Wi-Fi Trades ~Pastries Bakery~

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5th Gen Dreamer!
Hey guys! First day here, and I'm already making a trade thread! Hope this works out great! This is not my first Trade Thread, so I hope you guys like it!


Game: Platinum
Name: Joshua
FC: 1420-2560-8993

The IV order is: HP/Atk./Def./Sp.Atk./Sp.Def./Spe.

The Bakers Rules!

1.Have something within reason to trade for the pokemon you want.
2.Please bear with me if I have to clone the pokemon. I can't clone, so please be patient.
3.I do not RNG, so I will mostly have other peoples pokemon up for trade.
4.I'm only 11 years old, so don't rush me.
5.Be Polite,and have Fun.
5.Say Waffles! If you read the rules! (You don't need too, but I like waffles.)

Now For Ze Pastries!

Shiny Pastries!!

Shiny Ursaring
Shiny Ho-Oh
Shiny Pichu
Shiny Lugia
Shiny Jolteon
Shiny Glaceon
Shiny Vaporeon
Shiny Latias
Shiny Riolu
Shiny Zubat
Shiny Spoink
Shiny Charmander
Shiny Chatot
Shiny Unown
Shiny Eevee
Shiny Rayquaza

IV'd Pastries! Ze Best, of Ze Best!


Name: Attacking Lead
Item: Lum Berry
Ability: No Guard
Nature: Adamant
EV's:240 HP / 248 Atk / 16 SpD / 4 Spe
~ DynamicPunch
~ Payback
~ Bullet Punch
~ Ice Punch

IV's: Flawless
Nature: Quiet
Ability: Pressure
EV's: None
~Confuse Ray
~Shadow Sneak

Ability:Flash Fire
EV's: None
~Metal Sound
~Scary Face
~Lava Plume

IV's: Flawless
Ability: Hyper Cutter
EV's: None

IV's: Flawless
Nature: Adamant
Ability: Steadfast
EV's: None
~Quick Attack

IV's: Flawless
Nature: Jolly
Ability: Blaze
EV's: None
~Night Slash
~Rock Slide
~Crush Claw

IV's: Flawless
Nature: Timid
Ability: Trace
EV's: None
~Conversion 2


Nature: Modest
Ability: Download
EV's: None
~Ice Beam
~Hidden Power (Ground)
~Hyper Beam

IV's: Flawless
Nature: Timid
Ability:Serene Grace
EV's: None
Item: Leftovers
~Thunder Wave
~Fire Blast
~Nasty Plot

IV's: Flawless
Nature: Jolly
Ability: Guts
EV's: None
Item: Choice Scarf
~Stone Edge

~Leaf Storm
~Crush Claw

IV's: Flawless
Nature: Hardy (Yes, I know it's bad)
Ability: Blaze
EV's: None
~Heat Wave
~Thunder Punch
~Fire Punch

IV's: Flawless
Nature: Impish
Ability: Run Away
EV's: None
~Helping Hand

IV's: Flawless
Nature: Timid
Ability: Levitate
EV's: None
~Dragon Breath
~Scary Face

IV's: Flawless
Nature: Adamant
Ability: Clear Body
EV's: None
~Take Down

IV's: 24-25/28/2/31/31/30-31
Nature: Modest
Ability: Levitate
EV's: None
~Dragon Breath
~Luster Purge

IV's: Flawless
Nature: Rash
Ability: Pressure
EV's: None
~Pshycho Boost
~Meteor Mash
~Hyper Beam


IV's: Flawless OBLIVIA
Nature: Timid
Ability: Pressure
EV's: None
~Psycho Boost
~Meteor Mash
~Hyper Beam


IV's: Flawless OBLIVIA
Nature: Quiet
Ability: Pressure
EV's: None
~Psycho Boost
~Zap Cannon
~Iron Defense
~Extreme Speed
Legit! Japanese!
IV's: Flawless
Nature: Modest
Ability: Limber
EV's: None
Oblivia! Legit!
IV's: Flawless
Nature: Relaxed
Ability: Natural Cure
EV's: None
~Magical Leaf
~Leech Seed

IV's: 19/31/22/4/31/31
Nature: Adamant
EV's: 252 Atk./252 Spd./4 HP
Ability: Steadfast
~Close Combat
~Psycho Cut
~Ice Punch
~Swords Dance

IV's: 31/23/19/31/5/31
Nature: Modest
Ability: Drizzle
~Aqua Ring
~Ice Beam
~Ancient Power
~Water Spout


Events! Special and Specialer!

Satoshi Pikachu
TCGWC Pikachu
7-11 Pikachu
TRU Manaphy
E4ALL Manaphy
NWS Manaphy
PC Nagoya Chimchar 2010
B-Day Charmander 2010
Mystery Mew
All Crown Beasts
Goon Scizor
Pokemon Movie 10 Celebi
Colosseum Celebi
Wishmaker Jirachi
10 ANIV Latias
10 ANIV Latios
10 ANIV Espeon
TRU Arceus
TRU Dragonite
Hayley Pachirisu
Hayley Eevee
WORLD 10 Crobat


Pending Trades!

Pastries Wants!

Somone to Clone! (HIGH HIGH WANT)
IV'd Pokemon (HIGH WANT)
EV'D Pokemon (Ok Want)
Shiny EV'd (Ok Want)
I am interested in quite a few of your "best of ze best" shinies. Chack my thread first and see if there is anything you want.

EDIT: oh.... waffles
I'd be willing to clone and EV for you. I will post here with more info in the morning

That'd be awesome! I may want you to clone all my pokemon, so I hope that's not too much... Anyways, at least you get a lot of copies!
I am interested in quite a few of your "best of ze best" shinies. Chack my thread first and see if there is anything you want.

EDIT: oh.... waffles
I'll check your shop Safari! I'll post there on your thread.
Yeah, thats not too much as long as I get to keep a copy. Would you like me to EV any of your pokemon as well? I can clone the original and give you either 1 clone or 2. Just lmk

Yeah, thats not too much as long as I get to keep a copy. Would you like me to EV any of your pokemon as well? I can clone the original and give you either 1 clone or 2. Just lmk


Ok. I'll just PM you, and we can decide.
Hello. Could I please get some information about these Pokemon? I'd like the nature and ID numbers of them if you have time. if they're T you don't have to give any info about them.

Shiny Ho-Oh
Shiny Lugia
Shiny Latias
Shiny Unown
Shiny Eevee
Shiny Rayquaza

If we do agree to a trade I'll be glad to clone and return anything I get from you.

Edit: waffles? BAGELS!
Hello. Could I please get some information about these Pokemon? I'd like the nature and ID numbers of them if you have time. if they're T you don't have to give any info about them.

Shiny Ho-Oh
Shiny Lugia
Shiny Latias
Shiny Unown
Shiny Eevee
Shiny Rayquaza

If we do agree to a trade I'll be glad to clone and return anything I get from you.

Edit: waffles? BAGLES!

xD. Very formal response Bluesummers, even though I really don't know you. Here are the ID's

Ho-oh: ID: 34732/OT: Stewart

Shiny Lugia:ID: 34732/OT: Stewart

Shiny Latias:ID: 00335/ OT: Terra

Shiny Unown:ID: 06611/ OT: Jodi

Shiny Eevee:ID: 34732/ OT: Stewart

Shiny Rayquaza:ID:35788/ OT: Tye

Thank you for answering this thread. :)

Ok. If you want to PM me soon, we can get started on our cloning today

*Edit: If you have time, as you are only a 11 yr old. Just posting here telling you my availablitily
I always type like that...o_O I do still need the natures of these please as I need to make sure I don't already have the Pokemon (I don't like having multiple Pokemon of the same nature):

Ho-oh: ID: 34732/OT: Stewart

Shiny Lugia:ID: 34732/OT: Stewart

Shiny Unown:ID: 06611/ OT: Jodi

Shiny Eevee:ID: 34732/ OT: Stewart

Shiny Rayquaza:ID:35788/ OT: Tye
Ok. If you want to PM me soon, we can get started on our cloning today

*Edit: If you have time, as you are only a 11 yr old. Just posting here telling you my availablitily

I actually have a lot of time today I think, but do you think you could clone now? I have Church at 12:30, but it's 7:23 here it's ok. I can wait. The pokemon I want cloned and how many copies, here:

Porygon Without HP Ground: Copies: 2 Each

Spiritomb: 2 Copies

Heatran: 2 Copies

Trapinch: 2 Copies

Riolu: 2 Copies

Torchic: 2 Copies

Treecko: 2 Copies

Eevee: 2 Copies

Chimchar: 2 Copies

Giratina: 2 Copies

Latios: 2 Copies

Kyogre: 2 Copies

All Deoxys: 2 Copies

Gallade: 2 Copies

Shaymin: 2 Copies

Beldum: 2 Copies

You think that's way too much? xD Sorry if this is going to be a burden, but can you please Clone these? Just this one time? Please... (Sorry if I sound desperate)

I always type like that...o_O I do still need the natures of these please as I need to make sure I don't already have the Pokemon (I don't like having multiple natures):

Ho-oh: ID: 34732/OT: Stewart

Shiny Lugia:ID: 34732/OT: Stewart

Shiny Unown:ID: 06611/ OT: Jodi

Shiny Eevee:ID: 34732/ OT: Stewart

Shiny Rayquaza:ID:35788/ OT: Tye

By your typing, I meant the post and the words you wrote on it. It sounded very formal. xD Anyways...

Ho-oh: ID: 34732/OT: Stewart- Lonely

Shiny Lugia:ID: 34732/OT: Stewart- Serious

Shiny Unown:ID: 06611/ OT: Jodi- Gentle

Shiny Eevee:ID: 34732/ OT: Stewart- Naughty

Shiny Rayquaza:ID:35788/ OT: Tye- Jolly

Thank you. :)
~ Pastry~
Thats fine with me, but it may take me a bit of time to get done. Do you want any of them EV'ed, or do you want to do that after.

I can start in about 20 minutes
Thats fine with me, but it may take me a bit of time to get done. Do you want any of them EV'ed, or do you want to do that after.

I can start in about 20 minutes

Kool-Aid! I'd like some to be EV'd after, but I think I'll wait till later for you or if you can't someone else to EV them. K, I'll be ready in 20 Minutes. What's your FC? Mines in my Profile.
I'll use my Platinum FC 5456-6938-7325. My ingame name is Matthew, and I can EV the pokemon in a different deal after we finish the cloning.
It's better than not being able to understand the post. I've had quite a few of those.>.>

Anyhow, these are the ones I would like to trade for:
Ho-oh: ID: 34732/OT: Stewart- Lonely
Shiny Lugia:ID: 34732/OT: Stewart- Serious
Shiny Unown:ID: 06611/ OT: Jodi- Gentle
[Shiny flawless Trapinch]
[Shiny flawless Togepi]
[Shiny flawless Torchic]

My shop link is in my sig. I can get the IVs of any of the "filed" Pokemon and shiny legendary Pokemon. I can't get the IVs of anything else easily.
How it will work is you will trade me 2 pokemon, then I head off WiFi and clone them. We can do this as many times as we need.
Ok. C ya in the wifi room!


It's better than not being able to understand the post. I've had quite a few of those.>.>

Anyhow, these are the ones I would like to trade for:
Ho-oh: ID: 34732/OT: Stewart- Lonely
Shiny Lugia:ID: 34732/OT: Stewart- Serious
Shiny Unown:ID: 06611/ OT: Jodi- Gentle
[Shiny flawless Trapinch]
[Shiny flawless Togepi]
[Shiny flawless Torchic]

My shop link is in my sig. I can get the IVs of any of the "filed" Pokemon and shiny legendary Pokemon. I can't get the IVs of anything else easily.

Heh. Ok. I'll post in your thread. Thanks for coming to the Bakery!

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