Over powered

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I'm wondering when PUSA is going to stop making overpowered cards. Especially with SP pokemon coming out, this is becoming rediculous. Not to mention charizard lv.x and garchomp lv.x coming out. What do you think?
How do you know those cards are overpowered? We don't have a spoiler yet.
Also, PUSA makes no cards. Do your research first.

Stop ninja-ing me DOX ¬.¬
i think that the pokemon Lv.X and the pokemon SP (<--when they come out) make the game interesting, more enjoyable, and they keep people playing the game we all love! :D

(that is just my opinion)
I know, but they have reputations to be powerfull. 120 was rediculous back in basic era. 200 was alot in the fr/lg time. Theres not really a hint of the power rise to stop
Reputations say nothing. For instance, Wigglytuff had a reputation of being OMGUBERDOTHEWAVE!!111. Now? Right.
Also, Garchomp has never really been Tier 1. Always been right under it, and now sinking deeper each set. Charizard? Pretty much the same. His damage output SEEMS nice until you realize you gotta ditch a bucketload of energy for it.
Juliacoolo said:
I know, but they have reputations to be powerfull. 120 was rediculous back in basic era. 200 was alot in the fr/lg time. Theres not really a hint of the power rise to stop

Well if you mean keeping the "overpower" around the level it is now, i agree to that (within reason) i do not think the power rise to continue at a very steep rate. But then again, it really is not climbing to a steep rate anyway :p
Ya, I guess i agree, But remember, in base set time, getting 50 damage for 4 energy was a decent attack. Now four energies can get you so much more.
Yes, there is a power rise. There has been a definite hop somewhere between Dragon Frontiers and Mysterious Treasures though, which we are still adjusting to.
Really? I think pokeomn is dying. Especially with all the leagues shutting down. Ive had to go through two leagues, and my third one is closing. And now there aren't any tournaments for over 60 miles from where i live.
You sure seem like it as it was enough of a deal for you to make a thread about it. =F

Juliacoolo said:
I know you hate me lol.

Also, I don't hate you, nor do I hate anyone. So don't ever think that.
Juliacoolo said:
I guess I just miss the strategic years.

There's something else wrong with that statement.

We are still in the 'strategic' days. There are plenty of strategic combos running around.

And no, don't say, there's not as much strategy as there used to be, because that too is wrong. There is even more strategy then there was back then.
Yes, but then pokemon was ONLY strategy. Now some jave between pure power, others are all strategy, and some are balenced. But, I guess you are right.
if charizard isnt overpowered ... so rampardos is a beast ... when kingdra came out it was the biggest beast and nowadays it still be the best card ... if SP pokemons arent overpowered ... how can you explain toxigroak and some more ...??
Gecko, i very much agree with you, it makes the game more interesting, and when they make 10 very overpowered main attackers, you get 10 awesome decks, also we have so many rogues that can beat these overpowered cards our current meta is very balanced, where as in yugioh (which my friend plays) there is 1 good deck, and if you don't play it, you lose.
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