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Oh Yeah! Night March for Regionals! (Joltik / Pumpkaboo / Lampent / Mew EX)


Aspiring Trainer
Pokemon: 20
  • 4 Joltik [Phantom Forces]
    4 Lampent [Phantom Forces]
    4 Pumpkaboo [Phantom Forces]
    2 Eevee [Furious Fists]
    2 Flareon [Plasma Freeze]
    2 Mew EX [Legendary Treasures]
    1 Jirachi EX [Plasma Blast]
    1 Mr. Mime [Plasma Freeze]

Trainers/Supporters/Stadiums: 31
  • 4 Professor Juniper
    4 N
    2 Lysandre
    2 Colress
    2 Skyla

    3 Dimension Valley

    1 Computer Search

    4 Battle Compressor
    3 Muscle Band
    1 Silver Bangle
    2 Ultra Ball
    1 Switch
    2 VS Seeker

Energy: 9
  • 4 DCE
    5 Fire Energy

Update deck after Regionals.

+1 Jirachi EX [Get Skyla for Battle Compressor]
+1 Skyla [Increase chances to get Battle Compressor]
+1 Silver Bangle [Joltik + 7 Night Marchs + Silver Bangle = 170 => OHKO some Pokemon EX / Helps Flareon to OHKO Virizon/Genesect]
+1 VS Seeker [Staple]
+1 Switch [Staple]

-3 Bicycle [The deck decreases very fast in size. I was taking deckout]
-2 Ultra Ball [I really don't need 4 Ultra Balls. 90% of my Pokemon go to Discard Pile]
RE: Night March for Regionals (oh yeah!!)

Take out the Flareon line. It clogs the list. Replace the Flareon Line with 3 more VS Seeker and 1 other consistency crutch of your choice, maybe another mew ex.
RE: Night March for Regionals (oh yeah!!)

Though if you take out the flareon, you have an auto loss to pyroar. Though its not much better with only 2 flareon.
RE: Night March for Regionals (oh yeah!!)

I could see Flareon working in this deck. It synergizes well with already having to get Night Marchers in the discard pile. One of the problems with the deck is that you have to discard a lot of your attackers in order to do decent damage. And your attackers are all already pretty frail, so running out of things to attack with does happen. Flareon is an extra two attackers.

What I want to know is if you've tested this deck at all yet. I'm skeptical when I hear people say that Night March is competitive. You seem to have a decent list (from what I can tell; I've never played this deck before). How good do you think it is? Have you had any success with Flareon in your list?
RE: Night March for Regionals (oh yeah!!)

I currently play this deck and it's extremely competitive. I regularly beat VirGen decks with it, as well as Speed Lugia. I don't play this list, but I play a list that runs a few more EX pokemon in order to make it more powerful, if a bit slow. This version here relies on hitting hard as soon as possible, whereas the version I play is about setting up and sweeping with an unstoppable force.

It's a good deck.
RE: Night March for Regionals (oh yeah!!)

Loli Bacon said:
I currently play this deck and it's extremely competitive. I regularly beat VirGen decks with it, as well as Speed Lugia. I don't play this list, but I play a list that runs a few more EX pokemon in order to make it more powerful, if a bit slow. This version here relies on hitting hard as soon as possible, whereas the version I play is about setting up and sweeping with an unstoppable force.

It's a good deck.

Which EXs do you use?
Analyzing past tournaments here in my town I see that there isn't a significant number of the Pyroar to Regional. Would it then be interesting to take the 2-2 Flareon?

-2 Eevee
-2 Flareon

+1 Mew EX
+1 Reshiram (counter VirGen)
+1 Jirachi EX

+1 VS Seeker
I still have doubts about how good this deck is. A well placed Lysandre's Trump Card leaves you without resources. Also, Mew EX isn't the sturdiest EX around
Also, has anyone play-tested this deck against Seismitoad? Seems to be an unfavorable match-up. Thoughts?
My version of the deck beats Seismitoad since Virizion can out damage him while allowing me to set up. In addition, if they run Garbodor, simply don't use Gourgeist. They'll be down the prize trade as Virizion KOs their toads. After the toads are down, combo normally. LTC slows us, but if they LTC/Toad, put Virizion or Mew back up.
I still have doubts about how good this deck is. A well placed Lysandre's Trump Card leaves you without resources. Also, Mew EX isn't the sturdiest EX around

Trump card actually would leave you with more resources to get those night marchers back in the discard pile again, in 1-2 turns. Only hurts Night March a little bit.
Let's be real here. Trump Card doesn't shut down anything. It's a paradox in and of itself because it gives you back all your resources, The only way that card can disrupt anything is via Itemlock.
As for the list, mine is very similar, but I run 1-1 Flareon just for the tech. And a Jirachi, although I'm having doubts about it. An idea though: run either Rainbows or one more type of basic energy, just so Mew can copy more enemy attacks. You really only need colorless at the moment, since there's hardly any incentive to copy Heat Tackle. In mine I run 2 Psychic, but whatever is in your meta should work.

-2 Fire Energy
+2 Rainbow/other basic energy

-1 Muscle Band
-1-1 Flareon
+2 Silver Bangle
+1 Professor's Letter
FaustVIII said:
Let's be real here. Trump Card doesn't shut down anything. It's a paradox in and of itself because it gives you back all your resources, The only way that card can disrupt anything is via Itemlock.
As for the list, mine is very similar, but I run 1-1 Flareon just for the tech. And a Jirachi, although I'm having doubts about it. An idea though: run either Rainbows or one more type of basic energy, just so Mew can copy more enemy attacks. You really only need colorless at the moment, since there's hardly any incentive to copy Heat Tackle. In mine I run 2 Psychic, but whatever is in your meta should work.

-2 Fire Energy
+2 Rainbow/other basic energy

-1 Muscle Band
-1-1 Flareon
+2 Silver Bangle
+1 Professor's Letter

I was also thinking that because Mew EX is already frail so it doesn't matter if it has 10 extra damage on it. 1-2 Rainbow is enough because Enhanced Hammer is already a problem against all the DCEs on your Pokemon already. My energy line is like this:

1 Rainbow
4 DCEs
6 Psychic (if running Flareon, which I will start to use, use fire energy just in case you need to use heat tackle for any reason.)
Gengar master said:
I still have doubts about how good this deck is. A well placed Lysandre's Trump Card leaves you without resources. Also, Mew EX isn't the sturdiest EX around

Trump card actually would leave you with more resources to get those night marchers back in the discard pile again, in 1-2 turns. Only hurts Night March a little bit.

No, a well placed TrumpCard will leave you without hand cards and without a discard pile. Also, a well used whistle can prevent OHKOs
Gengar master said:
Trump card actually would leave you with more resources to get those night marchers back in the discard pile again, in 1-2 turns. Only hurts Night March a little bit.

No, a well placed TrumpCard will leave you without hand cards and without a discard pile. Also, a well used whistle can prevent OHKOs

Only 5-10% (estimation) of decks will play Whistle. Nobody should add a card to their deck that wouldn't even hurt Night March, which is only one type of deck. This won't be a popular card and it doesn't kill this deck at all. If you got the right amount in the discard, you do 180, killing most popular EXs. If someone whistles you, you still have muscle band/silver bangle to get that damage easily back.

How would Trump card leave you without hand cards?? It would let the Night March player to get Battle Compressors back in their deck. As a result it would only take 1-2(2 at most) turns to get a lot of Night Marchers back in the discard pile.
Pokéflute was really good in agro decks, and the whistle will also be. It can deny certain setups, like in Speed Lugia, it can bring back easy kills, like Jirachi EX...
Pokéflute was really good in agro decks, and the whistle will also be. It can deny certain setups, like in Speed Lugia, it can bring back easy kills, like Jirachi EX...

You would have to have a Lysandre to go along with it, which isn't going to happen much. It doesn't deny set up for Lugia EX. Lugia EX doesn't need much bench space except for 4 Deoxys EX. It is too easy to prevent this card, so it won't be seeing a lot of play. Too pointless to play a card that is easily prevented.

Back on topic: I suggest a 3-3 Flareon line. That way it is easier to get out against Pyroar. Even if there aren't Pyroar in your area, this is still a great play. Flareon can also work as your back up attacker her the end of the game when you can't afford using the frail Mew EX. Also covers weakness against VirGen, which will still be really popular. Not sure how I would fit it in so maybe 2-2 is sufficient.
I still think the gourgeist variant is the strongest. I've played some of the other ones and while they have a faster setup/damage, they also auto lose to certain matchups. Gourgeist variant has some hard matchups, but it doesn't auto lose to any of them, and still takes out Pyroar.

Go play test, and play whatever you think is strongest for you.
Yea but having a 2-2/3-3 Flareon line in a Night March deck is also enough for Pyroar. (Most of the time) If you don't find yourself facing Pyroar you can always discard the Flareons and Eevees. But keep in mind, Flareon can be used to hit Genesect EX and Virizion EX for weakness.