OK, so my mom limits my "electronic time"...

Do you have a "limit"? (Read first post)

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I had a limit when I was like...7..8..

O_O I'm a techie now though, and I got my Mum hooked.

For me, What I do outside the computer setermines my time period. As long as I get good grades, do well in sports, and have good behavior, my parents are flexible with my time. It also helps me that both my parents are computer litterate, and one of my parents is the Administrator of the systems at my state college's medical center. Just make sure that you deserve to be on. Think of it this way, if you can say to your mom; "Sorry mom, I should probably be doing ________ instead of computer" then you should be doing something. If you can't think of anything productive that you should be doing instead, It should be appropriate to go on. The big thing is getting good grades for me.
When it comes to parents, its always a matter of trust. Try talking to them: ask them to give you a chance to show them that you have enough responsibility to limit the time by yourself without interfering on school or social life or whatever. After all, they'll never know until they give you a chance. Good luck!
Since my Mom has to get on after me, it's usually only a couple hours a day, but if she didn't have to get on, I could probably stay as long as I want. I go on the Wii Internet when I want too, so there's no real limit.

dmaster out.
As long as I have no homework or if I did my homework, I can stay on until 9:00 pm. But, I'm usually off by then and getting ready to go to bed.
As long as I maintain the good grades and I've read a book or two, my parents let me have about an hour weekdays, and Saturday nights I'll stay up with my friends, then tire myself out. :p I'm lucky that my parents are open minded on this topic, and I hope you'll get some more leniency.
Well, not excatly. I get on and I can stay on untill my mom says something to the effect of, "GET OFF RIGHT NOW!!!!!" Just so SHE can get on it.
Oh yeah, funny story. I used to have a limit on electronic time basically because of this. One day LuckyLuigi7 and I woke up, it was a nice summer morning. We had breakfast and sat down to a fun game of Mario Party 3. Well... it was a nice game. Our Mario Party 3 time had lasted for 7 hours, non stop party, and just then when we were about to start another battle royal, our mom came in and got mad at us for sitting there that long. xD Later on, a few months, we kind of got time back lol... not that much but more than nothing. xD
My parents don't like me staying on it all day; sometimes she does let me go on it quite a ling time though ;D
I also do art on the computer so I accused my parents of trying to deprive me of bettering my talents if they told me to get off the computer way back then. =D

Ah, that brings back memories of Paint Shop Pro... good times.
The god awful limits. I feel your pain man. And everyone else who has limits too. I feel your pain as well. lol

My parents dont want me in front of a "screen" all day.

I used to have REALLY strick limits on my game time because of school. My parents think that video games distracts me from school work and important stuff.
You could strip my room bare and the problem is not gone. My mind is what wanders, not my hands. You cant remove my mind. You cant force \me to think about anything. sigh....

But i have found ways around it. Small ones...

My advise to you is this:

Get on your DS or PS2 or whatever in the evening when ALL possible chores and work is done.
If your mom has nothing to ask you to do, she really cant complain. And if she still does, well, she is being "a parent".

As we all know, Parents say things "just because they can".
shadoworganoid said:
The god awful limits. I feel your pain man. And everyone else who has limits too. I feel your pain as well. lol

My parents don't want me in front of a "screen" all day.

I used to have REALLY strick limits on my game time because of school. My parents think that video games distracts me from school work and important stuff.
You could strip my room bare and the problem is not gone. My mind is what wanders, not my hands. You cant remove my mind. You cant force \me to think about anything. sigh....

But I have found ways around it. Small ones...

My advise to you is this:

Get on your DS or PS2 or whatever in the evening when ALL possible chores and work is done.
If your mom has nothing to ask you to do, she really cant complain. And if she still does, well, she is being "a parent".

As we all know, Parents say things "just because they can".
She'll lecture me about going outside and stuff. *sigh* Thanks, though...
I don't have a limit thankfully (I do virtual school anyway) if I did my mom would forget like most dumb rules that come up. I could see a rule if you are 10 and under but anywhere up no. I hate rules like that I like to bust them until they stop I do not care about the punisment though and if my mom forgets this stuff I can always leave it up to my brother to tell on me for smashing the rule.( I shoudn't be on now haha I think)
Shining Suicune said:
That's stupid to have a limit. I'm twelve, and an avid player if games, internet, etc. However, I don't have a limit, and make straight A's on my report cards. From what I've read, having a limit, and then not, decreases your grades.

I second that word to word
I have no time for electronics on school days. That stinks, but I always get at least 3 hours a day on the weekends, so it's all good. The only really strict limit I have is pokemon cards. I could rant about it all day.

But since teenagers seem to like their electronics a lot more, it's pretty bad for you. Good luck with it.
Heh... 2 hours? That's a lot compared to the time I might get. Let me ask you a question. Do you do any "enrichment" programs outside of school? For example-I play the piano, clarinet, have played the cello, go to an advanced Algebra class, a SAT prep. class, went to a 14 month program for a scholarship, swimming/swim team practice, Mathcounts, art, and I currently attend a great private school in NY. With practice/homework from all of this, I should be lucky if I get 2 hours on the computer everyday. All my friends have a limit. Why? Because our parents WANT us to have a successful life. You can't really achieve anything by staring at a computer screen, now can you?

I think Zyflair and Noobnerd sum it up pretty well. Maybe it's because for me, growing up with other kids with 140+ IQ and were obviously very smart made my mom make me go to all these programs. I don't work to be just the "normal average person" who ends up being just some person in this world. I work to be someone who changes the world. Honestly, I think 2 hours is way more than enough time for one day. We're here to have fun-not to complain about our parents and how they may limit us because we get (x) amount of less hours of play time than that other kid. I can't really say anymore...

<end insanely useless rant lol>

Take a few seconds to write down times. So what? You get to spend 2 hours of time on the computer. Personally, I agree with your mom here.
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