Percy Jackson and the olypians Lighting Thief

RE: Movie; 2012

Its possible that a whale could eat you if you stray too far into the sea. Its possible that an earthquake could kill all the people in america. Gonna happen? Doubt it.
RE: Movie; 2012

I didn't see the movie but the commercial looked cool :cool:
BTW we will survive 2012. It is only the end of the Mayan Calander NOT the World :)
I will survive it. I will wake up like Seth said doing what I usually do ;)
RE: Movie; 2012

Its the end of the mayan calandar which is why they predicted that date to be the end of the world. The question is, WHY is that the end of their calandar?

Whatever. I dont care either way. And the sad part though is that the Government probably will not inform us of this if it were to be true.

Also, I have a link to the movie. I have a site where you can watch the ENTIRE movie for free. No strings attached. PM me if you want the link.
RE: Movie; 2012

I don't know its the end of their calandar in 2012.

Plus guys. The world isn't going to end from earthquakes and floods, etc.
When Jesus comes again is when the world ends (well atleast thats what I believe since I am Catholic).
RE: Movie; 2012


Not to make this a big religious argument, but how do you know you are in th right religion? I mean, all I know from friends and family that is religious, they're completely against the ideas of ghosts and hauntings due to every soul going to either heavan or hell. But there is quite some believable evidence for ghosts out there. The point I'm getting to, no matter the religion, how do you know its right? The idea of worshipping a single god wasn't thought of until a mere 2000 years ago. Before that, every society had multiple gods.

And as for 2012 happening, we'll see. If I have a job by then, I know I will. I will take the week off leading up to that very date just to spend time with loved ones just in case it will happen. Because not only are the Mayans predicting, but the Free Masons, Nostradamus, and quite a few other very intelligent beings have predicted it. Science has even confirmed some sorta solar flare is going to happen around that date that will be quite large than any before. Also the solar alignment will happen, Egyptian pyramids line up to the stars for this event. Just way too much kinda points to it, but I like to remain optimistic that it won't happen.
RE: Movie; 2012

PheonyxXx said:

Not to make this a big religious argument, but how do you know you are in th right religion? I mean, all I know from friends and family that is religious, they're completely against the ideas of ghosts and hauntings due to every soul going to either heavan or heck. But there is quite some believable evidence for ghosts out there. The point I'm getting to, no matter the religion, how do you know its right? The idea of worshipping a single god wasn't thought of until a mere 2000 years ago. Before that, every society had multiple gods.

And as for 2012 happening, we'll see. If I have a job by then, I know I will. I will take the week off leading up to that very date just to spend time with loved ones just in case it will happen. Because not only are the Mayans predicting, but the Free Masons, Nostradamus, and quite a few other very intelligent beings have predicted it. Science has even confirmed some sorta solar flare is going to happen around that date that will be quite large than any before. Also the solar alignment will happen, Egyptian pyramids line up to the stars for this event. Just way too much kinda points to it, but I like to remain optimistic that it won't happen.

Yeah, correct me if Im wrong but all predictions made about the end of the world have been wrong, BUT, none of those false predictions were from Briliant scientists.
We already know the world will come to an end sooner or later. We just dont know when. And if you have seen the movie; The KNowing, then you'd understand the idea of Solar Flares. If we get hit by a solar flare, every structure, and being on this planet will literally be erased from history in seconds.

Dont you people find it kind of odd that so many different people, all agree that the end will come? They all had different dates for it, but thats expected. We cant even predict accurate weather, let alone the end of the world.

Yes, the end will come some day, but I just hope its not 2012.

And as mentioned above, the planetary alignment must mean somthing. Sure, its bound to happen at some point, but that combined with the pyramid comment, seems pretty....special to me.
RE: Movie; 2012

Yea, whenever I see a special on 2012, the free masons, bible code, etc. on history channel, I tend to watch it. The things you learn are just unbelievable.
RE: Movie; 2012

What will happen to wailmerman on 12/21/2012:

wake up. eat cereal. get dressed. go play basketball. eat lunch. practice my pokemans. have a snack. crushed by giant tsunami.

now which one doesn't belong
RE: Movie; 2012

WailmerMan said:
What will happen to wailmerman on 12/22/2012:

wake up. eat cereal. get dressed. go play basketball. eat lunch. practice my pokemans. have a snack. crushed by giant tsunami.

now which one doesn't belong

Well I'm gonna say get crushed by a giant tsunami. Due to predictions calling for the end to happen on 12/21/2012.
RE: Movie; 2012

haha oops but there's no logical reason it could happen I mean yeah the mayan's had a good calender but does it ever say everyone in the world will die on that day
RE: Movie; 2012

WailmerMan said:
haha oops but there's no logical reason it could happen I mean yeah the mayan's had a good calender but does it ever say everyone in the world will die on that day

Well, lets put it this way; IF they are right, I doubt many of us will survive.

As I stated, the end is comming sooner or later. Most likely later, but it IS comming.
RE: Movie; 2012

shadoworganoid said:
Well, lets put it this way; IF they are right, I doubt many of us will survive.

As I stated, the end is comming sooner or later. Most likely later, but it IS comming.

I REALLY doubt there's gonna be some huge event where everyone just dies. the end will probably come slowly. Probs cause of some disease or we make some crazy new weapon
RE: Movie; 2012

shadoworganoid said:
Well, lets put it this way; IF they are right, I doubt many of us will survive.

As I stated, the end is comming sooner or later. Most likely later, but it IS comming.
Yes it will come but we all have differences in believing.
RE: Movie; 2012

WailmerMan said:
Probs cause of some disease or we make some crazy new weapon
Im gonna agree with this.

And i just wanted to let you guys know something (BTW im gonna do a little example on something with fake names). Now let's say a guy named Jeff likes to journal on what he does every day. But one day while journaling Jeff goes into cardiac arrest and dies. Now tell me how is Jeff supposed to journal when he is dead? My point? The mayans died from conquistador invasion and disease (kinda like Jeff) so how where they supposed to continue doing that calendar thing they were so good at while dead? Well they couldn't. If they had died a little latter so that the end of the world was on 2013 then the media would have thought of reasons why it makes sense that we are all gonna die on 2013.
RE: Movie; 2012

I think people are getting worked up over nothing over this 2012 crap.
I bet 85% they only brought it up for media reasons. As people know fear sells.
Now I'm not bashing the movie, as for one I haven't seen it.
But the visuals look great. (probably realistic in HD)
The end of the world is bound to happen. But how can we predict the end of the world, if people can't even predict the weather.
RE: Movie; 2012

The movie was pretty good. I felt that at times it could be a little slow (so slow, in fact, that several people walked right out of the doors). Although it was advertised like one, it isn't like Transformers. There is actually a serious plot line, not just senseless killing. :)

I felt it wasn't too farfetch'd and I actually could have seen this happening. Overall, I thought it was pretty good. Definitely not the best movie of 2009 (that title goes to Avatar or Shirlock Holmes), but still, and enjoyable show.
RE: Movie; 2012

Seriously. This will most likely end up like the Y2K virus. Everyone will get all edgy and crazy. Then the date rolls around and over and nothing happens.

Honestly, the Mayans could have been bored making a calendar (they started back in the early millennium [1000]), or they stopped because they got wiped out/conquered.

Ever think of that?