Pokemon Pets Named After Pokemon Characters

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One Furious Femme Fatale
Does anyone else have pets named after Pokemons? What kind of pet and what's the name?
...you're kidding, right?
My friend had a pet ferret named zapdos. But I'm not too obbsessed with pokemon too name my pet after a pokemon o_O!
When I was little I had a cat named Lt. Surge's Raichu.

usually hating of the disc,
rockinpikachu said:
My friend had a pet ferret named zapdos. But I'm not too obbsessed with pokemon too name my pet after a pokemon o_O!

Wow. I actually misread that your friend had a pet furret named zapdos. xP
PikachewTofu said:
But it would be like so much easier if you told me.

But it would be like so much easier if you Googled it. Here, http://www.lmgtfy.com/?q=lmao

Anyway, I had a friend way back in first grade who named his gerbil Bulbasaur. The thing bit my finger whenever he showed it to me.
I have a hairless rat named Giovanni. Because Giovanni wears so little clothes in all the Meowth fantasies.
Sometimes we nickname our cat "Skitty", because he, yes he, prances around the house and acts like Skitties would.
My sister (who doesn't like pokemon anymore :s) decided to call her female rabbit "Topaz" (which imo is a stupid name), but I think it would be a lot weirder if she called it "Buneary" or "Lopunny", especially as her rabbit is a Mini-Lop.
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