DPPt/HGSS Phazons's Trade Facility

RE: ssb4ever's Trade Facility Home to a Tri-Perfect Yanma

ok, so is that it? or do you want to wait so i can train it? Your call.
RE: ssb4ever's Trade Facility Home to a Tri-Perfect Yanma

Ok, take your time, i have one now, but it's not as good as the one i want... it's a Makeshift one/
RE: ssb4ever's Trade Facility Home to a Tri-Perfect Yanma

Okey dokey. I am getting me a salamence before this one though.
RE: Phazons's Trade Facility Home [ssb4ever's Facility]

Phazon: I have a dugtrio Its not great but i will see if you like it, Ivs:15/31/31/29/1/24 Hp Atk Def Speed Sp.Atk Sp.Def is the order...And its ev trained im not sure of the ev spread but the full stats are 195/259/136/96/169/370

If you like it i would want

Nature: Relaxed (+Def, -Spe)
IVs: 31/31/31/25/30/17
EVs: 238 HP/100 Def/172 SpA (Could be Wrong)
-Rapid Spin
-Ice Beam
RE: Phazons's Trade Facility Home [ssb4ever's Facility]

Sorry MichaelRocks2, i have someone breeding one for me, any other pokemon i may be intrested in?
RE: Phazons's Trade Facility Home [ssb4ever's Facility]

No not really since your looking for Ived pokes i dont really have anymore
RE: Phazons's Trade Facility [New Name, Same Person]


Long anticipated update, whole thread revised.
RE: Phazons's Trade Facility [New Name, Same Person]

Do you know the exact IVs and EVs of the EV trained Pokemon you have listed?
This Facility is split up in to sections listed below
1)EV Trained Pokemon
2)Good IV

4)Unknown Background Pokemon
7)Items I Have
8)Items I Want

The first two are messed up, the good IV Pokemon are first and I don't know where the EV'd Pokemon are
I have EV-Trained Adamant Breloom 31 IVs Attack and Speed, EV-Trained Naive Infernape 31 IVs Attack, Sp.Attack and Speed and a EV-Trained Adamant Weavile with 31 IVs Attack, Sp.Attack, Defense and Speed.

I want Yanma, Tyranitar and Shiny Gastly. Is it ok?
Shadowblade2 said:
This Facility is split up in to sections listed below
1)EV Trained Pokemon
2)Good IV

4)Unknown Background Pokemon
7)Items I Have
8)Items I Want

The first two are messed up, the good IV Pokemon are first and I don't know where the EV'd Pokemon are

>_> i knew i was forgetting to do something, oops my bad :D

Icy said:
I have EV-Trained Adamant Breloom 31 IVs Attack and Speed, EV-Trained Naive Infernape 31 IVs Attack, Sp.Attack and Speed and a EV-Trained Adamant Weavile with 31 IVs Attack, Sp.Attack, Defense and Speed.

I want Yanma, Tyranitar and Shiny Gastly. Is it ok?

Could you post the whole sets:


Dszet97 said:
please cml for the first riolu in your list

What are the IVs and nature on:
Salamance, Ninjask, and Shiny Pory-Z.