Pokemon Official Coolest & Favorite Pokemon Thread

I have 3 all time favorites that I've had for quite sometime.


freaking pwnage!
foo895 said:
I guess I'm the only one on here with marowak as my favorite pokemon (probably the only one in the northern hemisphere)

marowak is hardcore. he beats down other pokemon with his club or throws it from a distance to take 'em out. he can also use it like a sword(samurai marowak anyone?)

Now I understand what your avatar is!
Blastoise, the only pokemon so awesome that it can only be described in sentance fragments.

A turtle.
With cannons on its back.
That can kill you.
A turtle that can kill you.
To death.
Shinx, Luxio, Luxray
Giratina Origin Forme
Poliwag, Poliwhirl, Poliwrath, Politoed
Yanma, Yanmega
Piplup 321 said:
It seems like loads of people on pokebeach like Shaymin. :)

Haha... I don't :D Shaymin isn't strong I can poke it with a stick and it would explode.

But I do like skymin (even though it's the same thing)

They need to give Celebi a cooler look >_>
Espeon, defiantly. Typhlosion is pretty awesome too, so he's second...

The whole second gen is incredible!
well i'l like my pokemon categorised
though:t-tar salamence electivire
cool:gallade absol umbreon
beaty:meganium gardevoir skyman
cute shaymin espeon leafeon ambipom
smart:porygon-z alakazam absol (don't ask me why absol is in the smart list)

that's how i preffer them
Gible... CUTEST ever and every one of his artworks is just BEAUTIFULL!
Especially the POP6 one!
I first started liking Wartortle and Porygon2 slowly eased up to being my favorite. :)
I really think he's cool because he's in the middle of all three virtual Pokemon.
Porygon is always talked about and so is Porygon-Z but Porygon2 just sits there in the dark.
So that's why I like him, escpecially for his curved look and moves such as sharpen and recycle. :p