• Please read THIS THREAD if you are a new trader/seller.

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Very nice trade!! You can trust this guy, he gives you alot. Quick and very well protected. I don´t really know how to give an unique reputation-thing, but if I can do it here, I do it now. Thanks for the trade, man! ++++++++++++++
NEGATIVE Reference -1 (I was told by Shining Raikou himself that I may leave a negative reference because of what Pikachewtofu did)

I will try to both condense this as much as possible yet also explain Exactly what she did.

We posted back and forth in her thread and I made an offer in PM..excluding one of the cards we talked about because I didn't really want to trade it..she then confirmed with her address and I gave mine..She then noticed (after we had exchanged addresses) that the one card was excluded and asked me to add it in for Free since it was "only worth 5 dollars". I said no, as the deal we Both agreed upon did not involve that card and as I previously stated I preferred Not to trade it. She then said she was backing out of the trade, in which I first told her what the consequences of backing out are (neg ref, mod involvement, people probably not wanting to trade etc). She then seemed to slightly reconsider and offered to put in some cards for the ancient mew card that was excluded from the trade. She also looked at my thread in the process and found More cards she wanted so I re-negotiated a deal that involved All of her wants for obviously some more cards on her end to make up the difference. We exchanged addresses for the Second time..and about 1-2 pms after she told me she was Once Again deciding to back out from the Second Deal. I was a little upset by this point as each trade/negotiation had taken a week+ already (meaning over 2 weeks at this point for the original trade). In one of the pms she sent to me she LIED, claiming I had never sent my address to her in the first place and "because of that this pm is now invalid", when she knew FULL WELL that we had exchanged and was just trying to find an Excuse to back out. I also started getting Dmaster involved as I wanted her to agree to Either of the trades or just take a negative and move on..he said to just act like the trade never happened, but I figured I'd at least give one more shot at trading. She told me she had traded practically all of the cards in the second deal away since she "needed other cards more" and acted like it didn't matter that we had exchanged for the Second time. Even so we worked out a deal for a massively dumbed down trade, my Rhyperior x her garchomp md x. We exchanged addresses for that trade and afterward I told her she would be getting the Tin rhyperior x, as she never asked, cared, or specified, never even saying the word "pack" or "tin" in Any of our pms about the rhyperior. When she found out she would be getting a tin rhyperior x she backed out, for the Third time. If at Any point, she would have asked or Anything of the sort I would have told her I had both and let her choose which version, if people don't ask I assume they don't care (as some people Actually do not care). At this point I contacted Dmaster again and he told me Pikachutofu told him that we had worked something out..which was Also a lie. I talked to former mod Mewjadester on the pokebeach skype tcg league and told him what happened, and he suggested I contact Shining Raikou himself to sort it out. I contacted SR via facebook and told him the truth about what happened. (because they were only hearing Her side of it) There was still the issue of who was at fault, so I volunteered to let a mod I trusted on my account so he could look in my inbox and sent box to prove that I did not alter any pms. Shakespeare sent them all and then they looked them over and agreed in my favor, however that I may just negative reference her.

Overall trying to trade with her is a huge hassle, as explained above she backed out THREE TIMES over the span of a month of negotiations. I would recommend not trading with her EVER and that if she does back out just go straight to Shining Raikou, also I would suggest making her send first because of this negative, but that is your decision if you decide to trade with her.
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