Wi-Fi Trades OshawottFan and LillipupFTW Trade Thread NEW MISSION

Are my trades good

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RE: OshawottFan, LillipupFTW and GREENMONKEYDUMP'S Trade Thread NEW MISSION

Umm, well check my thread for the shiny Shaymin. Most shinies on it are still there.
RE: OshawottFan, LillipupFTW and GREENMONKEYDUMP'S Trade Thread NEW MISSION

Umm, any shinies you liked? Dont have Arceus.
RE: OshawottFan, LillipupFTW and GREENMONKEYDUMP'S Trade Thread NEW MISSION

You listed Minchina Arceus in your thread >_>
I am not interested in Gen 4 and below shinys any more. Only Gen V IV'd and Events and Shinys :D
RE: OshawottFan, LillipupFTW and GREENMONKEYDUMP'S Trade Thread NEW MISSION

Hey can I get a clone of that? Also anybody want to trade?
RE: OshawottFan, LillipupFTW and GREENMONKEYDUMP'S Trade Thread NEW MISSION

Hmm, decisions. Like I said in my earlier post. Gen V Shinies are actually worth something so I asked if you'd do it for a Shiny Flareon and your regular Hypno (random pokedex entry :D). Now Im tempted to take all the work out of breeding. Ill get back to you on this (since I cant even trade for like 2 weeks anyway :().
RE: OshawottFan, LillipupFTW and GREENMONKEYDUMP'S Trade Thread NEW MISSION


Were you interested in the DW females? They are Lickitung and Stantler for shiny Espeon.
Idk if you still wanted them or not. ^^;
RE: OshawottFan, LillipupFTW and GREENMONKEYDUMP'S Trade Thread NEW MISSION

Uh can you link me to your thread please?
RE: OshawottFan, LillipupFTW and GREENMONKEYDUMP'S Trade Thread NEW MISSION

Eh I don't think I want to trade Espeon for those 2 DW females :(
RE: OshawottFan, LillipupFTW and GREENMONKEYDUMP'S Trade Thread NEW MISSION

That's alright, trust me. Anything else you see or no?
RE: OshawottFan, LillipupFTW and GREENMONKEYDUMP'S Trade Thread NEW MISSION

No sorry :( I only saw the 2 DW pokes :(
RE: OshawottFan, LillipupFTW and GREENMONKEYDUMP'S Trade Thread NEW MISSION

Aww, darn. ]:
If you still want them I'd be glad to trade for Espeon, but if not then it's okay. x3
RE: OshawottFan, LillipupFTW and GREENMONKEYDUMP'S Trade Thread NEW MISSION

Yeah sorry I don't want to trade a flawless shiny for 2 DWs :( LMK if you get any items or IV'd pokemon :D
RE: OshawottFan, LillipupFTW and GREENMONKEYDUMP'S Trade Thread NEW MISSION

So out of like 50 searches I finally found an article on Serebii forums saying that they might have abolished the 50 DW pokemon limit internationally. IDK if thts true, but its a start. Im not trying to be overprotective, its just that Id like to be able to send stuff I need over too. :p
RE: OshawottFan, LillipupFTW and GREENMONKEYDUMP'S Trade Thread NEW MISSION

Well I am ready to trade when ever you need it :D
RE: OshawottFan, LillipupFTW and GREENMONKEYDUMP'S Trade Thread NEW MISSION

Well, if any definite news comes out within my 2-week-no-DS-period, Ill let you know :D. Oh, and one quick question...

Whill yew bee miy Fweeeeend????....u know, buddy list of course XD
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