BW/BW2 on 2ch they have taken a picture of a page in the b/w manual (SPOILERS)

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Ultimate Ledgend Collector
and serebii have posted it showing the gym leaders of Isshu go on the homepageand its there iris is the 8th gym leader :)
RE: on 2ch they have taken a picture of a page in the b/w manual

That's a major spoiler if you ask me ¬_¬....
RE: on 2ch they have taken a picture of a page in the b/w manual

Iris is the 8th gym leader!?

Then...dragons are confirmed. We have a Clair wannabe
Iris is the DRAGON GYM LEADER! Can't wait to see the look on Ash's face in the anime!
i think the one next to iris is ice

info: gyms now work progressively boosting tradeable levels by 10 an gym 3 is in hiun city with the beetle bagde (Bug) and gym 4 is the bolt badge (electric) gym 5 is in hodomoe city with the quake badge (ground) and gym 6 is Fukiyose city with the jet badge (???) gym 7 is the icicle bagde in Sekka city and gym 8 is souryuu city with the ledgend bage with iris
^ it is....

Here's the order of gyms, and they're types :)

1. Grass/Fire/Water - Dento, Poddo, Koon
2. Normal - Aloe.
3. Bug - (name not legible yet.)
4. Electric- Kamitsure
5. Ground - Yaakon
6. Flying - Fuuro
7. Ice- Hachike
8. Dragon - Iris

okay. [:
Fuuro is pretty :p

I hope the electric person is a chick. That pretty boy stuff doesn't work out.

Also, anyone noticed that it's boys in one column and girls on the other?

Boy, Girl, Boy, Girl, Rinse and repeat.

Well, at least the gender ratio seems balanced in progression...not that it matters.
Yea, the Electric Gym leader is a girl. She has kinda squinted eyes and is making a kissy face, so I doubt that's a boy. But if it is, whatever floats your boat gamefreak. But the Flying Gym Leader is looking really good. I am in love with the Gym leaders this Region. :)
Yeah, Ice has now been Gym #7 for gen 2, gen 4 and now gen 5. But at least there is no ROCK! That's all that matters.
So we have 3 gym types that finally returned.

Give it up for Bug, Ground, and Dragon! Especially Ground.
wait i thought that iris was ashs age so how is she a gym leader but it does explain why she isnt a new trainer
Is this ture Hmmmm looks fishy i dont see Dento and Aloe.....why cover the first 2 gym leader's??
I think it may be fake
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