Partner For Crobat Prime??


Bubble Tea and Matcha Ice Cream

I currently own 2 crobat primes and I wanna make a deck with it but I am having a hard time finding a partner for him but I found some potential partners that could go well with Crobat. Also I want to make this deck kinda look like a toolbox or sablelock kinda deck. Btw I am not afraid of Vilegar since nobody plays it at my BR mouahahaha lucky me BUT there is 1 or 3 luxchomps though.

I walked in my local tcg store and I saw that garchomp was sold for 4$ (promo) and the original one for like 6$ so I was like wow cheap garchomps. So my first idea was to pair crobat with Garchomp C X with crobat G and a mini sp engine with DCE, poke turn, power spray, energy gain, sp radar, cyrus's conspiracy etc.


Second Idea is to pair him with metagross UL. Strategy would be to poison and snipe with crobat early game and start sniping the bench and clean up with metagross.


3rd Idea is to pair him with gengar SF. Use gengar and crobat to snipe, poison and poltergeist and gengar also benefits from fainting spell. Can also be used with spiritomb as a starter.


4th and final idea is to pair him up with ERL and use him for surprise KOs, idk how I could make it work but it could be pretty cool!


Interesting techs for the decks are:
Dugtrio PL (stackable power that does 20 dmg everytime the opponent retreats)
Jirachi UL (Surprise KOs on stage 2s or just disrupt rare candied stage 2s)
Darkrai MD (Asleep the opponent so that they can't retreat if they stay asleep)
what about using just pure crobats. see if you can get another 1 or 2 and make a pure poison stall deck.
use crobat to poison, and also use 2 hypno hgss to see if you can flip them asleep.
asleep really becomes a pain if your able to pull it off a few times.

also how about crobat g? you can flashbite when needed to guarantee poison kill.
I actually had a lot of fun playing Crobat with Viletomb. The trainer lock makes it harder to release the poison on the opponent's active, and unless they've got free retreat or warp energy, they'll end up having to burn energy just to keep themselves alive.
Nice so I could also pair vileplume and crobat with a 2-2 dugtrio and probably a jirachi UL would be cool
nice I like the idea alot! My only downfall would be dialga g, steelix and free retreaters... that's alot but who cares it seems fun to play. what would the decklist look like?
4 spiritomb
2-2 dugtrio pl
4-4-4 crobat prime
2-2-2 vileplume ud
1 jirachi ul
2 uxie la

lol thats alot of pokemons but I love them all except spiritomb looks kinda gay hahaha
I would actually try it out as a speed deck. It only costs one energy, and isnt bad against viletomb. I would use a 1-1-1 vileplume tech, but IMO you dont need spiritomb. Early game play it as a speed deck, then late game set up vileplume and prevent them from easily removing the poison.
Maybe something to counter dialga g tank and steelix. Maybe something fire? or a 1-1 dialga g lv.X to help vs steelix s body and vileplume if needed.

uhmm well dialga g lv x is too expensive... lol kinda
If I turn this into a speed deck I think I can outspeed steelix before he evolves if he is active. Not so sure about dialga though... idk maybe a blaziken fb lv x???
banuffin said:
I actually had a lot of fun playing Crobat with Viletomb. The trainer lock makes it harder to release the poison on the opponent's active, and unless they've got free retreat or warp energy, they'll end up having to burn energy just to keep themselves alive.

You're forgetting about Flygon variants which gives your Pokemon free retreat with Rainbow Float, especially Dodrio (HS Undaunted) which can reduce retreat costs by 2 Colorless with it's own Poke-Body.

It's a nice strategy but just not good enough for the current metagame.

Luxray to bring up stuff to Poison. Donphan to cover Crobat's weakness.

dmaster out.
Also sounds interesting but wouldnt 4 pokemon reversals do the job?? Also do u think ERL could be played in this or its just too muh going on?
I kinda like the idea of ERL with Luxray. Like dmaster said, Luxray brings pokes up to poison, ERL can just KO like mad while poisoning early game.
Yup and played with cyrus's conspiracy it could be pretty consistent and it would be easy to search out for my energies
Geez, did everybody forget Victreebel?

Victreebel said:
Victreebel - Grass - HP 110
Stage 2 - Evolves from Weepinbell

Poke-Body: Tangled Vines
As long as this Pokemon is your Active Pokemon, your opponent’s Active Pokemon’s retreat cost is increased by 2 Energy.

[G][C] Drain Acid: 30 damage. The opponent’s Active Pokemon is now Poisoned and Burned. This Pokemon recovers 30 HP.

Weakness: Fire (x2)
Resistance: none
Retreat: 2

This would work well with Dugtrio PT, add two to their retreat cost, and if they do retreat, damage them for it.
And, Victreebel could attack in a pinch.
It wouldnt work since victreebel needs to be active but it is indeed a nice power paired with vileplume!
Oh, I always miss the "As long as this Pokemon is your Active Pokemon" part! Darn it!
Yeah, it is a great tech with Vileplume. Wait, what about switching it out from a switcher, like CurseGar? If they had a reason to switch, that could work..
Gengar_is_Pwnage said:
I kinda like the idea of ERL with Luxray. Like dmaster said, Luxray brings pokes up to poison, ERL can just KO like mad while poisoning early game.

That's not a half-bad idea either...Something like this could work.

3-2-3 Crobat Prime
2-2 Luxray
1-1 ERL
1-1 Manectric PL
2 Uxie
1 Azelf

That's a solid lineup. I might even make this and try it out. :p

dmaster out.