Parallel/reverse holofoils?


You want a piece of me?
Hi all (this is my first post, by the way)!

Something has been nagging me about reverse or "parallel" holofoils. Are they any more valuable? I see some sites actually show that a reverse holofoil of a regular holofoil can actually be worth more in some that true? Or are they mainly just there to make people feel like they haven't totally lost out if they don't get a "real" holo from a pack they just bought? Sorry for so many questions - I was a collector back before they started reverse holofoils and I'm starting back up...they just confuse me!
It depends on the player. I personally hate the things, and some people make their whole deck out of them. I think they are rarer and that would be why the price is higher. Hope I helped, and welcome to the Beach by the way.:p
Thanks! I personally am annoyed by them, myself. I feel like they detract from the true holofoils in some way.
It really depends on what the reverse foil is, nobody but collectors will really care about a reverse foil Sewaddle. But a reverse foil Pokemon Catcher on the other hand, might be worth a tiny bit more then a regular one.
Usually reverse holo or RH cards are worth more, i personally like reverses and at the moment i am trying to reverse out my deck. Oh and Welcome to the beach =)
I like the way some RHs look compared to the normal cards, (such as reverse Simisear EP compared to a normal one) though I've always thought reversing out decks is kinda snobby... (not for everyone but with some players I've seen, they act like reverse holo cards are the best thing that ever happened to the game)
Well I can't stand them, myself. I have thousands of cards, and hundreds of reverse holos so if anyone loves them that much you're more than welcome to strike up a deal with me. I need to get my list up (lord, that in itself will take hours).
I understand how you feel - for example I had a reverse bad Samurott and a normal holo Samurott. In those circumstances, whilst reverses look nice, if I wanted to complete a collection I'd complete it in its normal form, with no reverses except for a couple of incidents where I have no choice in the matter. This is why if given one of each, I trade the reverse and keep the normal.
However, with reverse non-holos, I tend to keep both. They need some amount of shininess on them to up their value. :D
I don't like RHs because they look weird when played down (in the TCG) next to a proper version of a card.
Also I JUST CAN'T STAND reverse dark types, the white tones around the dark type reverses just aggravate the crap out me! (the only reverse dark types I like are Sableye SF and MIghtyena PL because they have dark blue tones instead of white ones, also I like the EP reverse dark types)
I love RH cards, they just make me not want to read the card because they are so shiny. I love grass type RH's more than anything though
I love RHs but not dark types.

To answer you question, they are worth more because they are harder to get.
The only RHs I like are the EP ones. They're pretty beast.

EDIT: 200th post! Wait, you've got... Oh ok.*sniff*
I have to agree somewhat with the player above. I started playing/collecting again during the HGSS era, and as someone returning from a time before RHs, they looked kind of obnoxious and easy scratchable.

Yet, the new RHs from EP are actually really sharp! I like them a lot. I do, however, also like the older style of RH (like around the EX series?), where it's only the picture that is holo and then there's a logo over the artwork. One of my favourite older cards is an RH delta species Milotic from Dragon Keepers; it's just like the regular holo version, except with some extra shininess with gold lettering and the logo, etc. They just look pretty.
I really, really dislike them. I'm a completist, and I feel like if I keep 1 reverse foil card I have to collect each card in the set as a reverse -- which isn't practical.

Thankfully, though, I always sell them off on eBay and between those and the code cards, usually make up for more than half of what I pay per box.
I hate majority of the EX-era reverse holos. Other than the ones in the very first few EX sets, there's nothing even "reverse" about Gen III's reverse holos... except for the reverses of regular holo cards, which have a little type symbol imprint over the card text area, they're just flatout holos, making it super confusing for newer collectors of those sets to tell the difference.

I thought Gen IV-era reverse holos looked so much better in comparison to Gen III's, but now that we have EP's awesome new reverse holos, they seem kind of tame when held up to their successors.

Either way, I don't make a big deal about reverse holos. If I get them, I personally don't feel like I need to buy the regular version of the card, even if it's a regular holo. But at the same time, I don't actively try to buy reverse holos if doing so would cost me more money than buying the regular prints.
I suppose I'm old and stuck in my an avid collector ever since the base set arrived, I'm just used to a holo being a holo and a common/uncommon/rare being just that. I actually wish they would do away with reverse holos, as I think they only make things more confusing and difficult as a collector. By the way, does anyone else miss the old holo style pre-Black and White? The new, stripey holo backgrounds aren't as cool as the super-shiny, dotted/swirly backgrounds.
kfitch06 said:
By the way, does anyone else miss the old holo style pre-Black and White? The new, stripey holo backgrounds aren't as cool as the super-shiny, dotted/swirly backgrounds.

I definitely agree with you there. The new holos are certainly lacking, especially in the background of the artwork. The only one that I actually like is the Sheer Cold Beartic; the broken clumps of ice and the horizontal lines kind of make it look like an action scene from the anime or something. :p