BW/BW2 Oh! Cute little Pokemon (AKA 5th Gen Starters)

Black or white?

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GIMP Artist In The Making
5th Gen Pokemon starters Pic

Oh, don't they look cute? No, sorry, I don't have 5th Gen starters info. I judt thought that you guys might want to see that cute photo of all the starters.

And here's the Official Black and white website.

What types do you think the starters will be? What do you think they'll look like?
In response to the poll, I don't think I can really decide until I see the mascots. My friend is going to get Black, so I might get White to even it out. I'm not sure, really.

The picture is cute~ <3
I think the starters will have at least one canine. I hope it's the fire type. The water type should be amphibious, and the grass type (I think) will be the cutest of all. I've drawn pictures, but I don't have a scanner.
I chose Black because we don't know any differences, and as long as we don't, I want the dominant one. In regards to the picture: I can see that much thought went into the making and it was very artistica- OH NEVERMIND! THAT'S THE CUTEST THING EVER!!!! Well, almost... I like the Charmander and Bulbasaur! ^_^ XDXD Oh, I have an idea! Everyone can try vote how old they look and their gender. It doesn't have to be a poll, that would be too many possibilities, but it'll be fun! I'll start:
Bulbasaur: 1, female
Charmander: 4, male
Squirtle: 2, male
Chikorita: 3, female
Cyndaquil: 1, male
Totodile: 3, male
Treeko: 3, female
Torchic: 5, female
Mudkip: 6, male(I think Mudkip is their leader! XD)
Turtwig: 2, male
Chimchar: 5, female
Piplup: 1, female
Wow, an even number of males and females!
stEElyDaN909 said:
Dang. I was hoping to see what the new starters looked like :'(

I was dissappointed aswell. I'm getting white since my boyfriend is gettin gblack. no matter what I'll probably get the fire starter. I've always loved the fire starters X3
There's going to be a Pokemon, like Rotom, who can take on different forms. He will come in the shapes of various foods. Pizza, hotdogs, a bowl of noodles. Yeah.
PoptartG4791 said:
There's going to be a Pokemon, like Rotom, who can take on different forms. He will come in the shapes of various foods. Pizza, hotdogs, a bowl of noodles. Yeah.
Lol . I dont think so i think they (the final Evo.) will be Dual Types
I would have to pick the fire starter. Its silhouette looked adorable when I saw it.