Partner For Crobat Prime??

I dont fear steelix!!! The others fear steelix since im the only steelix player at my BR! Yup great line dmaster! What about an sp counter like donphan or mewtwo lv x, would that work too if I add him in??
Yeah, there's not a whole lot of wiggle room for techs (plus you have to worry about Energy, you need Psychic, Electric, and probably a Fire and they are all specific, but I guess Cyrus's Conspiracy could help with that), but it's certainly doable to put in a couple techs. Plus, with that line, it doesn't need to worry about Steelix at all. You can Lux around it, wipe out the whole field with ERL (probably), and kill with ERL if you have a Fire. Not that hard. :p

dmaster out.
Manectric PL can block all the Bench damage, which prevents you from hitting your own Pokemon. It wouldn't do too much, even without Manectric, especially against SP anyway.

dmaster out.
yup im starting to love the idea dmaster! I fonly my redshark on mac could work id test it right away T.T but it fails
But the thing is luxray is quite expensive (how much exactly?) cuz idk if I can really afford it if its over 50$ for one card lol. Could pokemon reversal work if luxray s just too expensive??
Yeah, Reversal is alright. You have to worry about Vileplume/Spiritomb then, but yeah.

dmaster out.
how much is a luxray gl and a luxray lv x exactly?? Cuz I know the garchomps x were like 5$ or 6$ each
You know, instead of Reversals, a 1-0-1 Metagross LA line would work.
Luxrays are $40 (extremely cheap) to $80 (highest aka extreme for it)

This idea does sound awesome, thanks for giving me an idea, haha.
I know it SOUNDS weird, but I did pretty well and had fun usingCDrobat prime with a 2-2 Giratina Lv.X (Let Loose.) It added some disruption and it was a great game finisher after Crobat's been harassing the opponent and getting 40's and 30's all over the opponent's pokemon.
well what bout crobat g drop it for ten and then between turns they faint..mix with poke turn could be good
shoop de woop
No matter what you're using Crobat Prime with I'd run at least 2 Crobat G and 4 Poketurn.
I like Crobat Prime with Gengar SF/Lv.X! Gengar SF makes a formible attacker on it's own, Crobat Prime could help with Pokemon with heavier retreat costs, and Gengar Lv.X could punish the opponent for retreating and taking the counters with them with Compound Pain!
I have a couple crobat primes and was interested in attempting a Crobat Prime deck. I personally would run a Vileplume and spiritomb setup to trainer lock/prevent switches, and dugtrio PT for 20 on free-retreat. Anyone else think that would be usable? I'm not sure what to use on evolutionary lines for each.
Gliscor X to Shoot Poison (Poison + Paralyze), retreat for Crobat Prime, Severe Poison for 40 per between turns.