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Phantom Forces (Malamar EX / Seismitoad EX / Honchkrow / Spiritomb) Update


Aspiring Trainer

  • 4 Spiritomb (Phantom Forces)
    3 Malamar EX (Phantom Forces)
    3 Seismitoad EX (Furious Fists)
    4 Victini

  • 2 Muscle Band
    3 Lysandre
    3 Lysandre's Trump Card
    3 Vs. Seeker
    2 Pokemon Center Lady
    2 Professor Sycamore
    2 Colress
    3 Xerosic
    4 Enhanced Hammer
    2 Shadow Circle
    2 Jamming Net

  • 10 Darkness Energy
    4 Double Colorless Energy
    6 Fire Energy


The idea for this deck, is to make sure that my opponent sleeps everytime i use Malmar's ability, and to keep them sleeping as long as I can and also using it's attack to add damage to it and by using Seismitoad's Quaking Punch they won't be able to use item cards. Spiritomb is going to be used for having my opponent not evolving on their next turn.

Since my last edit, I have tweeked the deck and I added in Victini Victory Star, so that actually helps me not use Trick Coin, as it's ability does it as well as weakens Metal Decks. I also added in the stadium card Shadow Circle so that way I can protect my Malamar EX by not having a weakness towards Fighting decks such as Donphan decks which seem to be very popular right now.

Any advice would be most helpful or suggestion you may have to make it stronger would be most appreciated.
RE: Phantom Forces Malamar EX/Seismitoad EX/PF Honchkrow/PF Spiritomb

i am not sure if you need that much water energy since quaking punch is a 2 energy attack that can use any type or dce. seems to better to run more darkness. otherwise it is an interesting strategy for a deck. i had a similar thought at the prerealse event the other day.
RE: Phantom Forces (Malamar EX / Seismitoad EX / Honchkrow / Spiritomb)

The main problem I thought of (I did have a similar idea) is that Honckrow requires three energy which will take a while to set up, and the energy must then be placed on Malamar.
RE: Phantom Forces (Malamar EX / Seismitoad EX / Honchkrow / Spiritomb)

Malamar-EX is an overall better attacker than Honchkrow. You only need Honchkrow to bypass Safeguard and Pyroar, so a 2-2 line works much better. I agree on the whole 'Water Energy' thing. Seismitoad-EX should only be used here for Quaking Punch. Remove all the Water Energy and add a bit more Dark Energy. 4 Spiritomb is a bit excessive. 2 or 3 is probably a better number. While Trick Coin and Muscle Band are both good, only run 1 or the other. I personally recommend using more Muscle Bands and using Fliptini instead for re-flipping. Since you already run VS Seeker in this deck, 3 Lysandre is WAY too much. 1-2 is just about right.
RE: Phantom Forces (Malamar EX / Seismitoad EX / Honchkrow / Spiritomb)

Thank you all for your advice, I'm going to rebuild the deck; and see how it plays... Thank you all very much, really apperciate it!