I think the prize issue is the reason I don't think this deck could ever be more than a "fun" deck. If you prize even one of these, it drops your damage output from 130 to 100 (assuming you are attacking with mew). While you might be able to get additional boosts in order to take that first prize (Fighting Fury Belt, Professor Kukui, other random boosts), you are still likely behind the prize trade early.
Dunno, it looks like an interesting deck and I did, in fact, lose to it while I was playing my own "fun" deck. I don't think I would struggle with it at all playing any of my good decks. Honestly, it looks like a less effective "round" deck. It certainly felt like it while I was playing against it.
I agree on the notion that it is a less effective "Round" deck. Round, at the very least, had the ability to play multiple copies of things with "Round" in it. That's what made the deck playable, especially in a format built for speed and damage (as 2012-2013 really was). Unfortunately, without the ability to play more than 4 Passimian (realistically), this deck will never be looking to OHKO EX Pokemon, which is already an initial issue.
That said, because your goal is to 2HKO instead of OHKO or, at a minimum, set up a KO with Passimian, the deck can be structured more towards that instead. I would love to see this be less revolved around Passimian as the Main Wincon and have it as a Starting Attacker instead, playing something like Raichu or even Vespiquen alongside it. Heck, with Raichu, you have really good coverage (Raichu deals pretty well with Yveltal-EX, Passimian hurts Darkrai a lot, etc etc.) and they have inherent synergy (both use DCE, both need things on the Bench, Raichu has Free Retreat, etc.).
Still, that aside, Acro Bike feels like a mistake in here. You want to save Revives as a utility card and not force plays with it. The low number of N is really bad because N not only helps you replenish your hand early on, it slows your opponent down which, as stated earlier, is important due to the fact that you will most likely not be OHKOing anything relevant in this upcoming Format. I also feel like you should be running 2 Switch or 2 Float Stone in general. Having 1 Float Stone is very awkward and really doesn't help much consistency-wise. Retreating is important and considering you shouldn't be using Energy to Retreat Passimian, I really do feel this change would serve you better in the long-run. Finally, I would advise you play Special Charge at 2. I say this because with how often you probably expect Passimian to die, having more potential DCE to play with is crucial. After all, not being able to come back in to a game means you lose.
So, TL;DR:
-3 Acro Bike
-1 Teammates
+2 N
+1 Float Stone or -1 Float/+2 Switch
+1 Special Charge
I went ahead and opted to drop a Teammates because 2 is a clunky number considering you are also playing 4 VS Seeker. That said, any card will do to even out your deck to 60 cards once more. Just be wary of consistency when you make changes and you should be okay.
I hope this has helped and if you have any questions, let us know.