Overwhelming Spec. Conditions


Aspiring Trainer
Hey guys, I hope this thread is in the right spot. Anyways, I would like to try to make a deck that has an overwhelming amount of special conditions towards the opponent, but I don't exactly know where to start. It's going to be a combonation of Psychic and Grass cards, but I need reccommendations on what cards can inflict some heavy special conditions.

As of now, I have Crobat Prime and Beedrill (with Needle Shock) as ideas to put into my deck.

Any reccommendations for cards? Thanks.
roserade with rainbow energy all the way man, cuz yyea thats two conditions with one attach
beautifly from Platinum could work, vileplume from legends, torkoal is flippy for burn, skuntank g for poison, shiftry can confuse and makes opponent get tails
If you're running Candies, Venusaur (SV) isn't a bad idea. Leafeon (UD) for max damage w/ all those spec. conditions.:p
mtndew: Yeah I forgot about that one! My friend has one and it just demolishes

Oh and thanks for all of the options guys, I'll have to check out all the pokemon here in a second, I don't know them by heart :p
You won't get warned because you haven't given us any specific cards to work around, but for future threads, make sure you've read the rules of this forum.

Leafeon UD takes advantage of any Special Condition you decide to abuse. Magmortar SV isn't a bad card either.
gliscors are good to, attacks usualy poison or burn depending on which one then the x has atomatic
paralyze and poison
Hmm, I think I could make a very good combo with both leafeon and the beautifly, as well as roserade and one other pokemon set on the side
Leafeon and Beautifly don't combo well. Leafeon needs something that puts the status on the defending poke WITHOUT AN ATTACK, therefore Magmortar SV and Roserade UL are the better choices.

If you want something thats just hilarious fun, look at Crobat Prime, Hypno HGSS and Blaziken PT combined. Quad Poison + Burn + 50-50 chance of sleep.
I like the Houndoom Prime, yes it's flippy, but it's a chance to burn from the bench. I'm also a big fan of Drapion LvX with the Tri-poison, three damage counters instead of one is always nasty.

Although, this topic makes me nastalgic... I really miss tech'ing in the old Natu/Xatu.