Pokemon Official Coolest & Favorite Pokemon Thread

Might as well put it now than later. My favorite is Lucario, if you didn't notice....
When was the last time I posted here? I'm gunna make it some annual thing for me. With that said, I might as well list one of each type (with no repeats).
Bug: Armaldo (I've always liked him, nothing special here)
Dark: Zoroark (Yeah, the new guy)
Dragon: Flygon (=D)
Electric: Mowtom (Dur.)
Fighting: Gallade (See Armaldo)
Fire: Typhlosion (What's cooler than a ferret with flames?)
Flying: Charizard (Typhlosion is a cooler Fire type)
Ghost: Shednja (Um.)
Grass: Torterra (Starter!)
Ground: Sandslash (See Gallade)
Ice: Regice (See Shednja)
Normal: Porygon-Z (See Flygon)
Poison: Drapion (See Regice)
Psychic: Mew (Cute+Deadly=Epic)
Rock: Aggron (Pure amazing)
Steel: Metagross (He's gunna stomp on you)
Water: Mudkip (So i h3rd u leik meh?)

I bet you can't figure out my favorite. *coughitsinmyusernamecough*
My favorite Pokemon is Piplup for a couple reasons.

1) Its a cute penguin

2) I am a huge fan of water types

3) I just love cute Pokemon :p
Rotom479 said:
When was the last time I posted here? I'm gunna make it some annual thing for me. With that said, I might as well list one of each type (with no repeats).
Bug: Armaldo (I've always liked him, nothing special here)
Dark: Zoroark (Yeah, the new guy)
Dragon: Flygon (=D)
Electric: Mowtom (Dur.)
Fighting: Gallade (See Armaldo)
Fire: Typhlosion (What's cooler than a ferret with flames?)
Flying: Charizard (Typhlosion is a cooler Fire type)
Ghost: Shednja (Um.)
Grass: Torterra (Starter!)
Ground: Sandslash (See Gallade)
Ice: Regice (See Shednja)
Normal: Porygon-Z (See Flygon)
Poison: Drapion (See Regice)
Psychic: Mew (Cute+Deadly=Epic)
Rock: Aggron (Pure amazing)
Steel: Metagross (He's gunna stomp on you)
Water: Mudkip (So i h3rd u leik meh?)

I bet you can't figure out my favorite. *coughitsinmyusernamecough*
it's Rotom!

I love Jhoto Starters, Lugia, Tyranitar, and Mewtwo more now.
EDIT: 600 posts!
ArceusShayminLovr said:
My favorite is definitely Charmander ( it was my first pokemon :'(. )
Same here. When I was small I really liked Charmander. It's still my favorite today.
Coolest Pokemon are Absol
-senses disaster
-looks aweome
-i have a shiny one

-can be any type
-is basically the strongest legendary

Articuno and Suicune
-they have always been my favs
-i have made ceepily realistic stuffed animals
out of each
I <3 Octillery, Marowak, Munchlax, Dunsparce, Charizard, Walrein, and Dewgong.

I've never been a fan of popular Pokemon, except for Charizard for Nostalgic reasons. I love Dunsparce and Dewgong mostly because other people don't care about them.

I also love Dewgong because of the RH DF Dewgong I have :)

Hoppip and Goldeen deserve to die. Twice.
I do best listing by types:
Bug: Beautifly (Unlike most boys, I think looks are important, and sadly, this is the best Nintendo came up with)
Dark: Mightyena (It's like a Wolf Dog! Besides, the others are hideous)
Dragon: Salamance (I also care for strength, which summarizes this guy)
Electric: Ampharos (Instantly liked this one, caught as a girl, after catching Mareep)
Fighting: Machamp (Strong, yet loses slap fights to Pichu)
Fire: Typhlosion (What's cooler than a ferret with flames?)
Flying: Zapdos (Brags a big weakness by embracing it!)
Ghost: Gengar (Along with Salamance, I do admire it's strength, although it could look better)
Grass: Bellossom (Cute!)
Ground: Dugtrio (Three in one speed machine!)
Ice: Articuno (Like Zapdos, laughs in it's weakness's face by embracing it)
Normal: Togepi (It's like a little baby chick that cannot get out of it's egg!)
Poison: Arbok (Strong, yet needs a touch-up!)
Psychic: Mew (Cute+Deadly=Epic)
Rock: Aggron (So strong!)
Steel: Metagross (Super computer!)
Water: Squirtle (First ever starter that was WOW!)
Surprisingly, no Generation 4!