Old player, wanting to start again


I saw below me there's a "deck construction" stating that someone is looking to get back in from the Neo Era, i'm looking to do the same, but didn't want to post a response with my request, so sorry to those who think its repetitive, i did it as though not to get my request mixed up with someone else's.

But basically i'm just lookng for staple cards needed in the current decks, i haven't played since the WotC and Nintendo ownership switch, so i'm out of the loop.

That and i would like to know which set would be the best to buy boxes of? So i can not only get the staples, but a decent arraqy of cards to build strategies with.

I would love to chat with a player who has gone through that transition and see where the game has gone.
Just go with what you can get out of the archtype section. Unless you can think of a new combo, which is better. There really isn't any 1 card that is in every deck. If you want more details you can PM me.
swclikewhut said:
I'm just lookng for staple cards needed in the current decks.

Here are a few of the good cards in today's game.

Rare Candy from EM and HP.
Rare Candy is the same as Pokemon Breeder, but Rare Candy is better. Rare Candy can evolve your basic pokemon (even on the first turn) into a stage 2 or a stage 1.

Celio's Network from CG.
Celio's Network is like a watered down Computer Search. You can only search for non-EX pokemon, but even with the restrictions it's still a very good card.

Professor Elm's Training Method from UF and DF.
Professor Elm's Training Method is a lot like Celio's Network, your only restriction is that you can only search for evolutions.
Most people play this over Celio's Network if their deck plays with pokemon EX.

Holon Mentor from DS and DF.
Holon Mentor is a lot like Challenge! if Challenge! didn't let your opponent do anything.
Holon Mentor lets you fill your bench with 3 basic pokemon that have less than 100 HP.
Almost every deck is better with 2-3 of these in it.

I hope this has helped and I wish you good luck on your new start.
Decks nowadays consist of at least 10 Supporters. You can only use 1 each turn, but that's only because they are so awesome. This can be easily overcome, because most decks only need 2/3 turns to get a basic setup and 2 supporters will likely be enough for those first 2 turns.

You'll need all sorts of Supporters to make sure you play every game at the same speed, cuz you don't want to rely on luck to get that one ubercard out, do ya? I thought so. (btw, if you got a ubercard, make sure you get 2 copies of it, cuz playing with single cards doesn't work, they're often in your prizes and that screws you over, kinda)
-Refresh Supporters. Ya remember Prof. Oak from base? We now have other cards, allowing you to shuffle your hand into your deck instead of discarding it and then draw sum cards. Recommended: Copycat and Prof. Rowan (DP).
-Draw Supporters. Basically, some Bills on steroids here. Recommended: TV Reporter, Steven's advice, Prof Cozmo's Discovery.
-Search Supporters. The better Pokemon Traders and Pokeballs go here. Prof. Elm's, Celio's, Mentor and anything else that lets you search without flipping is fine here, but the first 3 are indeed recommended.

Oh, and you want to get out the right supporter too, don't ya? That's the next problem you'll be facing. Therefore, you use some Scott (if you play stadiums) or Castaway(if you play tools). If you play both stadiums and tools, you could add em both and they can search for each other, making it even more convenient. If you use neither, I recommend Scott since it can search for 3 Supporters all at once.
To see what the heck I am talking about here, go to www.pokebeach.com/cdex and check out those cards for yourself.
everyone is playing Holon Engines. You use Holon Trancsiever to search for a supporter with Holon in its name and play it the same turn.
Since your probably not ready for any big Tourneys don’t but an TCG Packs, that are after Holon Phantoms.
WPM said:
The following Pokémon TCG sets will be removed from the Modified format for the 2007–2008 tournament seasons:
EX Deoxys
EX Emerald
EX Unseen Forces
EX Delta Species
EX Legend Maker
EX Trainer Kit 2
POP Series 2 Promo Cards
POP Series 3 Promo Cards
All Black Star Promo Cards numbered 036 and lower

Just to keep that in mind. Also in the Deck Garage Stickied Section there is a Thread that tells you must of the commonly used Trainers. Not to mention a Reprint section if you just happen to find any cards that are reprinted from the Neo Era that you have a copy of.
Reprint Guide: http://pokebeach.com/forums/showthread.php?tid=7101
Deck Help: http://pokebeach.com/forums/showthread.php?tid=3497
^This guide goes through perfectly on how to build a deck in the new format.

AS for collecting cards the Trading Corner is a Great place to start. Especially if people are interested in collecting the older cards to finish sets.
I'm an older player and my younger brothers are getting into the game. I was wondering what sets legal to use, and if the old sets(basic fossil) are compatable with the new sets?

Welcome to the forums!

This post is more suitable as an entire thread by itself, as it is a different question, though related, to the topic of discussion. ~DRK176
Start buying Castaway. Those'll be popular next year, since this season is almost over with. For now, maybe by 2-3 copies of Delcatty PK, and Rare Candies. Then get to a league, and figure out your meta. and wait for next season.

Arcanine out.