I don't think Espathra ex will be Psychic considering it's a Tera Pokemon. Remember it said 7 regular ex cards and 3 Tera ex cards.
For me it's either
7: Scovillain, Mabosstiff, Iron Treads, Great Tusk, Charizard, Venusaur, Blastoise
3: Espathra, ???, ???
7: Scovillain, Mabosstiff, Iron Treads, Great Tusk, Grafaiai, ???, ???
3: Espathra, ???, ???
Furthermore, it looks like the Shiny Paldean Starter lines have been cut to become Promo cards in the 3 collections, same with Shiny FA Tera Zard. I also don't think the Victini cards will be in anymore, since no non-Shiny FA/SIR ex cards are mentioned