Own your own gym

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JusT WatChING tHE mOOn
If you are a gym leader, what type of pokemons would you choose to represent your gym?
State why you choose that certain type?
State which are the 6 pokemons that will make up your arsenal?
State your reason why u choose these pokemons?

[Sorry for the bad grammer last time, it was in rush]
Have fun!
RE: Be ur own gym leader

This goes better here...

My love for the Grass-type started with the TCG, way back in the day. I liked inflicting Special Conditions and passive status effects rather than dealing huge amounts of damage. Nowadays, Grass decks are getting a huge boost with Shaymin LV.X, so that's always good to see.

This is what I would use, in no particular order:

Ludicolo - Not only have I loved the pineapple duck since day one, Ludicolo is pretty much required to ensure I don't get DEMOLISHED by Fire-types.

Shaymin (Sky Forme) - Not because I want to, but because I have to - Infernape destroys me otherwise. Sucks that he's such a punk, though.

Torterra - Always had a spot in my heart for him. He doesn't get enough love.

Roserade - Very awesome Pokemon, and one of the only Grass-types who can use Rain Dance, which helps against the Fire-type matchup.

Breloom - He's such a punk that I can't not use him. He can beat anything he outspeeds.

Glaceon - Because Glaceon is a sexy beast (and resists Ice). I can't resist not using her.

Leafeon - Rain Dance, mostly. Also, Leafeon is decently quick and attacks physically.

The cool part about running this team is that no one relies on SolarBeam, so I am free to frolic in the rain as much as I want (and Ludicolo sure appreciates it).
RE: Be ur own gym leader

PMJ said:
This goes better here...

My love for the Grass-type started with the TCG, way back in the day. I liked inflicting Special Conditions and passive status effects rather than dealing huge amounts of damage. Nowadays, Grass decks are getting a huge boost with Shaymin LV.X, so that's always good to see.

This is what I would use, in no particular order:

Ludicolo - Not only have I loved the pineapple duck since day one, Ludicolo is pretty much required to ensure I don't get DEMOLISHED by Fire-types.

Shaymin (Sky Forme) - Not because I want to, but because I have to - Infernape destroys me otherwise. Sucks that he's such a punk, though.

Torterra - Always had a spot in my heart for him. He doesn't get enough love.

Roserade - Very awesome Pokemon, and one of the only Grass-types who can use Rain Dance, which helps against the Fire-type matchup.

Breloom - He's such a punk that I can't not use him. He can beat anything he outspeeds.

Glaceon - Because Glaceon is a sexy beast (and resists Ice). I can't resist not using her.

Leafeon - Rain Dance, mostly. Also, Leafeon is decently quick and attacks physically.

The cool part about running this team is that no one relies on SolarBeam, so I am free to frolic in the rain as much as I want (and Ludicolo sure appreciates it).

you DO realize you can only have 6 pokemon don't ya?

staraptor - it's just my pokemon, i can't change it.

slaking - hit hard, no better start.

snorlax - it's just too awesome.

porygon-z - it's my best beloved pokemon

salamence - another one of my most beloved

ambipom - i love dual tails.

so you might have guessed it, but it's a normal/flying gym.
RE: Be ur own gym leader

Kingdra (Just love his DragonDance)
Charizard (Who hates it)
Dragonite (Main Power House)
Flygon (The Cuteness)
Giratina (The only Ghost)
Sceptile (I like the speed)

The Dragon Attack Type Gym
RE: Be ur own gym leader


Welcome to the relic gym!
RE: Be ur own gym leader


Charizard-An all around amazing pokemon; my favorite Ditto-Much better
Giratina-A good legendary, possibly the best (excluding Arceus) Ditto-Much better
Machamp-A good pokemon for hard hitting Ditto-Much better
Empoleon-Counter fire + penguins are awesome Ditto-Much better
Torterra-Good wall and health sapper Ditto-Much better
Surfing Pikachu-How could I not? Ditto-Much better
RE: Be ur own gym leader

Mamoswine:mainley used to run down pokemon early on
Skymin:a great special sweeper.
Giratina:always need a good tank.
Magnazone:I always liked him.
Regigigigas:hey,this gym is based off of the giratina and the sky warrior movie,so why not?
Pikachu:mixed sweeper.
RE: Be ur own gym leader

Golem Explosion
Golem Explosion
Golem Explosion
Golem Explosion
Golem Explosion
Aerodactly Sweep

There we go. That would be tough for any trainer to get past.
RE: Be ur own gym leader

Heres what my pokemon would be:
RE: Be ur own gym leader

Okay, I love ghost types because of their mysterious aura, and strange abilities, so here's my gym:

Gengar- Gengar is fast, and a great special sweeper, so it would be my lead. I'd give it moves for massive type coverage.

Shedinja- A Pokemon that cannot be affected by anything it's not weak to. Also, it can be a powerful physical sweeper with Swords Dance.

Spiritomb- This Pokemon has no weaknesses whatsoever. With its pleathora of status options, it's perfect for a ghost team.

Rotom (no specific form)- Rotom adds unpredictability to the team. It would be a special sweeper, and it would always have the special attack for its form. Fun all around.

Mismagius- Mismagius is one of my favorite pokemon. It would perish trap pokemon and use Calm Mind. A terror indeed.

And finally: Giratina- My favorite pokemon. It would also have an unpredictable form. It would always be the final Pokemon. It would terrify opponents to surrender with powerful attacks or strong defenses. The perfect Pokemon for my haunted team.

It's so evil and enjoyable at the same time.
RE: Be ur own gym leader

DawnOfXatu said:
Golem Explosion
Golem Explosion
Golem Explosion
Golem Explosion
Golem Explosion
Aerodactly Sweep

There we go. That would be tough for any trainer to get past.
-uses dusknoir- GG -extends hand-

I'd have a TotTCG team. Taste of the TCG. :)

Dusknoir (Vander is ok I guess)
Gallade (Gotta give GG some credit)
Empoleon (Coming back!)
Shaymin (bzzzzzzzzzzzzz)
RE: Be ur own gym leader

Can't be bothered to do moves but here's the poke's:

Marc (Lickilicky)
Porygon Z

Welcome to the normal gym!
RE: Be ur own gym leader

The point was to use one type. Apart from PMJ, Dawn of Xatu, Musical and DM you all just posted a team. XD

RE: Be ur own gym leader

z-man said:
DawnOfXatu said:
Golem Explosion
Golem Explosion
Golem Explosion
Golem Explosion
Golem Explosion
Aerodactly Sweep

There we go. That would be tough for any trainer to get past.
-uses dusknoir- GG -extends hand-

I'd have a TotTCG team. Taste of the TCG. :)

Dusknoir (Vander is ok I guess)
Gallade (Gotta give GG some credit)
Empoleon (Coming back!)
Shaymin (bzzzzzzzzzzzzz)

Dactly + Choice Band + Crunch...

Yeah I thought about that too.
mY gym would a ghost gym

They are best..since gengar was the one ghost pokemon the very first version.
Now we even have legendary ghost, giratina. That can change into 2 forms.
It been long way since that happen.
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