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"Pesadelo Prism" 2.0 (Mewtwo EX / Yveltal EX / Pyroar)


Konohagakure Shinobi
Hi all!
Thanks for viewing my thread, and I hope you'll be able to contribute something to this discussion :)
Okay, to start, this deck is heavily built off of the "Pesadelo Prism" deck, which was piloted by Igor Costa in 2012 and obtained the TCG World Champion status. If you are interested in seeing the original decklist, just type "Pesadelo Prism" into Google, and you can find it ( I can't link the one I found since it isn't from Pokebeach XD ). So, I had to edit the original list for several reasons, the first being that some of the cards have rotated out. Secondly, the Meta has changed. What was good back then, might not be good now. So, without further adieu, here it is!


  • x3 Mewtwo EX
    x2 Yveltal EX
    x3 Litleo
    x3 Pyroar
    x2 Yveltal
    x1 Terrakion
    TOTAL: 14

  • x4 Professor Juniper
    x4 N
    x3 Skyla
    x1 Colress
    x2 Lysandre
    x4 Hypnotoxic Laser
    x3 Ultra Ball
    x2 Pokemon Catcher
    x2 Switch
    x3 Muscle Band
    x2 Virbank
    x1 Scramble Switch

  • x4 Double Colorless
    x4 Rainbow
    x6 Darkness
    TOTAL: 14

Alright. So the strategy is pretty straightforward: attack with the Pokemon that can perform the best in the given scenario. If you are versing VirGen? Playing Pyroar would be the smartest move. Playing a Lando EX/ Lucario EX deck? Play Yveltal EX and Mewtwo EX to capitalize on Resistance and Weaknesses. Playing another Pyroar deck? Use your own Pyroar since the mirror is often the toughest for Pyroar, and possibly Lysandre/Catcher around a few. This deck can adapt to almost any given scenario, and that's what I really like about it. It seems to be able to set up reliably fast, and it can hit hard starting Turn 2. I usually try to start with a Yveltal (unless the scenario demands for something different), and I will try to get a Turn 2 Oblivion Wing for 50 (I almost always get the Muscle Band), attaching to a benched Pokemon, and if I did really well, they can even take 30 from LaserBank. This let's me get an easy Turn 3 Evil Ball/X-Ball if I need too.:

Well, that's about it. I'd like to hear what you think of the deck ( a rating of 1-10 would be cool, 1 being horrible and 10 being So Good you'd wanna play it at Nat's). I'm open to recommendations and ideas for the list. Thanks again!
RE: "Pesadelo Prism" 2.0

Hi thood,

Interesting deck. Consider to remove one Mewtwo Ex since 2-2 Yveltal Ex - Mewtwo Ex should be more than sufficient. Also do not see the reason behind Terrakion. Consider to loose him too. Add one Escape Rope and one Colress instead of the two cards that were removed. With the energies I would consider to run 5 Fire and 5 Darkness in addition to the four DCE. Also consider Computer Search instead of Scramble Switch since this deck might need a fast start. Hope this provides some initial assistance.
Incredible idea, pretty fresh for the metagame and could actualy work very well. I would take one Mewtwo Ex and add another Yveltal Ex, also I would take1 Skyla for a Colress (big benches are very common) and how about, since you're running Dark Energy, taking out 1 Switch for 1 Darkrai EX for that extra mobility? Not very keen on the Scramble Switch, but I do understand why are you running it.. I would run Dowsing Machine/Computer Search because of the consistency boost from one and the recycle power of the other. 2-2 Pyroar also seems enough since he will work as Garbodor works in the regular builds with Yveltal Ex, giving you 2 spaces which can be used for 2 Energy Switch or even 2 Yveltal XY for acceleration.

I can't give you a "note" since I did not test the deck, but I can tell you that I, in theory, think that this deck can actualy work, maybe havin gjust one problem in the form of consistency since there are only 3 Ultra Ball for searching and you need specific Pokemon for specific matchups.
I have no idea how this deck actually performs, so I'm just going to throw a 7 out there, because most decks that are made to counter the meta are pretty successful. Also I'm going to build this right now even though I'm too tired (drink a couple Cokes maybe?) because I love any decks that have a ton of different options. I'll probably make a few changes that I see fit and get back to you on how it does after my League on next Sunday.
Carpey said:
I have no idea how this deck actually performs, so I'm just going to throw a 7 out there, because most decks that are made to counter the meta are pretty successful. Also I'm going to build this right now even though I'm too tired (drink a couple Cokes maybe?) because I love any decks that have a ton of different options. I'll probably make a few changes that I see fit and get back to you on how it does after my League on next Sunday.

Cool! Thanks for the support dude, and everyone else!
Instead of terrakion, have you considered Shaymin Ex? The other thing that made his deck work was the old Shaymin which had the ability to allow you to rearrange your energies when played from hand. Don't think we have another card like that currently legal.
I would drop 1 Mewtwo. I also tend to feel Terrakion is no longer needed due to lack of useful Fighting weak Pokemon in this current meta unless you're using him to take advantage of Strong energy and such. Because of that I would change the 4 Rainbow to 4 Fire and possibly add 1 Seismitoad EX and 1 Yveltal (Non-EX) instead. with those changes, I give this deck a solid 9. As is, I give it a 7.5. Good luck!
I was thinking about this last night. I know lots of fighting types but have you consider Darkrai as well for freedom of movement and completely situational so if you battle fighting just don't drop it. I agree with ProfessorK too that Terrakion isn't needed. I also suggest a Professor's letter but not sure where you can fit it in right now. Nothing is more of a sure lost then a dead hand with no energies to attach.
pygohan said:
I was thinking about this last night. I know lots of fighting types but have you consider Darkrai as well for freedom of movement and completely situational so if you battle fighting just don't drop it. I agree with ProfessorK too that Terrakion isn't needed. I also suggest a Professor's letter but not sure where you can fit it in right now. Nothing is more of a sure lost then a dead handle with no energies to attach.

Yeah, I really am considering dropping Terrakion. He's really only used to get a surprise KO with Retaliate, plus I have the Secret Rare one, so I like to use it lol. I think that dropping Rainbow for Fire might not be a bad idea either, it's just bad if I need a dark energy and all I draw into are fire.... but that's the nature of these decks. They live and die by the draws.