What do you mean? if you want to put 3 energy on a Pokemon of any type, cards like Magnazone and Gardivoir GX can work, with something to get them out turn 2, if it has to be psychic, Shining Mew works to do thatIm looking for ways to attach p energy to a pokemon. I dont wanna wait 3 turns. I want to be able to use a energy attack on my second turn.
I think it is the only on that can do it, as all other cards attach 1 energy, making them pointless. Also, can I suggest that you work on your spelling, you can get warnings, and it makes it harder to get good advice on your posts if people don't know what you are saying.Has to be psychic energy 3 of them . So reall just looking for a attack that can do 1 or 2. Due to 1 energy aturn from hand. Shining mew works but dp easy to knock out.
Totally forgot about that, you can search with ultra ballObviously, Max Elixir can accelerate your energy. You also could use Dragonair from SUM, who's Dragon Wish attack lets you attach as much energy as you want to next turn. It is a Stage 1- with no good way to search it out. (2 Retreat no Heavy Ball, Level ball isnt in standard- your best bet to find it is probably Lele for Wally?) Hope that helps!