XY Organizing Boxes

Anyone else has box for tiers like me ? I got ou box uu box and uber box
oh and also egg box because I always finds myself after finding perefect iv pokemon with 4 eggs lefts so I put them in my egg box and once in a while I go with all the eggs to hatch them. Usually while I am bored like at the bus on my way to work
I have a Box for Shiny`s, Box for Legends, a box for 3IV or more, and the other are just filled with random pokemons
Here's how my boxes will look:
One box for my ingame team, HM slave, surfer, flyer, sweetscenter, etc.
One box for shinies and 6iv pokemon.
One box for pokemon that are on my "to breed" list.
One box for starters.
One box for 5iv pokemon that I will be keeping.
One box for events (ingame or otherwise)
Five boxes for eggs when breeding shinies and things. (Cleaned out frequently)
A few "misc" boxes, and the rest is whatever.
I have my shinies box, my BFFs box which consists of several Ralts with Synchronize of certain natures that I use frequently, a Talonflame with Flame Body for hatching eggs, and of course all of my Pokemon that I have trained and loved. ^~^ I do have a box called Breloom Army when I was trying to catch a Breloom with 31 Attack and Speed IVs with Technician (found a shiny Breloom during that hunt!), so I ended up having a bunch of Breloom that I eventually released when I checked and saw that none of them had what I wanted. v.v I tend to do that. In my White version i bred hundreds of Zorua and had a box dedicated to them, and always thinking about how hilarious it would be if all of those Zorua were out of their Pokeballs and they just took over the world with their cuteness, so I applied that with my Breloom box. x) Other than that it's just miscellaneous. Organized in a way that I only I understand, though. :p
First of all, I name my boxes and give them different backgrounds.
Secondly, I don't breed for perfect IV, just for nature and IV training and I'm not into competitive battling so marking is something I don't use.
Third, I'm talking pre-XY and in my HG game.
Last, I used to have boxes according to type but no more.

In my main box, named "Vault", I have my traveling team members (those that were with me in the post game; those I had when reaching E4 will go to the "Rare" and those from early on my journey, mosty HM slaves, will go to the next boxes) and I'll go adding my IV trained Pokémon to it. If the need to have a second box for those arises, I'll just move all other boxes one box foward (by the end it's very difficult if even possible to do this as I'll be reaching full capacity). This box is the center and reference for my storage system!

From then on, my Pokémon are by numerical order accordingly to Regional Pkdex and the boxes are just numbered (Box 1, Box 2...) and these is where the backgrounds come in handy for memory since the Pokémon stored here are mostly for storing and forgetting and only if they prove to be needed in breeding will I withdraw them and keep them in my "Lab" ones.

After that, I have my "Hoenn" boxes (Hoenn 1, Hoenn 2) and in these the creatures are displayed by my likings.
After that, my "Sinnoh" and all the rest is like the "Hoenn" ones.

Now we're going backwards from my "Vault" box.
First it comes the "Legend" box were I keep my Legendaries, shinies and fossils (by this order).

Moving on, there's the "Rare" box where I keep the starters lines, the Pokémon I traded with people like the Gym leaders and my former traveling partners (they could have been with me by the time I've reached E4 but were replaced in the post game).

Then it comes the "Unown" but latelly, after capturing them all, I just release them and give the box another purpose, mainly because of my next boxes: the "Lab" boxes.

The "Lab" boxes are where I keep my eugenics experiments and, since I have a habit of safeguarding for the future, it's hard to let go of some with the excuse that "I might need them tomorrow". As the Hoenn and Sinnoh, the name of these are "Lab 1"," Lab 2" and so on.
With the release of Pokémon Bank, I'm looking foward to seeing how people use the Bank opposed to the in game pc. I'll be using the PC like I have for the past few years, but with the additional 100 Bank boxes, I'll be more free to catching and breeding loads of Pokémon without running out of space! Currently, my PC contains all 718 Pokémon (Boxes 1-24) in National Pokédex order. While six or seven Boxes contain shinies, mega evolutions, and competitive Pokémon. Presently, my Bank is pretty empty, but I have all 'leftover' Pokémon from breeding and some IV Pokémon that will act as parents for when I need to breed them in the future.
My (very intricate) system will probably come off as incredibly odd, but I find that it works very well for me.

In X and Y, I have four different unofficial categories for Pokémon; Team/Competitive, Pokédex fodder, Legendary Pokémon, and breeding reserves. My first box is reserved solely for the Pokémon that I used to play through the story (and yes, I used so many different species that they all do take up an entire box to themselves) This box is simply called 'Team'.

Next come my five boxes of competitive-level Pokémon, with beneficial natures, perfect IV's, special egg moves, EV training, etc. The first two boxes are filled with ones that are done, good to go, I could equip them with items and then drop them in the battle box at any time and be a-ok. The third has Pokémon that have the natures/IV's I want, but haven't been EV trained yet or aren't fully evolved or at level 50, and the last two competitive boxes have Pokémon that I want on my competitive teams, but haven't been bred yet. All of these boxes carry the tag 'Warrior'. Following this is a single box devoted to storing any Shiny Pokémon I've found during my gameplay. However, this box is only for Shiny Pokémon without competitive natures/IV's/Abilities/moves. I have three shiny competitive Pokémon; Gardevoir, Vaporeon, and Butterfree, and these three live in the Warrior boxes with their fellows. And if anyone wants to ask: no. These three are not available for trade under any circumstances.

The next boxes, which take up the bulk of my space, are all Pokédex fodder. They contain the final evolved forms of every single Pokémon in the 'dex, and are kept around in case I need to breed anything special that isn't on my competitive list, or I need a specific nature and there's a chance a Pokémon from their egg group has that nature and is lurking in these boxes. Pokémon in these boxes aren't arranged by number, but rather their habitat. It's a habit I picked up when Ruby and Sapphire came out, and it just kinda stuck. I feel that if most of these Pokémon are going to be stuck in a box for most of their lives, then they should be comfortable at the very least. Thus the boxes are categorized by biome, starting with Forest and Field Pokémon (which takes up three boxes on it's own), then City, then Savannah, then Desert, etc. Within each box Pokémon are organized according to level, with the strongest at the top and the weakest at the bottom.

After all the Biome boxes, there's a separate box devoted simply to all 18 Vivillon Forms, labeled 'Vivillon', which really isn't important. Following these are boxes that hold all of my Legendary Pokémon from previous generations. There isn't any order to them at the moment, they're just all tossed together in a huge hodge-podge.

After that comes the breeding resource boxes. The first one is kind of a holding pattern, where I can move Pokémon around and plan out how to specially design a Pokémon by breeding natures and IV's onto it. For example, currently I'm working on a Sassy Poliwag with Swift Swim and 4 Perfect IV's in HP, Def, Sp. Atk, and Sp. Def and a Speed IV of 0 for 117jokes. To do so, I found my non-competitive Vaporeon, which has a Sassy Nature, my female Dewgong, my Eevee with a 0 IV in his Speed stat, my HA Poliwhirl, and my 6 IV Ditto and placed them all in the box in the order that I'd need to breed them with one another to get the desired result. This box allows me to keep track of each stage of planning a Pokemon's breeding, and keep everything nice and tidy.

The next (and second-to-last) box is marked as 'Airlock' and it's where I do all of my transfers to and from Pokémon Bank. I just like being able to put everything in one spot to make transferring Pokémon easier. And finally, there is my trade box, directly before the Battle Box. Whenever I finish a custom order for my thread, I move the result here, to avoid any possibility of it getting mixed up and accidentally released or Wonder Traded. It's also strategically located so that when I begin a trade, I just have to click over once from where you start on the trade screen and the Pokémon are right there, waiting.

And, just cause I'm on a roll, my PokéBank boxes are arranged as such: the first several boxes are full of 'close but not quite' Pokémon from breeding. They either have the wrong ability or fall just short of the right IV spread but either way, unfortunately they didn't make the cut for my team. However, all of them still have fantastic IV's and movesets, and don't deserve to just be released or Wonder-Traded immediately. These are the same Pokémon that are listed on my Trade Thread under the 'In Stock' section. They'll stay there until someone on my thread asks for them, at which point I retrieve them from Bank and trade them away, or until it becomes obvious that no one is really looking for that specific Pokémon at the time, and I Wonder Trade them to someone who will hopefully take care of them. Following these are several boxes that contain almost all of the Friend Safari Pokémon with their Hidden Abilities; after I get a new Friend Safari, I immediately go and catch a specimen, female if possible, of each Pokémon in that Safari with its Hidden Ability. They are then stored in one of the boxes in Bank until the are retrieved if/when I need them for an order. The Pokémon in these boxes are arranged according to type, with blank spots left for Pokémon that I haven't yet caught with their HA's according to Bulbapedia's list.

And that's how I organize and keep track of everything. I sorta went off on a tangent there, hope it was helpful, somehow...
PokeBank lets me do a lot of things when it comes to organizing Pokemon and thankfully lets my PC have a lot of breeding space. In the PC right now I have my competitive or battle ready Pokemon in the first few boxes and I have a lot of Wonder Traded Pokemon for the Lumiose lottery after those. Then I have a box of extra things that I can Wonder Trade that fills up after I do some breeds, a box for Pokemon that needs EVing/Levels/Moves, a couple Ditto boxes, and other miscellaneous stuff that are useful to round it out (like Frisk+Compoundeyes Pokemon, my Pokemon I use to easily do Hordes/Le Wow, Talonflame, etc.)

In the Bank, I have a section for the Living Pokedex which is the first Group right now because I spent a lot of time and years on it and finally got them together before X/Y came out. I also have some alternate form Pokemon like Vivillon and different colored Flabebes. I have a Group of Hidden Ability Pokemon from Safari/Hordes to keep those together. I also keep my breeding rejects in a group, my Shinies in another, and a group for Synchronize Ralts (and Dittos if I need the space in PC).

dmaster out.
http://www.pokebeach.com/forums/thread-how-are-your-pokemon-organized ;)

Chariblaze said:
I've reworked my boxes a bit over the years, but since Gen III, I've always had the same general system. Here's how my Black system is working:

First box is Personal, which is for my Lv. 100s, frequently used party, and anything I'm working on at the moment. Following that one, the next sixteen boxes are devoted to types, in order of Pokedex number:

Grass (Bulbasaur)
Fire (Charmander)
Water (Squirtle)
Bug (Caterpie)
Normal (Pidgey)
Poison (Ekans)
Electric (Pikachu)
Ground (Sandshrew)
Fighting (Mankey)
Psychic (Abra)
Rock (Geodude)
Ghost (Gastly)
Ice (Jynx)
Dragon (Dratini)
Dark (Umbreon)
Steel (Steelix)

Box 24 is for legends, Box 23 for Events, Box 22 for DW Pokemon.

If a Pokemon is dual-type, I use the first type listed as the box it goes in. So Geodude (Rock/Ground) goes in Rock, and Rhydon (Ground/Rock) goes in Ground. Since Flying is never a primary type, it doesn't have it's own box.

After that, each dual-type is organized in the same order, with a space in between. So, you'd maybe see in my Grass box, in horizontal order:

Sunflora (Grass)
Bulbasaur (Grass/Poison)
Snover (Grass/Ice)

And then those of the same exact type are sorted by Pokedex order. Multiples are sorted by level.

It's probably way more complicated that it should be, but I like it for the most part.

I've gotten a bit lazier since then, with Pokemon kind of going in the order that I catch them, or if I like, in order of their level, such that the highest leveled Pokemon are last. If I started consciously organizing again it'd probably be a little less stringent, what with all the Pokemon we have today.
This is my current setup:
  • Box 1 - Favorite/Random/Battle Pokemon
  • Living Dex
  • Last 3 boxes - 2 boxes of Shinies and my Wonder Trade box.

Pretty simple. Once I finish the Living Dex, I'll probably trade off/giveaway a lot of Pokemon and organize by type/dex number or something.
First few boxes are reserved for my competitive Pokemon (competitive shinies will also go here), next set of boxes are for breeding space / breeding materials (Ditto, Pokemon with desired egg moves), and the final set is reserved for legendaries and shinies. Anything else such as dud breeds or general Pokedex completion is immediately shoved in Pokebank and forgotten about. For actually organization, I like to group the Pokemon by Pokedex order so it's easier on myself to find things. My organization in previous generations was far more organized and neat, but that was because I had limited space to actually work with.

Marking with patterns seemed like a waste of time to me. I'm easily able to identify differences in two Pokemon of the same species I need by just looking at the stats, levels, ability, and moves.
I usually separate them by type, usually I'll put two types in one box if they are similar.

In Black 2
Box 1: Grass
Box 2: Fire
Box 3: Electric
Box 4: drkGHOST
Box 5: normFLY
Box 6: ROCKgrnd
Box 7: Water
Box 8: Ice

In Y
Box 1: Grass (Inludes Bug)
Box 2: Fire
Box 3: Water
Box 4: GROUNDrock (Includes Fighting and Steel)
Box 5: Electric
Box 6: darkPOISON (Inludes Dragon)
Box 7: flyingFAIRY
Box 8: Normal
Box 9: ghostPSYCHIC
I sort them out by Type (eg grass,fire,water,flying,etc 18 boxes) then I have a starters box then a eggs box then a breeding box (for pokemon I need to breed) after that I put my shiny pokemon then ledgendary pokemon (2 boxes) then I cave all my collection pokemon (shellos, vivillion, etc) and battle ready box full of Ived and ev trained pokemon a box full of dittos, trade box (for exsisting trades or for WT 2 boxes) and a party box (for pokemon I like to keep around. :)
I also use one box just for dittos. On top of that I have a box of Pokémon with the Synchronise ability to make finding the right nature in wild easier. I use the same box for two Pokémon with Cute Charm to be able to affect the gender of Pokémon and one with Suction Cups to help me fish. Basically this is my box for abilities that affect the encounters.

I have another box for my in-game Pokémon. I rotate between many Pokémon while I play through the game. These include some favourites, but mainly as many as possible native (new) Pokémon that I want to use in the regarding region.

Two of my boxes are used for Legendary Pokémon. One for trios and 600 base stats Legendary Pokémon and the other for the big guys; Arceus, Creation Trio, Weather Trio, Mewtwo and Mew (the exception to the 600 base stat rule), and the Trio Leaders (Ho-oh, Lugia, and Regigigas).

Another two of my boxes are used for competitive Pokémon that I use in battles. This may grow depending on the amount of Pokémon I train. Luckily we have more space this generation. I was forced to put some competitive Pokémon in the regular boxes (I split them by placing the competitive ones on the bottom), which I use for:

All my other boxes are organised by type. I use the same order as the search function for the Pokémon in the Pokédex. Several types have so many Pokémon that I need two for them; water is one of them. I don't use a specific order to put them in the box, except that the starter Pokémon and my favourites are generally in the beginning.
None of my boxes in any of my games have ever been sorted! *is proud*
Athena said:
None of my boxes in any of my games have ever been sorted! *is proud*

This, aside from X where I'm finally trying to complete the 'Dex.
I just organize the important stuff. Shinies, obviously get their own box.

Been trying to get at least 30 fully legit shinies that I myself caught, unchained, and NOT from trades. Chained shinies have their own boxes as well. 5IV, Legendaries and stuff I get ready for trade have their own boxes.

I also have 4 boxes of hacked shinies from Gen 4 and 5 called Fakies, Hax, Lots Hax, and DUDE RLY?. They're for my own personal use and are't available for trade. I just like looking at them but they don't have the same sense of achievement I get from my legit shinies. And these are not for bragging, just when im bored, I will go into my PC and play with their sprites. I'm not a fan of folks that brag about their shinies and it's all hacks or cheats. The whole point of them is to feel lucky to run into one.
First 2 Boxes- Every Legendary
Box 3- Shinies
Box 4- Good Pokémon
Box 5-9- Failed Madusa Methoding with Mudkips
Boxes 10-Above- Randomness
4 Boxes filled with Shiny`s. 6 Boxes of Amaura that about to release (failed MM`ing)
One box of other Gen 6 (Not much xD)
1 box of 15 Shiny Legends and there normal next to it. 1 other box with random Legendarie. And then the other are filled with eggs or just random pokemons. And 2 empty boxes.