All cards are of course relative, but for the record there are a lot of issues with this game. I know because I've been around for most of it.
Meowth doesn't need 180 HP. Even a two Energy attack that deals 120+ damage isn't required. We have cards that are used in multiple competitive decks that don't fit either let alone both of those criteria. Think of Night March (like anyone currently playing can ignore it

); none of the Pokémon typically run in that deck fit both criteria. Yes they can hit hard, but they are tiny!
Shaymin-EX (ROS) may be a Pokémon-EX but it doesn't have 180 HP or an attack that deals 120+ damage for two Energy. It does have an amazing Ability. So does
Exeggcute (PLF, PLB), and it isn't a Pokémon-EX either. Note that I wouldn't call any of these cards balanced.
I don't want
any Pokémon dealing 30 or more damage for a single Energy, at least for a while, until the-powers-that-be remember they need to design cards that
including after combos can't attack for a KO the first turn or two of the game. Why? Because that leaves time for attacks that
set up. With that, you have something useful to decks for Evolving Basics to do
and you can allow first turn attacks again
and Evolutions have time to Evolve, so that they can be competitive without
- overpowering Basics (don't laugh it actually happened for several formats, though none recently!)
- being blatantly overpowered themselves and/or having a shortcut to hit the field (see current successful Evolutions).