Philippines discusion... about TCG, tournaments, trading... anime... anything! Pinoy!

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OMG im HALF flip lol
anyone else speak tagalog ???
i dont know much.
This girl im talking to Teaches me stuff lol like Mihal Kita ( i love you ) lol
hi.. yea.. i can speak fil.. I live here.. in the philippines.. how come you dont know much on how to speak filipino?
no league yet lol, but galleria is more accessible to me :D

oh i speak tagalog :eek: not very well though....

EDIT: oh yeah I'm looking from some DP empoleons too ;) thanks guys.
Guys, try not to speak Filipino on the forums, mods wouldn't know whether what you're saying is vulgar or not. Also, a private Filipino TCG forum eh? Why not try mine?:p
Hi everybody. I'm the kid with the mag. Does anyone have leafeon lv.x for trade?[/size][/color][/font]
Hi everybody. I'm the kid with the mag. Does anyone have leafeon lv.x for trade?
i have a leafeon lx... but not 4 trade
its in my deck
but its up for rent... if any of you will go to the worlds or anything
RE: Philippines discusion... about TCG, tournaments, trading... anime... anything! Pi

juz chekn
invite more people!!
Hullo, I just want to inform you that there's also another Filipino Pokemon site... http://p k m (just remove the spaces)
We're already expanding and we hope that you'd like to join. :D
Guys, try not to give us a bad reputation. lee_sonny, try to edit your posts rather than adding more. As for me, I'll try to avoid mini-modding next time. l_l
hey WAZZUP GUYS!! The League yesterday was great! I would've gotten 1st only if there were no G&G Decks!!!

I got 5th instead.. Huhu... :(

there were two G&G's...Which I lost to...

and I only won against the nidoking and queen deck and a hipowdon.. both 2-0... stupid G&G 0-1...

canceling my power ability...:(
i'm an ATC'er also, w8, was the leauge your talking about is the july 27th???
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