Online TCG beta launched.

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Awesome! It wasn't working for me when I tried it earlier today, but now it is. I'm trying it out right now.:)
It's actually really fun to play if you ask me. I took four prizes off of Feraligatr's Spinning Tail.:p
Also a side note, just like how you can play Supporters on your first turn, I'm pretty sure PlusPower applies to all of your pokemon which is another sign of the B/W rule changes.
^Yeah, Pluspower works for everyone. Probably because if you want to retreat AFTER using it, you wouldn't waste the effect.
This made my day :p Thanks for posting this, it needs to be on the front page if it isn't already.

And yes, it goes by the B and W rules. My potion healed 30 :p
It might just be a beta version, but am going to try it and see how it goes. This seems very exciting and gives me an opportunity to get back into TCG.
:( its not working for me. it says that the login service is under matinence. oh well it would ust distract me from school work anyway
Once they add deck customization, it will be more fun. All you can choose from right now is a grass deck. Overall I think the program is great.
hi all, does anyone know where the option to change the game to fullscreen is, playing it in a little box in my browser is annoying.

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