BW/BW2 PBR to adapt to 5th Gen


I see what you did there...
This has been on my mind since yesterday's news. PBR was an obvious hit with people, and Nintendo knows that. So were Colosseum and XD Gale of Dakrness. Most likely there will be adaptations for the Wii, soon after the release of B&W, probably coming in June of 2011. That's a lot to look forward to. With the realease of all this news, how do you think the Wii will adapt to this? I mean Triple Battles, interaction, and Pokemon in general. I'd love to see a continuation of the Shadow Pokemon games, and another Stadium-like game is a must, if Nintendo wants to keep it's profits. The Mystery Dungeon games were't as big, but they have 5 games now. You can expect another adaptation for possibly the 3DS featuring the 5th Generation. This thread is to talk and speculate about the very likely games I mentioned. I'll give them titles.

Pokemon: Symphony of Light(Shadow Pokemon Game)

Pokemon Stadium Revolution (The PBR game)

PMD: Explorers of (I don't know)

I know this isn't official, but this is highly likely, so I posted it here, because it deals with Black and White and how the games will adapt to the 5th Generation.
I hope there will be a Mystery Dungeon for the 5th generation.
I wanna be a Mijumaru. :B Or any other cutesy Pokemon in the 5th gen.
ManhattanTheStarr said:
I hope there will be a Mystery Dungeon for the 5th generation.
I wanna be a Mijumaru. :B Or any other cutesy Pokemon in the 5th gen.

I'm sowwie I prefer Tsutaaja lol :3 when I was little I loved Treecko and Tsutaja is like Treecko's sister xD

I want a PMD for 5th, my team will have Gardevoir, that new Pokemon, Zoroark, and a Sneasel because I love Sneasel
I agree with Stella. Tsutaaja is win. And epic too. I can't wait to see his evos.

What do you guys think about the other games?
ShayminSky said:
I agree with Stella. Tsutaaja is win. And epic too. I can't wait to see his evos.

What do you guys think about the other games?

Hmm. They probably might not do another version of XD. :( They didn't for Diamond and Pearl. Probably another version of PBR. Maybe better? Idk.

and what ever happened to Pokemon Ranch? Will there be a Black&White update for the game when they come out?
Honestly, I just wish they would make Meditite a playable starter. I wouldn't care at all for any other Pokemon they put in PMD, as long as Meditite is playable. But considering this is the 5th generation, chances are it won't be a starter Pokemon. u_u
Ah, well... I guess I'll have to settle with Mijumaru. xD
StellaTheSneasel said:
Hmm. They probably might not do another version of XD. :( They didn't for Diamond and Pearl. Probably another version of PBR. Maybe better? Idk.

and what ever happened to Pokemon Ranch? Will there be a Black&White update for the game when they come out?

I guess not for Ranch. We never got a Platinum adaptation for it in America, so I guess it wasn't really that good.

But D/P was, eh. I really think they will do it for B/W though, especially with the whole Yin/Yang theme for the games. It will be badass. If it doesn't happen, I will cry. A lot.
I think a whole new consloe game will be released, and it better be cool. MD games are a must, as well as a ranger game. Im just playing this thing out until stuff is released.
I'd like to see a 3D dungeon game (like on the Wii), even though Japan has the 3 dungeon games(That we never got), but those aren't really like the old dungeon games. A ranger game, I don't know about that.
I hope if, no, WHEN they make a 5th gen mystery dungeon game (it's extremely likely) that you can be Psyduck like in the first one.
Meaty said:
I hope if, no, WHEN they make a 5th gen mystery dungeon game (it's extremely likely) that you can be Psyduck like in the first one.

Oh, yes. I remember the good ol' days when Psyduck and Cubone were playable characters... PMD3 sucks with the stupid gender specific Pokemon.
I can't play as Riolu, and the girl specifics suck. Only Vulpix is a new Pokemon for girl players. I wish they brought back Psyduck and Cubone as non gender specific starters. u_u I doubt it, but maybe they'll bring 'em back for PMD4...
I just hope there's more starters to choose from in PMD4 (if there is one).
26 at most. :B
Well, I'd be willing to bet a large sum of money that we'll see either a sequel to XD or "Pokémon Stadium 4" (I consider PBR to be "Pokémon Stadium 3"; the true-blooded continuation of the N64 series) on the Wii in the next year or two. Genius Sonority has been completely silent since PBR (at least in regards to their affiliation with Pokémon), and that was three years ago. I don't know about you, but three years is an awfully long time to be waiting (especially considering the amount of money Pokémon games in particular make), even if the process of modeling 100+ new Pokémon/adding new mechanics/etc. is very strenuous.
I remember awhile back Bulbanews posted something about Game Freak looking for 3-D designers. I'll see if I can find it. I would love another Colosseum/XD sequel. Those games were a cool diversion from the regular Gym-Leader stuff. And the fact that they were direct sequels makes the story even more fun.
PMD sequel/prequel is a must, maybe it could focus on life after Darkrai's attempt to envelop the world in darkness.

My team will be: Mijumara, Pokabu, and Denchura.
6-Dimension said:
I remember awhile back Bulbanews posted something about Game Freak looking for 3-D designers. I'll see if I can find it. I would love another Colosseum/XD sequel. Those games were a cool diversion from the regular Gym-Leader stuff. And the fact that they were direct sequels makes the story even more fun.

I think they were looking for 3-D designers for pokepark wii lol
TheDarkLucario said:
I think they were looking for 3-D designers for pokepark wii lol
I dont think they were. Not just for Pokepark Wii though. I really want to see another XD game at least, that can go on wifi and battle, or go on wifi and get new missions and downloads at least. For Stadium 4, I want to see the pokemon actually using the moves, and Pokemon dodging moves that miss(like in the anime but still 3D graphics like the Stadium series). I know it will take a while, or not as long as we think since of today's technology. Im willing for the wait, as long as it's not a disappointment.
I'd hate to do this, but Bump.

What do you guys want to see in the new games listed in the first post? Do you guys want any special plot?
ShayminSky said:
I'd hate to do this, but Bump.

What do you guys want to see in the new games listed in the first post? Do you guys want any special plot?

Well typically in PMD, you're some kid who turned into a Pokemon.
Reshiram and Zekrom should be in some type of brawl with each other, and you'd have to eventually fight them (at separate times, of course). But I don't know what could possibly be done to make all the other Pokemon (except your partner) turn against you. The time gear stuff was getting old, and it shouldn't be exploration teams anymore. Or rescue teams... Don't know what the new thing could be, but it's time for something different, IMO.

And there BETTER NOT be any gender specific starter Pokemon this time. >:/
How would they make a story without Exploration Teams or Rescue teams? Its not really PMD without one of those...
I never played XD, buy have always been interested in trying it. The console Pokemon game I really, really, really want is a Pokemon MMO. That would be so awesome.