Over powered

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The pokemon around in the Base set/Jungle were by no means strategic. Take the haymaker deck, for instance. All that deck did was DO DAMAGE. Sure, it took the right T/T/S to make it work, but still, you attached a few energies to your Hitmonchan or Electabuzz and they did some damage, no effects, no pokemon that you have to play at the right time, nothing like Claydol to make your deck run better and the Supporters were not as sophisticated like Wager. Personally, doing more damage makes it more strategic, not less, as you have to figure out how to keep your pokemon in the game for more than 2 turns. The HP on the pokemon has also increased along with the attack power. The usual Stage 2 has 120-130-140, rather than 100.
Yes i agree while the power has gone up making all the old cards worse (power wise in unlimited i would use new pokes+ old trainers.... ) the strategically has gotten better with G and stuff. Yeah i miss the old pokes, while power has gone up the only thing i don't like about the strong attacks is when there one engery and to strong with other cards... or that they can randomly kill you even if there not over powered per se.. (ie i hate kingdra + claydol/uxie [for some reason the only deck i lose to constantly >>] or things like machomp and soon rhampdors. I guess i want it to slow down a little bit....

But the game is better than the old rockets sets back then it was attack and do damage now its maybe smarter with good spread and things like fun combos like xatu+ wigglytuff ETC. While not strong its fun and better than old days of say blastoise+ water Pokemon >>

I understand completely what he means. I clearly remember thinking that 3 energies for 50-80 damage was a decent damage-energy ratio benchmark in the EX days. Now, 3 Energy is too expensive unless it deals at least 100 damage. We now have a Kingdra doing an unthinkable 60 damage + 20 damage bench snipe for a single Water energy, and Mesprit Lv.X dealing 200 for 2 Psychic Energy (albeit you still need to meet certain conditions for these cards but they're not impossible). I think what he's calling for is a little more of a battle. We now have such insane set up power (especially when Time-Space Tear is released) that speed dominates the format. Instead of an overwhelming T2-4 victory, how about a battle that actually makes you sweat for an entire 40 minutes? I think such battles are still possible, but you need to be much more clever and much more creative than you used to be. Honestly, I'm fine with the current format, because although it may seem like there are some overpowered cards, there are some other underrated cards that can counter those overrated cards if you're a good enough player to spot them.
What's wrong with a Power Creep? Everybody has access to the new cards, so it's not broken for anybody lol.

I do agree that it takes no skill to build a deck nowadays, because I'm a pretty new player and I can actually build a pretty good list of basically anything. Looking back in the Ex era (NOT Base Set - That wasn't skillfull) it seemed more complex.
Thanks for all the feedback guys. What I ment by base being strategy, was that there were very few powerhouses In the game. Which made it that you had to have almost pure strategy. Some people may argue with haymaker, and that 4 base mewtwo deck with 56 pschic energy (practically unbeatable) but their were no kingdras, or rampardos, or others who can do 80 plus with very small drawbacks. Ill agree that we still have strategy today, but really, in pokemon, the more money you have, the better your deck is. It should take 75% skill. and i'm not just saying that because I'm poor.
Yeah, I got 2 old decks for Christmas and my friend and I tried to play and quit becuase the energy costs were outrageous and it just got boring!
Juliacoolo said:
Ill agree that we still have strategy today, but really, in pokemon, the more money you have, the better your deck is. It should take 75% skill. and I'm not just saying that because I'm poor.

Your last statement is flawed. In a game where you can get an awesome super deck for around 100 bucks, poor people can play easily. Compare to Yugioh where you got to add an extra digit. And then there are the budget decks, such as Scizor.
Also, I'm by no means rich, but I'm resourceful enough to grant me access to a huge cardpool. Think outside of the box.
Now try going for a Scizor deck. 30 bucks top.
When you play a TCG you sign on for a moderately expensive hobby. This current format is a lot cheaper then the ones dominated by Ex's where you had to have 4 Exs for a good deck - often worth the same as a LVX a piece.
I have a scizor deck. Its ok. Im very competitive, and i dont want to play a deck that will only be so good. Right now im playing chomp and darkrai. Im 6-0 and am my city champion for the second straight year. Dont ban me for off topic, but do you have any gible, gabite, chomp mt, or chomp x, I have some pending, but i need more.
Scizor is great when run with Cherrim, I knew someone that ran it at CC and it did pretty good.
On the Off-topic part of your post:p I have about 5 Gible and 1 Garchomp MT.
Trade? And also, do you really expect scizor in the championship?
Yeah, I can trade those, what do you mean by "Championship"? I do expect Scizor to do okay at States/Regionals.
Scizor-Shaymin might become big, if it has an appropriate tech vs. Dialga G that is.
And I've always thought Pokémon needs a ban list. Every other popular card game has one, and sometimes it's just too obvious. Just rotation every format won't always cut it, I'm afraid.
Juliacoolo and Ampha-pwn77, going off-topic is seen as spamming. If you wish to discuss trades, please do it in the Trading Corner. Thanks.
Hmm, Yeah, it would be good if they had something like that, I don't know what could stop Dialga though. The only thing that could stop it would be another Dialga, which would be just as bad.
Noobnerd, I am very sorry, I won't do it again.
^You can't shut off a Dialga G Lv.X with another Dialga. The effect works on all non G Pokemon. As for beating the Dialga, I suggest the use of PokeBlower. You drag the Dialga out and kill it in a couple of turns.
Juliacoolo said:
I have no where near 100 dollars to spend on cards. Thats why.

Like LC said, be resourceful. And we all know what that means...con. Don't argue that pokemon is an expensive game. People who think of it that way just don't know how to manage their cards. I spent a grand total of RM25{$8} on my gengar deck and RM40{$10} on my old blissey. And even that money I got by selling off my cards cheap. I'm not gloating or anything. It's just an example that you can make a deck cheap. And how do you do that? Speculate. Stock broker style.

Get the cards when they are cheap and be confident that they're good. Look at the gengar COTD article on it. Everyone hated the card. Imbalanced they said. It did well for me.
I 100% agree with the TC - the power creep is not only terribly obvious, but completely unnecessary. It is very possible to create new variations in a card game without increasing power levels so outrageously. Pokemon SP and Lv. X's would be fine right now if they were reasonable, but they aren't.
Conceptually, unlimited format is the easiest, most universal way to play. With it, you can play fairly no matter when it was you collected cards. Yet, nowadays any cards I bought a few years ago are now completely worthless in battle, since new cards can completely murder them. It just isn't fair.
You may say that anyone who doesn't want to buy the new cards is simply lazy and penny-pinching. But the fact is that they shouldn't need to buy new ones when they have already spent good money on cards from previous sets. Because making variations without raising power levels is possible, what the TCG is doing by making the new cards so much more powerful is simply forcing us to buy the new sets, lest we can no longer play a fair game. This is ridiculous, I find, and it is breaking any casual fanbase TCG might have had. As a casual card-player, myself, the power creep significantly discourages me from getting back into the game very much. Why would I want to buy cards with an expiration date?
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