Phione in DP4

Water Pokémon Master

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If this thread has already existed, I don't care. :p

How do you guys think Phione will be handled in DP4? You get Phione from breeding Manaphy in D/P, but Phione does not evolve into Manaphy. This, however, may be the case because the game developer's don't want people to get Manaphy through this way. In the anime, which I believe takes a more realistic approach to the Pokemon world, some legendaries can have babies, even though in the game they cannot. So I think that Phione can, if Pokemon were real, evolve into Manaphy. The game developer's just don't want you to get it.

Anyways, there are two Phione in DP4 - one with 60 HP, and the other with 80. Why such a difference? Could one be a baby Phione that evolves into Manaphy, and the other a Basic Phione that does not evolve into Manaphy? Manaphy doesn't evolve from Phione in the TCG, but maybe they will have something special for one of them? What do you guys think?
I have not been looking too much into the spoilers but one with 60 and then one with 80 HP indicates that one would evolve into Manaphy I would think.
If it can't evolve into Manaphy in the game, it wouldn't make sense for that to happen in the TCG. I think the 60HP one will have more HP/stronger attacks/something similar if Manaphy is in play, or maybe help Manaphy instead. The 80HP Phione would make me think it will be a stand alone card.
Just have to wait and see...
Perhaps Phione will have a special ability in which you can place Manaphy on top of Phione. Not Baby Evolution, but something else.
Maybe it'll be something similar to Ninjask from DR, It could get a Shedinja into play when it was played, but Shedinja could come into play the normal way without the help of Ninjask. I'm pretty sure it will be poké-power related in some way. They could of course completely ignore the games, and give Phione a Baby Evolution-like power, or just don't make them related in any way (or at least not directly, it could be something like Plusle and Minum).

They probably won't bring out some special Manaphy just for the Phione, unless they want to make it different from the so many other that have been released so far (again comparing with Ninjask DR and other Ninjask), but the fact there are 2 Phione kinda makes me think otherwise, they'd have to give both the same Manaphy-related power.

So, they'll probably both have a manphy-related attack/power, but won't be connected to it otherwise, the fact that manaphy DP has CFF might mean that one of the 2 has an attack that does more damage based on the number of Manaphy in play, or has something to assist Manaphy somehow.
Maybe you can only have 4 of both Manaphy and Phione in your deck. Or maybe they will do something like the Lv.X's.
maybe they'll have special berry on hthem that can allow them to evolve into manaphy.

IMO they wont be that awesome though.

The Phione with 80 HP is actually Weavile. It was incorrectly translated.

So, only one Phione.

But still - how will they handle it? Big Basic Pokemon? :D
Only one? Fine. The 60 HP one? Fine. I stand by my original idea of it helping Manphy or being helped by Manaphy (possibly both).