I can't clone so I guess we wait.

I will still take them, but can you nickname them in English. I listed their English counterpart.
RE: Oddsok's My Player Thread- An abundance of shinies

Yakkov said:
oddsok said:
Yakkov said:
Sure, not a problem. But I need two Eevee's. Let me list what I need:

Timid Nature Eevee, and a Sassy Nature Eevee. If the Sassy Nature Eevee can have Curse on it, that would be great.

Name: <Eevee>
Japanese or English Name: <Mental Cat>
Japanese Characters:
Japanese Characters: 精神的猫
Egg Move: None
Other: Timid Nature
Item: Lefties
Hidden Power: 70 (Fighting)
IVs: 31/x/x/31/x/31
Gender: Female

Name: <Eevee>
Japanese or English Name: <Satin>
Japanese Characters: 悪魔
Egg Move: Wish, and Curse
Other: Sassy Nature
Item: Lefties
Hidden Power: 70 (Fighting)
IVs: 31/31/31/x/31/x
Gender: Male
Ok, none have egg moves, I'll have to check the IVs and I'm not sure if I can nickname them in Japanese. I can give you lefties. I do have the Sassy male and Timid Female, but are they still good enough if the IVs don't fit? They are chained not bred, so I highly doubt they will have those IVs. Sorry.
Renzo said:
I still gotta get it cloned... unless you want to do that for me.
I can't clone so I guess we wait.

I will still take them, but can you nickname them in English. I listed their English counterpart.

Yep sure. Give me 5 minutes to do that. I also checked their IVs and they are still decent in the areas you wanted.
RE: Oddsok's My Player Thread- An abundance of shinies

Thanks for the trade. But how did you figure out the trade system on Platinum? I don't really know how to activate any of it in the room.
RE: Oddsok's My Player Thread- An abundance of shinies

Yakkov said:
Thanks for the trade. But how did you figure out the trade system on Platinum? I don't really know how to activate any of it in the room.

I didn't have a clue, but figured out that you go to the computer thing and go to the third option. I knew the first two were options for battling. It was fairly confusing, but we got through it! Thanks again.
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