"Pikachu! Aim for the horn!".

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Aspiring Trainer
i was going through the bulbapedia and then i found this on the trivia

Pikachu's triumph over Blaine's Rhydon in this episode has spawned the popular Pokémon internet meme, "Pikachu! Aim for the horn!". The phrase is also deliberately misquoted.

can anyone explain why??
rhydon is part ground plus in that episode ninetails uses fire spin but then in the next episode they said it used ember. but yah that quote is wrong. i don't know what you are asking axactly.
^ If it was misquoted, it probably means in the recap you heard "Pikachu! Aim for the horn!" when something else was said in the episode.
sorry...i thought so my question couldn't be understand...

actually i wanna know why it became a popular internet meme
MetalFire said:
sorry...I thought so my question couldn't be understand...

You might want to reread your posts before you post them if people have a hard time understanding what you are saying.

In the episode, Ash just sees the horn and says, "Pikachu, the horn!" I'm not sure why it's misquoted. It probably became famous for the same reasons as "Do a barrel roll!" or "It's over 9000!" Internet memes don't have to make sense.
QWERTYkid911, please don't post in threads that haven't had new posts for two weeks or more. Thank you.

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