Pokemon Official Coolest & Favorite Pokemon Thread

Ditto_Rules!!!!!!!! It is only surpassed in coolness by Mew and Arceus. It has he DNA of every Pokemon, so he is {C},{G},{W},{L},{F},{R},{P},{M},& {D} at the same time.:):cool::D
I posted here last when D/P wasn't even realesed. With all that's happened since then, I'd say...
Hitmonchan. I've really seen a lot of awsome in this guy. He's actually named after a real person, and you just can't beat the sheer determination that his battles brrings. Awe inspiring.
This picture just has so much win in it.
You better move that hand down! Just kidding man, high five time... TOO slow! LOL
Weavile is pretty cool two...