One Red Wurmple


Retired Mod
I bet none of you will understand this title, but I'll explain it to you. There was a man named Kyle MacDonald that had an idea which he called "One Red Paperclip." He started from a red paper clip and traded it for various things until he got all the way up to a house(yes, a house). I want to do something similar. I'm going to start from a Wurmple(PL) and trade it until I get something big. I don't know what I am aiming for yet, but I'll probably know when I reach it. Here's the guidelines I'm going to follow: I can't add anything else into the trade, I can only trade for one card at a time, I can only trade for cards in the modified format, and I can't trade with the same person more than once. I don't really know if you care, I just want to tell somebody what I am trying to do. In this thread I will keep a sort of blog of how I'm doing.

TRADE #1: I pulled a Wurmple(PL) out of my binder and I traded it to my brother for a RH Hoothoot(HS), which is worth a dollar. Not a bad start if you ask me. Troll and Toad says that its worth 3 dollars, so I'm going with that.

TRADE #2: So I got my friend to bring his extra card box(he's a n00b so he doesn't have much) to percussion camp. I was looking through his stuff and traded for his Arceus Blackstar Promo.

TRADE #3: Some kid on the beach(konter_j8902) traded me his Gyarados for the arceus promo.

TRADE #4: Another kid that was trying to help me(piplup234) offered to trade me his Claydol for what ever I had. I accepted thinking it was still worth about $4. To my surprise, troll and toad are listing them for $1. Although the price is less, I still think I can trade it for about the same amount as a gyarados.

TRADE #5: I was disappointed about my last trade, but this one made up for it. Mudkip(from these forums) helped me out by trading one of his extra water arceus for the claydol. Thanks man.
I'm interested in this, and I think it's a cool idea. Good luck, and I hope you end up with a really rare card.
yeah, thatd be really funny if in the end you got a luxray X lol. Ill be watching this one.
That would be cool if you ended up with a Luxray GL Lv.X.

I wanna trade for whatever the current card is at Nats if you are going. :)
minimidget94 said:
yeah, thatd be really funny if in the end you got a luxray X lol. Ill be watching this one.

That would be epic.

Mudkip said:
That would be cool if you ended up with a Luxray GL Lv.X.

I wanna trade for whatever the current card is at Nats if you are going. :)

I'll make sure to meet up with you. I appreciate the help! :)
That would be hard. Going from Gengar SF (for instance) to a Lux X would be nigh impossible. Although, a RH Jumpluff is a nice transition from rare holo to ultra rare. I'm pulling for ya!
Porygon-X said:
That would be hard. Going from Gengar SF (for instance) to a Lux X would be nigh impossible. Although, a RH Jumpluff is a nice transition from rare holo to ultra rare. I'm pulling for ya!

You'll all see, I'll get something huge.

Also, to anyone going to Nats: Please trade with me. If I can do a lot of good trades there, I wont have to do as many online trades.
GHJamesGH said:
You'll all see, I'll get something huge.

Also, to anyone going to Nats: Please trade with me. If I can do a lot of good trades there, I wont have to do as many online trades.

I'm going! I'll be sure to bring all my cards. ;)
yeah youll never know, maybe someone is running beautifly there, and needs one red wurmple for their deck lol.
GHJamesGH said:
I bet none of you will understand this title, but I'll explain it to you. There was a man named Kyle MacDonald that had an idea which he called "One Red Paperclip." He started from a red paper clip and traded it for various things until he got all the way up to a house(yes, a house). I want to do something similar. I'm going to start from a Wurmple(PL) and trade it until I get something big. I don't know what I am aiming for yet, but I'll probably know when I reach it. Here's the guidelines I'm going to follow: I can't add anything else into the trade, I can only trade for one card at a time, I can only trade for cards in the modified format, and I can't trade with the same person more than once. I don't really know if you care, I just want to tell somebody what I am trying to do. In this thread I will keep a sort of blog of how I'm doing.

Trade #1: I pulled a Wurmple(PL) out of my binder and I traded it to my brother for a RH Hoothoot(HS). Not a bad start if you ask me.

I actually know exactly what you are talking about. Did you know he did it in only 14 trades too? Now that's crazy. I too will trade you at Nats if you find me.
ScreamRawr said:
I actually know exactly what you are talking about. Did you know he did it in only 14 trades too? Now that's crazy. I too will trade you at Nats if you find me.

Yeah I know, its one of the most amazing stories I've ever heard. Thanks for the help!
GHJamesGH said:
Yeah I know, its one of the most amazing stories I've ever heard. Thanks for the help!

Of course! Maybe you'll have the card that I need! Haha. I'll be in the Masters section, so be sure to find me.
My Church youth group did something like this once. They gave us all a twinkie and we had to go around in some neighborhood to see what we could get. One person got a freaking piano! I'll also see if I have something to trade for whatever you have at nats.
I've also done something like this.
I had a Pichu that this person wanted realy realy badly, but they didn't have anything I wanted.
However they did have a shiny on their game (yes, Data) that I didn't have yet, so I asked PikaFlash to clone it for him so that they didn't loose it.
So I traded the Pichu, Shinx & Master Ball (MB was a throw-in) for their Shiny (I think that it was a Dratini)...& they we're happy to get the MB, as they wanted to catch one of the Running Pokémon...or it could've been Darkrai/Shaymin (In-game event)...& they had ran out of Master Balls (So, I got PikaFlash to clone them some more Master Balls for free).
GHJamesGH said:
You'll all see, I'll get something huge.

Also, to anyone going to Nats: Please trade with me. If I can do a lot of good trades there, I wont have to do as many online trades.

Yeah I am going to nats, I will trade with you to keep it going.
Maybe you'll end up with a Psyduck. o_0 Haha that could easily be your next step, then find me and I'll trade you something of reasonable value to you. ;)