Offical coolest bad guys thread!


The Guy. The final boss of what is quite possibly the most difficult game ever created (The game is called IWannaBeTheGuy). He is evil. He has fire grenades and shoots bullets half the size of the entire screen. And he is roughly twice as fast as you.

At least, in his first phase.

ASSUMING you manage to hit him enough times and ASSUMING you then dodge his homing bullets and reflect them back at him, he flies through the window in the middle of the screen and disappears. Battle over right? It seems that way. It even plays the "yay I won!" kind of music as you pick up his discarded gun in triumph.

Then he bursts through the window as a giant head.

The shards of glass that drop down WILL kill you if they make contact, and you will have to do the entire thing again.

So, if you dodge the glass, an entirely new battle will take place. The Guy is now a giant head. He fires lasers from his eyes. He can shoot his teeth (spikes) at you. The ground turns into fire. Glass orb things follow you. And you can only win by shooting his eyes, which get progressively smaller the more damage they take- and they can heal themselves too, very very quickly.

In IWannaBeTheGuy, there is no health bar. Get hit by anything and you die. You will have to start the entire battle all over again.

So... The Guy is, without a doubt, the most absurdly difficult son of a eiaskfbewjfbn I have ever had to battle. Yet, almost impossibly... he remains cool.