Percy Jackson and the olypians Lighting Thief


Don't worry I'm just koffing!
So basically a discussion thread for Percy Jackson and the Olympians Lighting Thief. The movie comes out presidents day 2010. Me and my friends would see it on opening day but one of my friend's mom's birthday is on that day so hopefully I will see it the next day. The only thing screwy about is that Annabeth has brown hair and if I recall correctly she has blond hair but anyway...
Water Pokémon Master said:
I feel that the series had a bit of a weak ending, but the first three were rather good.

I'm going to see it.
I seriously can't believe this became a movie. I mean, it's a really good series and I love it so much, but I don't think it's movie quality. And I took a look at the cast list. Unless they have some serious makeup and special effects, this movie is going to be messed up. Off hand I noticed...

-Athena and Annabeths' actresses have black hair, when they're supposed to be blonde
-I think it's...Persephone? Yeah, she's portrayed as being a black woman. Sorry, but that's historically inaccurate. Greeks were European, so therefore their gods and goddesses should be the same... I'm not trying to be racist or anything, I just feel that's inaccurate.
-Chiron is played by Pierce Brosnan. Seriously? I don't see it.

And on top of that I saw at a theater a cardboard movie poster of it. And it shows Percy holding the Master Bolt like he's going to throw it. I'm going to watch the movie with my sister anyway, but so far I'm not seeing this being very accurate.
Lol throw the lightening. One thing I didn't know is that Grover was black. IIRC, that was never mentioned in the books..? Or at least the first two at least.

dmaster out.
dmaster said:
Lol throw the lightening. One thing I didn't know is that Grover was black. IIRC, that was never mentioned in the books..? Or at least the first two at least.

dmaster out.

i thought the same as dmaster but all the girls at my school are sying that the guy who plays Percy is hot.
Well, Zac, that's girls for you LOL.

On-Topic: I haven't see anyone but Percy, but WTF?! Grover is black? I'm not racist, I'm far from it, but I don't want to rant. :p
i know my 9 year old sisters think he's cute to:p plus he's only 12 in the book but in the movie he looks like he is 14ish. Alos i am so mad about Annabeth seriously black hair and Grover too.
boneclub24 said:
Well, Zac, that's girls for you LOL.

On-Topic: I haven't see anyone but Percy, but huh??! Grover is black? I'm not racist, I'm far from it, but I don't want to rant. :p

Search around for some special footage online and you'll find clips of Annabeth and Percy talking to Grover (pretty sure it's him because that's all he talked to).

dmaster out.
Yeah, Grover is definitely black. I'm not sure why they did it, but I don't object. They really didn't describe him that much in the book except for having untidy hair, a goatee (I think), and acne if I remember correctly. It's been a while since I read the 1st.
Movie; 2012

Who saw this movie?

And what do you think?

Scientifically speaking, nothing that happend in that movie is impossible. All of the natural disasters that happened, CAN happen in real life too.

So what do you think? Do you belive the Mayans?
RE: Movie; 2012

we'll find out eventually won't we.

and I thought the movie was pretty cool
RE: Movie; 2012

I haven't seen the movie, and the possibility of 2012 happening is up in the air. I keep an open mind and watch all the 2012 specials on History channel. Alot make sense. So whether its the end of the world, or just the beginning of a new era, is a whole new discussion. Alot say the polarity of the 2 poles will switch, which may take out the satelites and leave us without some major technology. And it may take a while for them to switch and may be down for a while, and if that happens, earth will be very vulnerable to asteroids because the magnetic field won't destroy them before they hit. Alot can happen.
RE: Movie; 2012

No I think 2012 happening is 100% fact. It will be about 2 years before it happens, but the year 2012 will happen for sure.

AS for the Mayans, I don't believe one word. I will be chilling in my house 2012 doing ABSOLUTELY NOTHING, just like I do every day. On december 22nd, 2012, I will get up and make some eggs. No problem. :)
RE: Movie; 2012

I agree.I doubt that it will happen.I'll be steeling chocolate bars from the closet as I do everyday.I don't give a crap for Mayans.
RE: Movie; 2012

I thought it was decent for the difficult Idea. The visuals were nice, but I would of liked a more in-depth story line.
RE: Movie; 2012

Juliacoolo said:
I thought it was decent for the difficult Idea. The visuals were nice, but I would of liked a more in-depth story line.

You cant have any more of a story line for that movie. Its the end of the world. What more of a story line do you need? lol
RE: Movie; 2012

Great movie, but the mayans were wrong, dude. Would you beleive a race who were high on coca leaves (stuff you make cocaine out of) when they made their profecies? Would you believe a race who contaminated their ONLY water source by throwing their human sacrifices into it? Would you believe a race who predicted the downfall of a much greater race, when they couldn't even see themselves killing their own people by poisoning their water, let alone the destruction of their own society?

RE: Movie; 2012

Fridge said:
Great movie, but the mayans were wrong, dude. Would you beleive a race who were high on coca leaves (stuff you make cocaine out of) when they made their profecies? Would you believe a race who contaminated their ONLY water source by throwing their human sacrifices into it? Would you believe a race who predicted the downfall of a much greater race, when they couldn't even see themselves killing their own people by poisoning their water, let alone the destruction of their own society?


Well, be that as it may, The Mayans were still known for their very accurate and brilliant calandar system. It was the most accurate ect.

I never said I beleived them or not, im just saying anything is possible.