Peta's request shop (Accepting requests + no more workers please)

choccy417 said:
Background colour:purple
Images you would like:(Needed otherwise ignored)Raichu X, Dusknoir X, Giratina X
Text: Dominators of the Format!!!
Specifications:(This will make it easier for the workers to know what you want it like) a black Hole background to look like the lost zone
Rating:(After wards)


Here it is.

Go to the direct link to copy the code.
Thanks muddy68
I guess I will start to get on with forzengallade's request
*Opens up fireworks*
Oh actually frozengallade I can't do your request
I just read through your request and I can't do animation sorry I thought it said in the midle not pop out of the banner
UserName: I'm not sure...
Banner size/rough estimate: average
Background image: a semi crowded beach
Images you would like: a togetic in upright position (like my avi) wearing sunglasses
Theme: beachy and tropical
Text: Cool dudes hang at the beach. ( tropical lettering )
Specifications: No other pokemon. humans = okay
Hey red blastois. Just some advice; Don't save your images as *JPEG*, save them as *PNG*. If you save them as *JPEG*, it messes up the image. Just thought I would point that out. =]
Anyone mind doing Mr.Metagross request?
Sorry frozengallade I can't do things that pop out of the banner either
BTW everyone I am not going to be at the shop for about a week (I am going away)
So requests are still welcome only I won't be able to do any
Mr. Metagross, your banner is done. Here is the link to my album. Copy and paste the IMG code. The name is Mr. Metagross.
Ok I am back
Ready for requests and thanks mudy68 and thanks Mr.Metagross for requesting