• When creating a thread in the Deck Garage, make sure that you post one deck per thread, you use the correct prefix, you have the set name/card number next to each card, you give a strategy for non-metagame decks, and give translations for all cards not available in English.

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palkia gengar seniors, any tourney

raikou fanatic 789

Trollin every day
so here's my deck

2-2 palkia g
1-1-1 gengar prime
4 smeargle
4-4 honchcrow supreme victors
4 lost world
1 broken time space
4 pokemon collector
4 professor Oak's new theory
3 department store girl
4 expert belt
2 pokemon communication
4 dual ball
4 memory berry
4 rescue energy

basic strategy is to get palkia or gengar set up as fast as you can. your only gonna want 3 pokemon on your bench which would probably be crow crow and palkia. honchcrows are for there poke-power you get pokemon out from your opponents discard pile which is awesome against g-dos, then lost cyclone with palkia and thats 2 pokemon in the lost zone keep doing that and you have a solid deck.
You do know that Honckrow SV must be active to use its power, right?

I ran into the same problem making a Drifblim FB/Honckrow SV deck.
Actually this strategy might work 0.0 Just run 2 unown q and you can get free retreat to 2 of your krows. And then attack with honchkrow since you will already have retreated for the turn.

Take out
2 dual ball
2 unown Q.

That at least should help you get your strategy going. Then i think your T/S/S line would need some work since you run 4 of much but so little energy. And no dark?
It's interesting deck, removing your own pokemon, take out dual ball, 2 expert belt and drop the department store girl, you should an Uxie, and at least one sableye with all your supporters, and maybe evan a Spiritomb.
okay so some more changes would be

-2 dual ball
-2 expert belt
-2 department store girl
- 1-1 honchkrow

+ 2 uxie
+ 2 spiritomb
+ 4 sableye