I make my system up as I go along playing the game and doing stuff.
Being able to switch boxes is really nice!
Some of them are the following:
-Synchronize box (Abras/Ralts with Synchronize ability, sorted in a 5x5 grid by natures)
-Ditto box (with 2-3 perfect IV dittos from safari)
-shiny box (regular shinies, crappy ones from pokeradar/chainfishing)
-Lv1 train ready (either bred or traded pokemon that are top in terms of ability/IVs/nature/egg-moves and merely require EV training and moves..)
-battle ready (100% competitively ready pokemon)
-useful (flamebody/sweetscent/HM slaves..)
-ingame (casual pokemon like from the playthrough of the game, along with legendaries)
-3 boxes of females with hidden ability from friend safari
-3 boxes of random traded/wondertraded pokemon
-3 boxes of leftovers from breeding
-Parent box (lineage of current pokemon I am breeding for right IVs etc)
-5 boxes for bred pokemon
Bolt the Cat said:
Shiny Dragonite said:
Unfotunately I can't mark them with a star because I mark the perfect IVs..
Use another symbol, then.
No he means each symbol for each perfect stat.
I'm doing the same, as is pretty much anyone I have traded with in the past 3 months, and even through wondertrade I sometimes get marked lv1 Pokemon that are obviously breeding leftovers with the perfect stats marked.
So I had the feeling this was so common by now that I would automatically expect a pokemon like that to have perfect speed (or whichever number the star was of the 6 symbols) and take it to the judge in Kiloude to confirm.
I find it really convenient ;D